"What is mental strength?". Composition for home

When a person is provided with everything, has no life problems, it is difficult to judge the presence or absence of his mental strength. If, for example, a pupil or student does not need to work, because he has rich parents who fulfill every whim, if he has a lot of time to have fun, then in this case the scope for evaluating his spiritual strength is small. Such examples — whether they are good or bad — cannot demonstrate what spiritual strength is. The student’s composition should contain samples that clearly show the possibility of persistence in humans. These may be situations when suddenly it is necessary to make a choice, make a decision, on which the fate of the person and the people around him will depend.

what is mental strength composition

"What is mental strength" - a composition-reasoning containing facts from biographies of people

An example is the difficulties that relate to one of the important areas of life - health, achieving important goals, relationships with others. People who are passionately passionate about any activity know firsthand what spiritual forces are. An essay may contain facts from biographies of great athletes, artists, writers.

what is mental strength essay reasoning
The well-known inventor, without whom we would not know what a light bulb looks like, said: a genius consists of talent only one percent, the remaining 99 are persistence in achieving a goal, work. When he created the light bulb, he tried about six thousand types of various plants that would be suitable as a material for the coal filament in it. The inventor's name was Thomas Edison.

Undoubtedly, the spiritual strength of a person is expressed in perseverance. In general, this quality helps to achieve those goals that are delayed in time, to prefer daily and systematic efforts to short-term temptations. To write the essay "What is mental strength?", You can consider the facts from the biographies of great people and the characters of literary characters. They will serve as good examples showing the unbending will of man.

write an essay what is mental strength

Tenacity and unbending character

When a person thinks: everything that is important to him is lost and destroyed, and he himself is a loser, then we can say what mental strength is. Composition-reasoning should contain an indication of difficulties and trials as those conditions without which it is impossible to judge the presence or absence of mental strength. Here, the measure of his perseverance, willpower, which will allow him to deal with difficulties, as if going against the wind, will be visible.

Ordinary people can also be models of manifestation of mental strength.

But not only great people who performed various deeds can serve as an example of what spiritual forces are. Composition, reasoning can also be supplemented by a description of completely ordinary people. Let it be an example of a mother with many children, who is raising her children alone. If she does not have a moral core, she will leave herself and children without a livelihood.

But what if she has these mental powers, but they are scarce? Then the difference between what she can do for herself and her family, ceteris paribus, will be very large. For example, children will be well-fed, but completely rude. The same parallel can be drawn between the student and his performance: with an insufficient level of perseverance, he can study in triples and fours where he could easily bring home good grades. Domestic examples, in particular, can decorate the compressed essays “What is mental strength”.

concise works of what is mental strength

Sickness and fortitude

The attitude of seriously ill people to their illness also serves as an illustration of perseverance. Different people, even in this case, can show completely different behavior. A weak person, who in such a usual way showed himself in this way, will be indignant at his fate, God, the state - in general, he will always find the guilty person.

A person who is strong in spirit will accept disease and even death with dignity. At the same time, he will think more about his relatives and relatives than about himself.

So, paying attention to the various situations in which a person may be, we can conclude that what is mental strength. The student’s composition may include his own thoughts. And also it may contain an additional conclusion: loss is often a condition and a measure of perseverance, mental strength. Loss can mean health problems, worsening financial situation, and parting with a friend.

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