Aloe for face at home: recipes, methods of use, reviews

In almost every house on the windowsill you can find such an unpretentious plant as aloe. But few know about the beneficial properties of the agave, due to which it is called a "healing plant." In addition to bactericidal, wound healing, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects, this plant has a “powerful” cosmetic effect.

aloe for face at home

Useful properties of aloe for face skin

Aloe juice has an excellent calming effect. It softens and smoothes the skin. People whose skin is prone to irritation, dryness, redness, are advised to use aloe for the face. At home, cosmetics are prepared that relieve irritation, remove red spots and reduce itching.

The agave juice contains a large vitamin and mineral reserve: silicon and copper, fluorine, vitamins A, B, C, E, iron and iodine, zinc. In the juice there are such beneficial substances as lignins. They are able to penetrate deeply into the skin and have a beneficial effect on it directly from the inside. In addition, they contribute to the renewal of the skin, activate the healing process and cell regeneration. Even age spots with a properly selected product based on aloe juice can be removed in a few weeks.

aloe healing properties recipes

Indications and contraindications

Aloe is one of the few medicinal plants that have a minimal set of contraindications for use. It is undesirable to use the agave in the “critical” moments that occur in women every month. Aloe is also not recommended for pregnant women, nursing mothers and people suffering from cardiovascular diseases.

Cases of individual intolerance or allergies are very rare. But if you have any slight doubts, then do not use fresh aloe for your face. Test it on your skin. Let it soak. If no irritation, itching or redness has appeared, then it can be safely applied to the skin of the face.

Now about the testimony. Aloe for facial skin can be used by women suffering from problems such as acne and rashes, redness and chapping, peeling and oily sheen. Aloe is a universal assistant. It nourishes and moisturizes dry skin, oily skin will help to dry a little, and wilting will relieve a grid of small unpleasant wrinkles.

By the way, aloe for the face at home can also be used to eliminate the effects of negative factors. This may be the effect of a tanning bed, direct sunlight, the effect of using bad, low-quality cosmetics. Aloe will help fight with a dull complexion.

aloe for face skin

Proper preparation of aloe juice

As you know, it is aloe juice that has healing and cosmetic properties . However, in order to get the juice, you should properly prepare aloe leaves (for the face). At home, it should be noted, this is done much more thoroughly than in production. Therefore, homemade cosmetics with aloe juice are more effective and safer than store ones.

Experts advise choosing leaves that grow on an adult plant. Aloe must be more than three years old. It is recommended to abandon watering the plant for a couple of days. After that, the largest, fleshy and juiciest-looking leaves are selected. They need to be washed and dried. Squeezing the juice immediately is not recommended. Beauticians advise keeping the leaves in the fridge for a while. Thus, the juice will be more viscous and saturated.

After resting in the refrigerator, you can chop the leaves and squeeze the juice through cheesecloth. It is important that the healing properties of aloe are preserved only for 2-3 days. Then a new spin sheet should be prepared.

wrinkle aloe masks

Refresh and tone

If the face is in good condition, it just does not have enough tone, then a facial mask made of aloe and honey will help you. For cooking, you need two tbsp. tablespoons of warmed liquid honey and one teaspoonful of aloe juice. The mixture is applied to the face and stays there for ten minutes.

If your face does not have enough freshness, if it is tired for a day and requires immediate attention, then we recommend preparing an egg mask with aloe. To prepare such a mixture, you should take: 1 egg yolk, 1 teaspoon of aloe juice and a little fat sour cream. The mixture is applied to the entire face. You can affect the neck and decollete. Hold the mask for 25-35 minutes. Rinse it off with warm water, then rinse it with cold.

A mask of aloe juice and avocado also has a refreshing and tonic effect. Mix one tablespoon of aloe juice with mashed avocado and apply on face. Keep this mask should be about 15 minutes. Aloe for the skin in this case will act as a moisturizer. It will saturate dry skin, but in this case it is recommended to add a couple of drops of olive oil to the mask. By the way, many other fruit masks (apricot, pineapple, etc.) will have the same effect.

Aloe for problem skin

Too many women and girls suffer from rashes or excessive oily skin. Aloe will also help here. The healing properties, recipes are very diverse. But one of the most effective is a mask with aloe and lemon juice. The ingredients should be mixed in equal proportions and applied to the skin for 20 minutes, then rinse with cool water. After such a mask, the pores are significantly narrowed, an unpleasant oily sheen is removed. The skin becomes drier, but at the same time nourished and moisturized.

If more “formidable artillery” is required in order to deal with acne, inflammation, blackheads and enlarged pores, we recommend preparing a mask of aloe and radish. Rub the vegetable on a fine grater. Add equal amounts of sage broth and aloe juice. Hold on face for about twenty minutes and rinse with cold water.

aloe leaves for the face at home

Aloe lotion

Ideal helpers for women with oily prone skin are alcohol tinctures. Aloe lotion for the face helps to narrow the pores, reduce oily sheen. For cooking, two parts of medical alcohol and one part of aloe pulp juice are used. Mixed ingredients are cleaned in a dark place for a week.

It is important to remember that alcohol is a rather aggressive substance. Therefore, it is not recommended to use such alcohol tinctures and lotions for girls whose skin is not prone to oily.

Aloe gel

Many women prefer creams to various cosmetic products in the form of a gel. If you do not trust the production of makeup products on an industrial scale, then you can always make aloe gel for the face at home. It is important to remember that home gel is stored an order of magnitude smaller than the store gel. But you can be sure of its natural and safe composition, because you will make it with your own hands.

For preparation you will need: four large meaty leaves of aloe, vitamin E (sold in a pharmacy in ampoules or bottles of 5 mg each), a clean mixing bowl, a jar for storing gel and a home mixer for chopping leaves.

So, we prepare face gel with aloe. The healing properties, recipes are described on the Web in full, but sometimes the latter are quite laborious. We have chosen one of the quick and easy cooking methods. You do not need to wash and dry aloe leaves in this recipe. Just wipe them off the dust and put them into a grinding bowl. After obtaining a homogeneous green mass, two drops of vitamin E should be added to it. It will act here to act not only as a useful agent, but also as a preservative that allows the gel to last longer.

The gel from aloe leaves is quite concentrated, so you should use it for the face only in diluted form. Such a homemade gel perfectly replaces purchased options. You need to store it in the refrigerator. Shelf life is one month.

aloe juice for face reviews

Aromatic face masks with aloe

It is known that natural essential oils have a beneficial effect on the skin. But to use them as an independent tool in its pure form is impossible. Aromatic oils need to be added a few drops to a cream or lotion.

Preparing a cream with aromatic oils and aloe for the face at home is very quick and easy. This will require aloe juice and essential oils of ylang-ylang, rose and lemon. Add one drop of each oil to aloe juice and apply to the face for several minutes.

Such a mask will perfectly refresh the skin, tone it, rid of the network of fine wrinkles. In addition, such masks are perfect for adolescents whose problem skin needs gentle cleansing and moisturizing.

Masks for mature skin

Wrinkles are an eternal problem of women of Balzac age and older. Aloe Wrinkle Facial Masks help very efficiently and quickly. In addition, with constant use, the effect will persist for a long time. And the naturalness of the components that make up the masks and creams with aloe does not make you nervous.

Fine wrinkle mask

One tablespoon of pulp or aloe juice is mixed with a spoon of sour cream. Before applying the product on the face, the skin should be cleaned. Keep the mixture recommended for no more than fifteen minutes. Wash off with warm water.

Mask for sagging skin

Any of your cream (1 tsp.) Is mixed with aloe juice (1 tsp.). Stir thoroughly, add 1 tsp. olive oil. Before applying this mask to the face, it must be thoroughly steamed with a hot towel. The mask must be applied along the massage lines, can be applied to the neck and décolleté. After 15 minutes of finding the product on the face, remove it with a cotton pad. Rinse off the mask is not necessary.

Mustard Wrinkle Mask

You have already learned the benefits of aloe for your face. But you still do not know that its anti-aging properties will increase by a hundred times if you add “heating” components to it. Substances such as tincture of red pepper or mustard powder stimulate the skin, warm it and help aloe juice penetrate faster and better affect problem areas.

Try making a mustard wrinkle mask at home. To do this, mix 1 tbsp. a spoonful of aloe juice with two pinches of mustard powder. After mixing, add 1 teaspoon of butter (pre-melted) and 3-5 tablespoons of St. John's wort broth (packaged herbs are best not to use).

This mixture, as we have said, has a “hot" effect, so it is recommended to keep the mask on your face for no more than three minutes. After which it is easily removed by washing with cool water. Using this mask is recommended once a week.

Neckline lifting mask

So, you already know how to use aloe for your face, but we have not talked about such problem areas as the neckline and neck. We make up for lost time. We offer you to prepare a mask for the neckline and neck, which has a rejuvenating, firming and moisturizing effect.

Required: fat sour cream or fat cream (1 tbsp. Spoon), 2 tbsp. tablespoons aloe juice. You can add a couple of spoons of softened honey to the mixture. Remember that honey is a fairly strong allergen. If you have reactions to it, then it is better to exclude it from this mask.

The mixture is applied to the problem area (neck, décolleté) for 15 minutes. It is washed off easily with warm water.

Aloe cosmetic ice

In skin care, you can use not only masks, gels and lotions based on the agave, but also frozen aloe juice for the face. Reviews on cosmetic ice are extremely positive. It perfectly tones the skin, tightens it, saturates it with nutrients during washing.

The basis for the preparation of ice is decoctions of medicinal plants. If your skin is prone to oiliness, then it is better to take a decoction of oak bark or calendula. If the skin is dry, linden, raspberry, rose are perfect. Add a couple teaspoons of aloe juice to the prepared medicinal broth. Pour into specially prepared pre-shaped tins and place in the freezer.

Beauticians advise every morning to use cosmetic ice while washing. Due to the fact that it is cold, the skin wakes up faster and becomes elastic. And the herbal extracts and aloe juice in the composition of such ice will nourish the skin, saturate with vitamins, tighten and smooth.

how to use aloe for face

Aloe for weathered lips

Many people suffer from such an unpleasant addiction as biting their lips during stress or licking them on the street during cold windy weather. There is no benefit from such a habit, and getting rid of it is sometimes quite difficult.

Here comes the juice of the agave. It has a rather pronounced bitter taste, so applying it to your lips, you do not want to lick them anymore. It is important that when ingested, aloe juice has only a positive effect and even the child will not have any negative consequences from such licking.


Many women report the exceptionally beneficial effects of aloe juice. Some use it as an excellent remedy against sunburn. Others use aloe juice to fight wrinkles. The case is moving very well, judging by the reviews on the Web.

A lot of positive reviews on masks for oily skin. Both more mature women and adolescents use them.

Experts say that if possible, you should definitely plant an agave on your windowsill. He will be a home beautician and doctor: two in one.

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