How to do research work and properly format?

Before considering the question of how to do research work, an example of which will be given below, we will talk about the relevance and significance of such activities within educational institutions.

Relevance of research and projects

As one of the possible ways of forming a positive attitude towards raising the intellectual level, federal state standards of the second generation are considering projects and studies. It is not necessary to be a famous scientist in order to conduct your own experiments. Pupils under the guidance of an experienced mentor may well make their first scientific discoveries while studying in elementary school, middle or senior level.

how to do research

Modern society has its own requirements for the level of training of graduates. One of those is their ability to self-relate, to realize creative abilities, critical thinking, and to work fully with information sources.

The Importance of Independent Research

Individual research stimulates activity aimed at solving a problem. In order to do research work, guys use knowledge from various scientific fields. Performing experiments allows you to combine practical actions with academic knowledge. Each person has the opportunity in the course of such activities to realize their capabilities, use their experience and knowledge, show other people their own competence. In the process, the teacher and young scientists interact, consultants from different fields of activity are involved.

School Scientific Societies

In many educational institutions, clubs and circles are being created, on the basis of which the children gain skills in conducting experiments, designing them into a project or work. In the classroom of such a circle, young researchers will learn how to do research work, how to properly arrange it.

how to do research work example

Teachers also pay special attention to the rules of public protection of the finished project. Children who began to show interest in research and projects within the walls of their own school do not have problems with studies at institutes, academies, receive prestigious posts.

Design algorithm

How to do research work? This activity is carried out according to a certain algorithm. Let us dwell on this issue in more detail. First you need to choose the topic of the planned study. It should be not only relevant, but also interesting, understandable to the experimenter himself. To find out how to do research work, we turn to the recommendations that are given by the second generation GEF. According to new standards, any work should be relevant, contain a goal, research objectives. In addition, a preliminary analysis of the problem under consideration is important, as is the formulation of the research hypothesis based on the information received .

how to do research work

Not all schoolchildren know how to do research work, therefore, reliable support of a schoolchild by a teacher-mentor is of particular importance. Together they must plan, develop a sequence of actions in the course of research, and select the appropriate methodology. After the facts, evidence, observations are accumulated, you can proceed to their processing. It is important to learn how to do research work, how to properly arrange it, to present it to the public. In the event that contradictions and shortcomings are identified, the final stage will be their elimination. Let us dwell in more detail on the basic steps of writing an independent project.

How to choose a theme

Arguing on how to do research work, it is necessary to pay special attention to the selection of topics. It should be understandable, interesting, contain some kind of hidden contradiction, which will be eliminated after the completion of research. For example, you can compare the quantitative content of ascorbic acid in different varieties of tea in order to understand which one will be an excellent helper in strengthening immunity. The problem that the student will deal with must have practical significance, contain an element of innovation and originality.

Setting goals and objectives

How to do research work? The example below shows how important it is to identify the research problem, to highlight the tasks assigned to its author.

  • Purpose of work: to identify the content of vitamin C in the original tea samples, to evaluate the organoleptic characteristics of the studied samples.
  • Objectives: to evaluate the taste, color, smell, turbidity of the samples taken by tasting; to carry out a quantitative analysis of the ascorbic content in the samples by iodometric titration.
  • Subject of research: ascorbic acid content in the initial tea samples.

how to do research work

  • Object of study: tea samples.
  • Research methods: conducting a literature review; iodometry; processing the results.
  • Project hypothesis: Ivan tea significantly exceeds ordinary black tea in terms of taste, as well as ascorbic acid content.

The success of the project is connected precisely with the ability to identify a narrow area of ​​research.


This stage is associated with a detailed acquaintance with the object of study, a selection of literature for conducting a qualitative analysis. It allows the student to form an idea of ​​the state of the problem, to identify those gaps that are important to fill in during the work.

For example, in the work related to the analysis of Ivan-tea, the following literature review can be made.

  • Ivan tea contains B vitamins, ascorbic acid, protein, caffeine, tannins, bioflavonoids, pectin, iron, magnesium, potassium, calcium, and chromium.
  • Magnesium, B vitamins, flavonoids have a non-synthetic sedative and hypnotic effect, normalize the emotional state (reduce excitability, nervousness, improve sleep).

how to do research work example

  • Tannins, pectin improve and restore digestive processes, eliminate dysbiosis, heartburn, constipation, have an anti-inflammatory effect, and prevent caries and periodontal disease. When drinking Ivan tea, blood pressure decreases, the water-electrolyte balance is normalized, and immunity increases.
  • Ivan tea has an analgesic effect, has excellent lactational qualities, removes toxins from the body, and stimulates collagen synthesis, since alkaloids, magnesium, and flavonoids are present in it.

Research Methodology

The methodology should correspond to the tasks set at the beginning of the work. Those experiments, observations, polls, interviews, processing of the obtained results, which will be used by young scientists, should be understandable and accessible to him. For example, in the work related to the determination of the quantitative content of ascorbic acid in Ivan Chai, an iodometric study is used as a method available in the school laboratory.

Reporting the results

Now let's talk about how to draw a conclusion in research. The results of the calculations should be presented in the form of tables, a conclusion is attached to each of them. In conclusion, the student notes the consistency of the results obtained during the work with the hypothesis set by him at the beginning of his activity. The young researcher must ultimately show his position regarding the results that he obtained.

how to conclude research

For example, the conclusion may be as follows:

“The hypothesis posed in the work was fully confirmed. During the experimental part of the work, it was possible by iodometry method to calculate the quantitative content of ascorbic acid in the studied tea samples. The results obtained indicate that Ivan tea can rightfully be considered the “pantry” of vitamin C ”.


Not all students know how to make an application in research, and what is the volume of additional materials. Depending on the subject area of ​​the study, the volume of additional materials can be in the range of 2-10 pages. Often guys ask educators how to make footnotes in research. For example, if a reference to a literary source is supposed, the number corresponding to this book in the bibliographic list is indicated in square brackets. For reference to applications in the text put a number, and at the bottom of the page under the same number write (in small print) the name of the application.

Requirements for Abstracts

Let us dwell on the question of how to make abstracts on research work. They should reflect the main idea of ​​the study. In addition to information about the author, the supervisor of studies, they indicate the purpose, tasks, features of the work, its relevance, and also note the results that have been achieved, the prospects for continuing the work are highlighted.

how to make footnotes in research

As an example, let us cite an excerpt from the theses related to the quantitative determination of the ascorbic acid content in Ivan tea.

  • The author conducted a comparative analysis of the organoleptic characteristics and quantitative content of ascorbic acid in black tea and Ivan tea, and revealed the main advantages of the “Russian” drink over a foreign one.
  • Methods used by the author: literary image, iodometry (titrimetric analysis), statistical processing of the results.
  • Results of work. It was possible to conduct a comparative analysis of the organoleptic and chemical properties of Ivan tea and the classic Indian drink, to identify their similar and distinctive parameters, to confirm the hypothesis.
  • Conclusion and possible ways of development. Given the harsh climatic features of our region, it is relevant that the population consume foods with a high content of vitamin C. Ivan tea can rightfully be considered the “pantry” of vitamin C, a drink that helps strengthen immunity, improve blood formation, and reduce intoxication in oncological diseases.

The procedure for registration of work

How should research work be structured?

  • The title page indicates its name, information about the author, supervisor, place of research.
  • Next is a table of contents listing all sections, subsections, applications, and a bibliography.
  • The introduction, the volume of which should not exceed two pages, indicates the relevance of the work, its purpose, objectives, object, subject of study, hypothesis.
  • Next is a literature review, selection of methods, experimental part.
  • The final section of the research is the conclusion.
  • It is obligatory to have a list of references, references to which are present in the work itself.
  • Each application is placed on a separate sheet, indicate its name. The fields depend on the requirements of the competition or conference at which the work is presented.

To summarize

Russian schools have been given the task of forming a harmoniously developed personality who is proud of their country. In order to fulfill such an order, systematic involvement of schoolchildren in project and research work is necessary.

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