Anaerobic regimen: description, exercises and recommendations

In order to increase the resistance of the human body to the negative effects of the external environment, constant training is necessary. Exercise and sports loads improve the overall functional state and physiological status of the body.

Physical exercise

anaerobic load for infection

Improving physical education is based on aerobic (cardio) loads - from restorative to developing. Moderate or low-intensity exercise allows you to use the cardiovascular system in the safest, most sparing mode. The heart muscle will gain strength, but not lose elasticity.

Athletic gymnastics takes place in anaerobic mode with the help of short-term strength training in the stress state of the body. The latter generally make him stronger. But to stimulate metabolic processes, they combine aerobic and anaerobic modes of exercise, which best affects the biological functioning of the human body.

anaerobic regimen


Three types of processes are distinguished:

  • mixed aerobic / anaerobic;
  • oxygen aerobic;
  • oxygen-free glycolytic anaerobic regimen.

These terms mean those or other processes of chemical reactions - the human body chooses which ones to use its own resources for certain loads. In a long aerobic regime, the body receives energy due to the consumption of oxygen (a chemical oxidation reaction) and glycogen. With a critical decrease in the reserves of this complex polysaccharide, fat consumption begins.

aerobic regimen

Short-term anaerobic training

In the short-term anaerobic training regimen, oxygen does not participate and oxidative chemical reactions do not occur. ATP (adenosine triphosphoric acid) and excess glycogen, deposited by the body in the muscles and liver, are consumed. ATP resynthesis provides the first few seconds of the skeletal muscle substance creatine in the form of creatine phosphate, that is, in that period of time when other energy sources are not yet activated. As a result of chemical reactions, lactates (lactic acid) are formed, acidifying the body, clogging muscle fibers and complicating training.

anaerobic running

Features of various loads

The difference and combination of aerobic and anaerobic loads can be explained by a description of the functional state of the body during physical actions. At the initial stage of the process, within the first 10-15 seconds, glucose is consumed from the muscles without oxygen. This is an anaerobic regimen. Then the process of consuming carbohydrates without oxygen becomes impossible. This second stage is called aerobic.

During aerobic exercises, a diverse mass of muscles is involved in the work in order to increase the supply of oxygen and accelerate its movement throughout the body. During anaerobic training, specific muscle groups are loaded, the performance of which needs to be increased. Practically in sports, small periods of maximum load (up to 1 minute) alternate with a five-minute rest.

Sports disciplines, such as cycling, jogging, swimming, skiing, are those exercises in which oxygen debt (lack) to the body is not formed. The aerobic regimen provides that the inhaled air is sufficient to replenish the oxygen consumed. Anaerobic regimen refers to archery, weightlifting, football and other game types of competitions, team or individual. Locomotor activity in sports with this regimen occurs when there is a shortage of inhaled air, so the body has to get oxygen from other reserves. In the competitive process, there is always a combination of aerobic and anaerobic loads. Martial arts such as fencing, wrestling, boxing absolutely cannot do without combining training modes.

Running exercises

anaerobic exercise

When performing training in any sport, running aerobic exercises are provided. Jogging is used even in the classroom of swimmers. As a result, additional nutrition of the cells occurs, the physical form improves, and general endurance training takes place. For maximum effectiveness of the planned results, it is necessary to use a slow pace of running in order to minimize the increase in heart rate. Sports activities help to develop and improve the capabilities of the cardiovascular system. After all, the heart rate is one of the most important indicators of the functioning of the organs of the body.

Heart rate

Determine the pulse at rest manually (within 30-60 seconds) when counting blood shocks on a vein on the outside of the neck or inside the wrist. Also used for this purpose are heart rate monitors, special applications for telephones, electronic blood pressure monitors. The best guideline for the state of the cardiovascular system is morning measurements. The stronger the heart, the lower the readings in its calm state. Experienced long-distance runners have a resting heart whose heart beats at 40 or less beats per minute. Marathon runners with the help of aerobic training regimes develop enormous endurance, but with increasing loads and increasing running speed, the aerobic mode becomes anaerobic.

Faster Run

The accelerated anaerobic running mode is characteristic for middle distance runners and sprinters. During the passage of the segment, the athlete cannot breathe comfortably, the body’s resources are significantly consumed, muscle fatigue occurs, and oxygen demand increases. The combination of aerobic and anaerobic modes of running helps in achieving significant results.

The loads during anaerobic training allow the athlete to prove his endurance and willpower, ability to overcome maximum stress for a long time. It all depends on the level of training. Combining aerobic and anaerobic loads during exercise, you can achieve both weight gain and weight loss.

aerobic and anaerobic running

Tips for beginners and contraindications

Beginners who are striving to improve their body and have just begun their journey in mass sport or in individual classes in fitness rooms cannot immediately decide on the correct training regimes and the state of their health in which certain exercises are possible. Anaerobic exercise is contraindicated in cases of upper respiratory tract infection, severe heart diseases, exacerbations of bronchial asthma or any other diseases, and mental disorders.


Fans of a healthy lifestyle to maintain a perfect shape before starting fitness workouts perform a 10-15-minute warm-up from cardio exercises. Moderate running is believed to be most effective for this purpose. But for some people with increased body weight, with arthritis or varicose veins, diseases of the cardiovascular system, even such an exercise is contraindicated.

differences between aerobic and anaerobic loads

It will be more efficient to use an orbit track that combines a treadmill, a stepper and an exercise bike, and imitates sports or skiing, rowing. In addition, cycling and swimming are preferable to jogging in preparation for fitness.

Thanks to such a charge of the body with oxygen, the forthcoming loads will not be too heavy. For classes, the goal of which is weight loss, not the type of preparatory exercises, but the achieved heart rate is very important. The ideal option for weight loss is the separation of cardio training and strength training on different training days.

Most trained athletes, when losing weight, perform cardio exercises after an anaerobic training regimen. But novice visitors to fitness clubs will not have energy left for aerobic exercise after intense exercise with loads. The desired result is not achieved, but in addition, a decrease in muscle mass along with fat is possible.

aerobic and anaerobic loads

Therefore, when compiling sports programs, the help of professional trainers is needed. Before starting any sporting activities, consultations with doctors are required.

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