Reviews of movie critics are positioning the film “Choice” as a typical rum about the fateful meeting of an ordinary guy and a girl and how their feelings pass a series of tests: from relaxing with friends to the rehabilitation period after an accident. The degree of expectation of the release of the project for hire was incredibly high and amounted to 97%, however, the rating of the melodrama is IMDb: 6.50. Moreover, negative reviews for the film "Choice" have a numerical superiority of 65, and the number of enthusiastic reviews does not exceed a dozen (9 pcs.).
Literary source and its author
The world-renowned melodramatic bestseller is rightfully considered the American writer Nicholas Sparks. His works are quite famous - “Hurry up to love”, “Message in a bottle”, “Quiet haven”, “Dear John”, “The best in me” and, of course, the most popular “Diary of memory”. Therefore, when his initials appear on the list of screenwriters of a film, you can guess what he will talk about and how the plot will develop. It will be either a romantic story about first love, or about the testing of feelings by distance, love experiences, overwhelmed by emotional impulses and emotional outbursts. Such projects are ideal for home viewing by romantic natures, but they quickly disappear from the head. Among them are reviews and reviews of the film "Choice" and the brainchild of director Ross Katz.
The director of the melodrama was the Oscar nominated twice for the film award as producer Ross Katz, for the films of Sofia Coppola's “Translation Difficulties” and “In the Bedroom”. His previous directorial work is limited to the military television drama “Volunteers” and the comedic film “Adult Newcomers”, which frankly failed at the box office. The screenwriter Brian Sip adapted the literary source for the big screen. “Choice” is his second project in the field of film drama after the drama “Destruction”. Perhaps that’s why, due to the lack of proper experience of the creators, the film “Choice” received mixed reviews about the script and the structure of the story. Almost all of Katz’s directorial delights were criticized in the same way.
Spectator reviews about the film “Choice” all emphasize the secondary nature of the plot of the film, emphasizing that they already had the opportunity to contemplate the mass of film-melodramas with an identical story at the base.
The main character Travis (handsome Benjamin Walker) is a convinced bachelor, loving animals and working as a veterinarian in a local hospital. He is handsome, courteous, attentive, so he easily makes relationships with the fair sex, but just as easily breaks up with them at an enviable frequency. This continues until the meek Gabby (blonde cutie Teresa Palmer) settles in the neighborhood. Now the vector of the history of the traumatic existence of Travis changes its direction to the diametrically opposite. Both main characters have to make the most important choice in life. To him - which is more significant: love or freedom, and to her - who is her that same half. The fact is that Gabby has another contender for her hand and heart. But in this movie novel, the “third extra” is not an antagonist. Therefore, in domestic adaptation, the picture is called "Choice."
Roles and reviews
About the film, as well as about the casting of the tape, the reviews of the reviewers were left extremely controversial.
According to some experts, the main female character performed by Theresa Palmer absolutely does not “catch”. The heroine is very much reminiscent of the movements and facial expressions of Bella Swan from Twilight. You can really fall in love with her pretty appearance, but there is no mystery in the image of Gabby.
Benjamin Walker's performing skills have also been criticized. According to the recognition of individual contributing authors, it is difficult to determine the entire gamut of overwhelming emotions of the hero by his facial expression. The viewer will only have memories of his game in the form of pronounced interbrow folds.
But supporting actors Maggie Grace and Tom Wilkinson earned flattering reviews. According to filmmakers, it was they who saved the situation, although the actors had nowhere to turn around.
The film “Choice” reviews is criticized for the notorious casting, discouraging by its optionality. In fact, anyone could be in Theresa and Walker's place.
Not without tragedy
Considering that the name of Sparks is among the creators, it becomes immediately clear to the sophisticated viewer that in addition to love ups and downs, tragedy will certainly be woven into the plot. Without it, projects from the Sparks list are impossible. You can find out how events will unfold in advance - just familiarize yourself with the movie trailer before going to the movies. Everything is traditional in the tape: an unexpectedly deep feeling, terrible tragedy, tearful episodes alternating with touching ones, as a result, the female audience will find an exemplary role model of the ideal boyfriend. Such melodramas easily and regularly go on hire, but just as easily and imperceptibly leave it. Settling on the shelves of fans of the genre as a great option for home viewing. The film is not intended for a serious, pretentious viewer seeking dialogue with the author.
We choose, we are chosen ...
The film “Choice” was dubbed by the audience’s reviews the simplest story that, every day, deciding something, everyone will inevitably change their life. Some decisions lead to longed-for happiness, others turn into a real tragedy, and blaming anyone other than yourself is stupid.