Feedback on working with a freight company

I met my husband in Germany. I flew to Dusseldorf for a couple of weeks with relatives, and he already lived there for about three years. After six months of our acquaintance, he decided to return to Russia. We faced the question of transporting his belongings, since a considerable amount of them accumulated over three years. Of course, one of the options was to give away, to sell, but I did not support this option, because I was still talking about high-quality personal items, quite expensive household appliances and designer furniture. All this would have come in handy for us in Moscow. That is why I began to solve the problem of transporting personal belongings myself, since apart from me no one would have been involved in this process.

For me, this was the first experience of such transportation, and before I formed an action plan for myself, I began to study the forums: how this is carried out, prices, risks, etc. Having received a huge amount of information, I decided to proceed to action.

Among the many reviews, I found the opinion of many users about Haarmann . These were mostly positive opinions, and I decided to contact this company for further details. I will say right away that by the time I called the managers, I already knew exactly how much cargo needed to be transported, since I had previously ordered services for the assembly and packaging of things and furniture. There I calculated the total amount of all things.

Having contacted the company employees, I received complete answers to questions of interest. On the site I left an online application for calculating the cost of transportation. I got the result in one day. Oddly enough, the cost was not much higher than that of other companies of the same profile, so I opted for this company. The difference was really small, but still the company aroused my confidence, so I did not look for suspiciously cheap options for transporting goods.

So, before proceeding with the execution of the order for transportation, I was also offered to insure the cargo, as well as take advantage of loading and unloading operations and assistance in customs clearance. Since this is my first experience, I did not refuse these services, which I have not regretted so far.

My cargo was delivered after 4 days. It is worth noting that all household appliances were delivered without damage, as well as other more fragile items. Thanks to this company, we have successfully transported all the personal belongings of the spouse, and now we have already managed to comfortably settle in Moscow .

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