How to gain weight to thin people?

If you have a normal, and even more so complete physique, it is difficult for you to understand thin people in their desire to gain weight, and for many this is not just a recurring desire, but a real dream. And you would know how hateful thin women hear these words that are bored with their teeth: "I would have your problems!" But this is not a problem when a thing that has attracted attention in a store hangs out on you, like on a hanger, when you are embarrassed to walk along the beach or visit the pool? How does a guy catch the skeptical looks of girls who want to see a courageous companion next to them, and not a slender “nerd”? What is it like for a young woman to hear afterwards: “Skin and bones, in a bed it’s not too long to get hurt”, or to listen in a consultation to warnings that it is difficult for asthenics to bear a full-fledged child? The Tolstoys think that hell is their life, but in fact their cauldrons boil at neighboring bonfires.

Everyone knows that diet and exercise helps fat people to gain weight , but how to gain weight while lean? Yes, in general, almost the same. A well-thought-out diet and regular exercise are the main tools for sculpting a beautiful body from any source material.

But first, you still need to exclude problems with weight as a result of any disease. After all, thinness, as well as fullness, can be painful. So do not hesitate to consult a doctor with a complaint: "I can’t gain weight." Let them check you for diseases of the digestive system, diabetes, tuberculosis, oncology - and suddenly! After all, it is possible that your constitution is not a family curse, but a symptom. But, even if the examination does not reveal anything, this is certainly not a reason for the disorder, but just the opposite.

So, how to gain weight to thin people, if their accelerated metabolism is not associated with any disease? It is necessary to stimulate the growth of muscle mass, and the first way this can be achieved is proper nutrition. Here, the thin people still have an advantage over the full ones - you will not have to deny yourself anything. You do not need to eat less, you do not need to exclude anything from the diet, you just need to balance it and lean on high-calorie foods. But there’s little use for “naked” arithmetic - for foods rich in calories only, you’re more likely to swim in fat than to really get better. We need a food that maintains a balance between calories and nutrients. Healthy food is lean, protein-rich meat (poultry, fish), cereals and legumes, vegetables and fruits, and dairy products. Macaroni, potatoes, cheese, nuts - all this you can afford even for dinner, as well as cake or delicious buns. See only that, because of such a diet, you do not quarrel with vigilant household members.

Another effective way that is recommended to those who are wondering how to gain weight thin is weightlifting. Especially in combination with proper nutrition. Weight lifting is best done no more than three times a week - the muscles need to be given a break. And the trick is that during each trip to the gym they get the maximum load, that is, they will have to bring themselves to exhaustion. But - wisely, so as not to be injured. Just choose the right weight, so that for each approach you can beat it 6-8 times. Normal physical education also helps, especially gymnastics in the air, which also stimulates appetite.

You can also resort to anabolics, accelerating the absorption of substances that go to the construction of tissues. What drugs help to gain weight? If you resorted to physical activity, cobamamide and carnitine contribute to an increase in muscle mass. A drug such as potassium orotate normalizes protein metabolism and accelerates recovery processes. Methyluracil acts in a similar way.

Now you know how to gain weight by leaning and “fashioning” yourself, if not Apollo, then a perfectly harmonious person. Of course, in reality all this does not look so simple, but the result is worth the effort!

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