Guidelines are ... Definition, characterization, structure, development system and implementation rules

Methodologically, the instructions are those recommendations that the teacher gives to his students before they begin to perform practical work. Of course, this term has a broader meaning. Methodological recommendations are also the criteria that teachers use when drawing up lesson plans. Given the versatility of the term, we will try to reflect some aspects of its application.

implementation of guidelines

Course work

The development of guidelines is carried out in full accordance with the curriculum developed for a particular specialty. Coursework involves a scientific independent study of the student, which completes the acquaintance with a particular discipline.

The material may be devoted to any one actual problem. Guidelines for the specialty "management of organizations", for example, relate to the design of work, the specifics of mathematical calculations.

guidelines calculation

General rules

The implementation of guidelines allows the student to count on a high rating of his activities. Coursework is of particular importance in the preparation of high-class specialists, because when writing it, the student is deeply working on the material, receives additional information on the subject.

Guidelines and assignments help to fully reveal the selected topic, to investigate individual issues and issues related to economic analysis, a systematic approach to achieving and developing goals and objectives. A student of this specialty should give a special place in the process of work to issues of a psychological and social plan, since without them the manager is not able to take effective actions and decisions.

The list of topics, as well as the peculiarities of their writing, contains “Methodological instructions”. This greatly simplifies the task of students, they do not need to independently think up a direction of activity, it is enough to study the list, choose a topic they like for term paper.

development of guidelines

Important points

When analyzing the theoretical material, the student must take into account the latest achievements in business practice, select for his work material that would take into account the basic requirements for safety and labor protection rules.

Term paper is carried out on the basis of rules, norms, standards, which contain guidelines for the organization.

A student has the right to independently develop a topic if he enters the support of his curator. The material made is submitted for review, then the course work is protected by the head. In case of untimely completion of the term paper, the student does not learn the admission to the main examination session.

development of guidelines

Goal and tasks

In higher education, methodological instructions are an excellent tool that allows you to perform the task set by the teacher in a high-quality and efficient manner.

The purpose of the course activity is to consolidate students' practical and theoretical knowledge acquired in the framework of lecture classes. The final result of the work directly depends on the correct goal setting:

  • deepening skills and knowledge on selected topics;
  • raising the general intellectual level;
  • the acquisition of skills and experience in working with newspaper, managerial, economic literature;
  • development of creative skills;
  • mastery of research methods;
  • preparation for the thesis.

Methodological instructions of the Ministry of Finance help to create high-quality term papers that can be smoothly transferred to a diploma.

accounting guidelines

Preparation for activity

This is an important link in the educational chain of obtaining a complete picture of the studied discipline of the future bachelor or specialist. When completing a course project, a student must:

  • to prove the relevance and importance of the chosen topic in theory, to show the possibility of its implementation in practice;
  • carry out a review of the literature on the problem, conduct a systematic review of the selected material;
  • give a detailed economic and technical characteristics of the object of work, reflect the managerial aspect;
  • analyze the specifics of functioning;
  • calculate the estimated cost-effectiveness of the practical implementation of this work;
  • Logically and consistently present the results of their own research on the topic;
  • to confirm their reasoning and conclusions with additional explanatory and illustrative materials.

In order to successfully solve all these issues, guidelines will help. The calculation is carried out by the student, taking into account possible risks, which depend on the specifics of the chosen topic. Omission of any element of the “Guidelines” is allowed, but this may negatively affect the assessment of the completed term paper or the quality of its protection.

Work order

It involves a certain algorithm of actions, which should be discussed in more detail. First, a topic is selected, it is agreed with the leader. Next, they are introduced to the problems, a work plan is drawn up. The next step is the selection and detailed study of literary sources. Next, all the points related to the plan of upcoming activities are specified.

If the work involves experiments, then the teacher gives the student certain guidelines for accounting for their results. Then comes the writing of the work itself, its design, the finished material is transferred to the head for review. The last step is to protect the prepared project.


So, we dwell in more detail on the main points that are associated with the implementation of term paper. When choosing a topic, the student is guided by those guidelines that are developed in this educational institution. What is important to consider when selecting topics for term paper? It should be connected with the specialization of the student, coincide with the experience that he had already mastered at the time he began his career. If at this stage there are any difficulties, you can seek help and advice from the leader or teacher of this academic discipline.

development of guidelines


At the second stage, it is planned to draw up a rough plan for future work. This is a responsible and important element of activity. The quality and integrity of the material created directly depends on it. Guidelines developed by department specialists for each academic discipline will help the student to cope with the difficulties that arise.

It must be remembered that a logical and consistent plan is half the success of the work. It is important to reflect the main problems of the topic, highlighting 3-5 questions that will be considered during the course work.

To simplify the task, we can distinguish several subsections. The plan, which will be drawn up by the student, is provided to the teacher for final study.

Features of working with literary sources

This stage of work also involves the application of guidelines. There are certain requirements for the design of bibliographic sources, citing them inside the work. In many educational institutions, teachers recommend that their students draw up a brief annotation of those literary sources that have been selected for subsequent use.

A bibliography is compiled on the basis of the recommended literature with a compilation of material, the purpose of which is a detailed "immersion" in the subject of analysis.

Only bibliography that has been published in the last decade should be included in the compiled bibliography. Otherwise, the coursework will be considered obsolete and irrelevant, it will not receive high marks from the teacher.

The author of the material, name of the literary source, publisher, year of issue, number of pages in the collection are indicated.

Next is the refinement of the plan created term paper. As you become acquainted with literary sources, a student may have additional ideas, new thoughts that will affect the original plan.

Main stage

It involves the direct writing and execution of work. The selected material is grouped, processed, systematized, taking into account those recommendations that are developed in the work plan. After clarifying the structure, we can proceed to the selection of illustrative material. Next is work on the draft material, which is subjected to high-quality literary processing, and is being edited. At the final stage, term paper is compiled necessarily according to the methodological recommendations that are specified in GOST 73281, as well as taking into account additional requirements that are developed in this educational institution (organization). The finished work is submitted for review to the head. In order for the material to be qualitatively reviewed by the teacher, the student must submit it no later than three days before the deadline.

Ministry of Finance guidelines

Protection specifics

In the case when the student has not fully complied with the guidelines, this is noted by the teacher, he returns the student material for revision. Only after the elimination of all these shortcomings, the author receives permission to protect the finished term paper.

The protection procedure involves the public presentation of the material. There is a group of students in the audience. The author briefly informs the assembled classmates and the teacher in 5-7 minutes about the work done by him, the results obtained, and the prospects for the practical application of the material.

The defense is attended by the head of the department, his first deputy. The speaker justifies the relevance of the material, identifies the object of analysis, the tasks posed in the course work, draws conclusions.

The reviewers, who are teachers, highlight the advantages and disadvantages of the material, ask the student additional questions. When answering questions, the author of the material must demonstrate to all those present his knowledge of the topic, prove excellent knowledge of the work done, the literature analyzed.

In the concluding remarks, the speaker responds to the comments made by the teachers, tries in the correct ways to prove the correctness of his point of view, set out in the course work.

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