Deprive a person

Lichen is a skin disease that disturbs pigmentation, causing peeling and itching. It provokes viruses and fungi. The disease is contagious, especially often children are exposed to it. Depriving a person can occur as a result of contact with an already infected person or when communicating with a sick animal.

On the skin, lichen looks like a reddish or pink rash. The degree of their manifestation depends on the microorganism that was the causative agent of the disease. Basically, this disease affects people with reduced immunity, whose body is most easily exposed to fungal or viral infections. Most often, children suffer, to a lesser extent - adults who have been weakened by a serious illness or who have suffered severe stress.

In humans, lichen can be represented by several types: shingles, pityriasis, ringworm, pink, red flat.

Tinea is one of the most dangerous species. This is a viral infection that can be activated at any time in the body. All the signs of herpes are inherent in it, and it manifests itself with a significant weakening of the human body under the influence of any external factors. In this case, spots appear on the body, and on them are bubble rashes. The disease is accompanied by headaches, chills, and in rare cases, fever. The patient should not be in contact, since the fluid released from the vesicles is a direct source of infection.

Pityriasis versicolor in humans occurs as a result of fungal skin lesions. Its second name is versicolor. These are small red-brown spots that appear in extreme heat with excessive sweating. This species is considered non-contagious, since the cause of the disease is a yeast, present on the skin of all people. Only with certain individual inclinations can it become activated and cause problems.

Ringworm is the most contagious. It occurs in direct contact with animals, and most often children are exposed to it. Its symptoms may appear in one to two weeks in the form of flaky pink spots affecting the scalp. This species is caused by depriving fungi living in the skin layers. It can be transmitted through household appliances or through close human contact. Its foci can be round or irregular in shape, characterized by brittle hair, breaking it off and the appearance of bald patches.

Pink lichen is caused by infections or allergies. This lichen in humans usually occurs in the autumn-spring period as a result of a cold. In appearance, it looks like a birthmark with a yellowish middle, which is characterized by peeling and itching. This species is considered non-contagious and passes through four to six weeks, subject to the rules of personal hygiene.

Red lichen planus is represented by red nodules, in the center of which there is a small dent. It mainly occurs in adults as a result of any infections, as well as allergies to certain medications. Most often, this lichen affects the mucous membrane of the inner surface of the mouth or genitals.

Before proceeding with the treatment of lichen, it is necessary to determine its variety and source of occurrence. Only a specialist is engaged in this, and he also prescribes medicines for depriving.

Many are concerned about the question: how to treat lichen in humans, and what folk remedies can be used. It all depends on its type. For example, pink lichen most often passes by itself. To speed up this process, you need to lubricate its foci with apple cider vinegar throughout the day. You can also use St. John's wort oil, rose hip, sea buckthorn.

Ringworm is treated by rubbing the sore spot with sifted rye flour. Also, nicotine from a smoking pipe can be applied to the affected area. Castor oil with the addition of garlic juice gives a good effect on head treatment.

With red flat and pink lichen, a mixture of one tablespoon of tar with the protein of one chicken egg is used.

For the treatment of pityriasis versicolor, it is advisable to use the juice of viburnum.

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