Gestures of judges in volleyball. Volleyball Rules

Many of us know how to play volleyball since our school years. Many people like to engage in this interesting, fast and team sport. And not necessarily in a professional sense. What are the rules of volleyball? A summary of the basic rules you will read in this article. And also learn about the gestures of judges in volleyball.

Number of players in teams

Basic rules regarding the number of players in a team:

  • Each team should have 6 players on the court.
  • Three people occupy the front flank, the other three occupy the rear.
  • Players can use the libero (this is the back guard).
  • The Libero can only play from the back.

gestures of referees in volleyball

Volleyball Court

Basic requirements for volleyball court:

  • The volleyball court is a rectangular area. Length - 18 m, width - 9 m.
  • The platform is divided in half. It is mounted on special holding antennas.
  • The height of the net for men's teams is set at 243 cm, for women's teams - 224 cm.
  • Half the area of ​​each team is divided into six sectors. In the sectors are players.
  • On the back of the site are the defenders of the field, on the front of the attackers.
  • The transition between sectors is made in a circle, in a clockwise direction.
  • In the center is the sector of the central defender (libero). The Libero produces neither attacks nor blocks. According to the rules, the color of the libero shape must be different from the color of the shape of the entire team.

volleyball rules summary

Volleyball Rules: Summary

Contact with the ball:

  • Both teams can touch the ball no more than three times, until they are thrown into the opposite zone. The exception is blocks; they do not count against touches.
  • One and the same player should not touch the ball more than once, until the ball is thrown into the opposite zone. The exception is blocks, they do not count against touches.
  • The player cannot catch or hold the ball in his hands.
  • It is impossible to block or beat off the opponent’s service.
  • Touching the ball before it flies to your side is not permitted by the rules.
  • Players on the back flank cannot touch the ball on the front flanks. They protect the site only at the back. When attacking, they must take a jump.
  • Very important! A successful attack is considered only when the ball flew over the net.
  • It is allowed to hit the ball, bounced off the net. A foul is considered if it touches the net outside the antennas.
  • The ball should fly between the antennas (or their likeness) when serving from another, or attacking an enemy team.


  • A point is awarded to the team if, when serving, the ball fell within the boundaries of the opponent’s area. And also in the event that he fell after an unsuccessful defense by the enemy.
  • A point does not count if the ball landed outside the opponent’s area (without touching the opponent’s players), hit the antenna, hit the net outside the antennas.

serving team


  • An attack by the rear defender from the front positions is not allowed. (It is not allowed for a player in the back flank to go to the front flank to hit the ball).
  • Blocking the ball by a player from the back flank is not allowed.
  • Cannot be blocked through the grid.
  • Do not touch the ball twice after it is on your side of the court (that is, when you accept it).
  • The player cannot touch the net if the ball is in the game. Exception: it bounces off the net and does not fly over to the side of opponents.
  • You can not cross the line when serving.
  • You can hit the ball through the net if the opponent used three touches of the ball. In other cases, this is prohibited.

Judges and refereeing:

  • The game is monitored by several referees (2 main, a referee-secretary and a line judge).
  • The main judges (referees) control the violations and show gestures to the teams. They give a start to the start of a match, they can also stop it.
  • The referee will record the match.
  • The line judge monitors compliance with the layout of the court during the game.
  • Signals for referee teams are shown using hands and cards. If the judge demonstrates a gesture with one hand, then it corresponds to the side of the team at whose address the signal is.

Gestures of referees in volleyball

As mentioned above, the referee shows the signals for the teams with his hands. The main gestures of referees in volleyball:

  • Signal “Feed Enabled”. The Referee indicates which direction the feed should be made.
  • Signal "Command". The referee indicates on which side of the field the serving team is located.
  • Signal "Change of the sides of the site." The referee raises both hands - one in front from the side of the body, the second from the back. And changes hands.
  • Signal "Break". The referee folds his palms with the letter T. Then points to the team asking for a break.
  • Signal "Replacement". The referee makes a circular motion with his forearms.
  • Discipline Warning. The referee shows a yellow card.
  • Signal "Removing a player." The referee shows a red card.
  • The signal “Player is disqualified”. The referee shows two cards.
  • The signal "End of the game." The referee crosses his arms, while the hands should be in front of the chest.
  • The signal "The ball did not throw at the serve." The referee extends his hand up with a raised palm.
  • Signal "Delay feed". (shown if the ball is delayed for more than eight seconds by the serving player). The referee shows eight fingers.
  • Signal "Barrier". The referee raises his hands with his palms forward.
  • The signal "Error in the placement or during the transition." The referee points a circle in front of him with his finger.
  • The signal "Ball in the field." The judge points to the floor, fingers should be straightened.
  • The signal "Ball beyond the field." The referee raises his forearms with straightened palms, palms turned towards the judge.
  • Signal "Delay the ball." The referee raises his forearm, palm points up.
  • Double Touch Signal. The referee shows two fingers.
  • Signal "Four strokes." The referee shows a four-finger hand.
  • Signal "Touching the player grid." The referee touches the net from the offending team.
  • Signal “Game over the net on the opponent’s side”. The referee holds his hand over the net.
  • Signal “Violation upon impact”. The referee takes the forearm down, palm open.
  • Signal "violation of the boundaries of the site." The referee points to the proper dividing line.
  • The signal "Mutual error and replay." The referee shows the thumbs of both hands.
  • Signal "Touching the ball." The referee touches the palm of the fingers of the other hand, holds the hands in an upright position.
  • Signal “Note for delay”. The referee covers the wrist of the other hand with his palm.

change of sides of the site

Gestures shown by line judges

The main gestures of referees in volleyball (on the line):

  • The signal "Ball in the field." The referee shows a flag pointing down.
  • The signal "The ball is off the court." The referee shows a flag pointing up.
  • Signal "Touching the ball." The referee raises the flag and covers it with his free hand.
  • The signal "Refereeing is impossible." The referee crosses his arms in front of him.

Now you know the basic gestures of referees in volleyball and its rules. Good game!

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