Obtaining documents at authorities always takes a large amount of time, and all this is accompanied by various difficulties. There are times when due to employment people do not have time to do these things. Therefore, it is easier to shift this occupation to another person by issuing a power of attorney to receive documents.
The legislation of your country does not provide a single template for the preparation of this agreement, but there are some mandatory points that must be entered. It indicates the information about the principal and the data of the person for whom the power of attorney to receive documents is drawn up.
The passport data of the principal and attorney, the list of documents to be received, the date, place of preparation and validity period are entered without fail. These requirements are provided for by the Civil Code. Their non-observance entails the recognition of this paper as invalid.
You can issue a power of attorney to receive one document or draw up a general one. For example, if you are going to entrust the receipt of securities necessary for the sale of an apartment, then it makes no sense to write down the whole large list of references, permits and certificates that should be obtained at various institutions. In this case, you can specify the most basic and attribute the words "and others."
It is not necessary to run for help in drafting to lawyers or to a notary, as it is also possible to draw up a power of attorney to receive documents independently. A sample can be found among the numerous information on this subject on the Internet. But it should be remembered that the document will be considered invalid if at least one obligatory clause is not entered, or is entered incorrectly.
Nevertheless, in some cases, a
notarized power of attorney for obtaining documents is necessary and it justifies the costs. It will guarantee that due to errors the document will not be declared invalid, and you can easily prove the legality of the issue.
It is more difficult to draw up a power of attorney to receive documents abroad, since there it is slightly different. Many citizens of our country have property abroad and in order to prove their rights or conduct any real estate transactions, the necessary papers should be obtained. And this can only be done in foreign government agencies.
In most cases, the owner for some reason and difficulty does not have the opportunity to travel abroad. This may be a lack of a passport, health problems, or an elementary lack of free time. Therefore, it is necessary to draw up a power of attorney to receive documents so that it is considered valid at the authorities of a foreign state. In this case, one should not be guided by the requirements for compiling a similar document of our country. It is best to search for relevant information on the Internet or seek the help of foreign lawyers. Thus, you can easily solve your problems without leaving the country.