Urinalysis: types and methods of collection

Of course, many of us have already had a urine test at some point in our lives. After all, even a child knows that the results of the study help to identify some diseases or to monitor their condition. Therefore, urine is an important “tool” for the clinical diagnosis of human health.

urinalysis species

However, the information obtained from the analysis may depend on the method of collecting the material. What types of urine tests and their characteristics exist, we will consider in the framework of this article. In addition, we will find out how to properly collect and transport material for research.

Why is this done?

First of all, let's determine why we need to pass urine for analysis to the laboratory:

  • To check for diseases or urinary tract infections. Symptoms in this case can be very different: a bad smell of urine, pain during urination, impurities of the blood, pain in the side and others.
  • To monitor the condition of various diseases, such as diabetes, kidney stones, urinary tract infections, high blood pressure or some kidney and liver diseases.
  • For regular physical examination, a urine test is also performed, the types of which are determined by the doctor.

How to cook?

  • Before you pass urine for analysis, you should not eat products that can stain it. Namely: blackberries, beets, rhubarb and others.
  • Do not do strenuous workouts before research.
  • It is important for women to tell their doctor about menstruation cycles. If necessary, the specialist will postpone a urine test for several days. Types and methods of conducting such a study are assigned individually.
  • Your doctor may also ask you not to take medications that affect the color of your urine for a while (usually these are B vitamins, Rifampicin and Phenytoin).
  • If you are taking diuretics, be sure to inform your doctor. Because they can significantly affect research results.

Now, we will carefully examine how urine is analyzed, what types and methods of collection are.

Express test

The quickest way to check urine is through an express test. It is carried out as part of routine examinations (in the office of a family doctor or when admitted to the hospital) or if patients find pain in the abdomen, stomach or back. Such an analysis can be done using a special strip with small colored fields, which must be immersed in the vessel for several seconds. Then the doctor compares the color of the urine with the color of the fields and determines its condition. Only a specialist can determine what concentration of liquid indicates its deviation from the norm.

types of urine tests in children

The test will help to identify the following problems:

  • high protein level, which becomes a sign of nephritis (inflammation of the kidneys);
  • detection of sugar and ketone in urine is a sign of high blood sugar;
  • white blood cells and nitrites indicate the appearance of a bacterial infection.

It is important to note that this analysis is not always reliable, therefore it is better to conduct a test in the laboratory.

Clinical (General) Study

This type of analysis is part of a routine examination or is performed before admission to the hospital. It is mainly used to find the cause of liver, kidney, urinary tract infections and bleeding in the urinary system. It can also be used to check for an incorrect rapid test result. A full analysis is carried out in the laboratory, usually in 3 stages:

  1. Assessment of the color and concentration of urine (physical indicators).
  2. A study of the chemical composition of a fluid, which includes several additional tests for pH, protein, glucose, ketones, blood, bilirubin, nitrites, urobilinogen and leukocyte esterase.
  3. Specialists diagnose types of urine tests for bacteria under a microscope.

The results of the studies also help to identify the following problems:

  • high blood cholesterol;
  • the detection of urinary reflux will indicate the development of renal disease;
  • in addition, quantitative urine tests can be performed to help diagnose many specific disorders, such as endocrine diseases, bladder cancer, osteoporosis, and porphyria (a group of disorders caused by chemical imbalance).

types of urine tests during pregnancy

If the doctor revealed any deviations from the norm during a clinical trial, then he recommends the patient the following types of urine tests for infection: Nechiporenko analysis and Zimnitsky analysis.

Nechiporenko analysis

These are laboratory tests that are carried out to determine the content of white blood cells, red blood cells and cylinders in 1 ml of urine in order to assess the condition of the urinary tract and kidneys. This type of analysis is prescribed for the following indications:

  • latent hematuria (blood in the urine);
  • monitoring the effectiveness of treatment;
  • latent inflammation in the kidneys and urinary tract.

Nechiporenko analysis is more specific than other types of urine tests. How to collect material, consider below:

  • the day before should refrain from drinking alcohol, vegetables and fruits, which change the color of urine;
  • Before collection, you need to purchase hygiene procedures;
  • in a prepared clean and dry container, collect no more than 20-30 ml of morning urine;
  • bring it to the laboratory within 2 hours.

Normal indicators:

  • leukocytes - 2000 in 1 ml of urine;
  • red blood cells - 1000;
  • cylinders - 20.

Urinalysis according to Zimnitsky

This type of research is unique. It helps to assess the condition of the kidneys and identify at an early stage the failure of these organs, as well as to monitor the dynamics of the disease.

Indications for this type of study:

  • chronic glomerulonephritis;
  • diabetes;
  • signs of renal failure;
  • hypertensive heart disease;
  • chronic pyelonephritis (inflammation of the kidneys).

what types of urine tests and their characteristics

Of course, urine tests, types, methods of collection for each diagnosis are different. Collect material for research on Zimnitsky should be extremely careful. You must prepare eight clean jars and sign each one according to your urination number (1, 2, 3, and so on). The collection must begin at 6.00 in the morning, and then every three hours. Remember that pouring urine into one container is strictly prohibited. Place containers in the refrigerator before transporting to the laboratory. Try to maintain your normal diet and diet on this day. Do not forget to observe the rules of hygiene so that harmful bacteria and microbes do not get into the jars.

Results of the study in case of deviation from the norm

  • a decrease in the relative density of urine per serving (below 1020 g / l) indicates renal and heart failure, exacerbation of pyelonephritis;
  • high density (over 1035 g / l) can occur with accelerated breakdown of red blood cells, chronic or acute glomerulonephritis, as well as diabetes.

Kakovsky-Addis analysis. Amburge Method

As a rule, these types of urine tests are performed in children, since they are convenient to use even for babies up to 3 years old. Assign to patients when abnormalities are found in the general test, if there are suspicions of the occurrence of kidney and urinary tract diseases, as well as for detailed control over the course of an already identified disease.

The research results help to identify the occurrence of inflammatory processes (cystitis, glomerulonephritis and pyelonephritis), as well as to monitor the functioning of the kidneys and urinary tract.

Material is collected for analysis in two ways:

  • within 12 hours;
  • throughout the day.

What is sowing?

What else is a urinalysis? Types and methods of research are discussed in detail in our article. Sowing is carried out in order to see if there are microbes or harmful bacteria, and also to determine their type.

In the laboratory, a jar of urine is placed in a container. Then small plates with a growth medium for microorganisms are placed in the sample and tightly closed. Next, the container is placed in an incubator for 2 days. If there are fungi or bacteria in the urine, they will noticeably grow during this time.

types of urine tests how to collect

If microbes were found during the study, the patient is determined the type of antibiotics necessary to combat them.

Sulkovich urine test

This type of research is used as a screening test for the early diagnosis of endocrine diseases and disorders of calcium metabolism. To obtain more accurate results, doctors recommend not to eat dairy and meat products, fruits and vegetables, and also not to drink tea and coffee before the analysis. Try to include only cereals cooked in water in your diet.

Before collecting urine, follow these recommendations:

  • Do not eat food for 8 hours, children - 6 hours;
  • monitor the hygiene of the genitals so that microbes do not enter the urine sample;
  • material should be collected in a sterile container and taken to a hospital.

In laboratory conditions, specialists will add Sulkovich’s reagent to the urine, which will help determine the amount of calcium and bilirubin.

Daily analysis

This test consists in collecting urine during the day in the following sequence:

  • the first sample after waking up is not used, but the time of urination is noted;
  • after that, each drop of material is collected in a jar;
  • when you empty the bladder within 24 hours, you need to take a special container from the doctor in which the substance has already been placed to prevent the growth of bacteria, and pour all the collected fluid into it;
  • keep the jar in the refrigerator during collection.

Diagnostic results show how many certain substances (such as proteins, hormones, salts and other metabolic products) are excreted from the body. If experts found in the urine too little metabolic creatinine, then there is a suspicion of a decrease in kidney performance. High levels of protein can be caused by heart failure, diabetes, urinary tract infection, and kidney disease. Some disorders of the endocrine system increase the amount of hormones and their metabolic products in the urine.

Pregnancy test

Of course, these types of urine tests are performed in women. If your menstrual cycle does not begin, with the help of tests it is possible to check whether you are pregnant. Most studies can determine this on the tenth day of conception. However, they are not always reliable. You can buy tests at any pharmacies.

types of urine tests for bacteria

Such types of urine tests are performed during pregnancy, usually in the morning, after waking up. For exact instructions, see leaflet. After urinating, collect a small amount of morning urine in a container and lower the test stick into it for a few seconds. After five minutes, he will show whether you are pregnant or not.

It is important to note that test results can sometimes be false. This happens in cases where a woman spends it too early, takes specific medications or drinks too much fluid before the test. Only a doctor will tell you for sure whether you are pregnant or not.

Types of urine tests in children

Doctors may prescribe a urine test for a child for various reasons. As a rule, these are preventive goals, the occurrence of deviations in the general analysis of urine or the control of an already detected disease.

Consider the main types of urine tests in children:

  • General (clinical) urine test.
  • Test by Nechiporenko.
  • Analysis according to Zimnitsky.
  • Diagnostics by Kakovsky-Addis.
  • Amburge technique.
  • Sulkovich test.
  • Bacteriological culture of urine.
  • Rayberg's test.

Types of urine tests during pregnancy

From the moment a pregnant woman is registered with a gynecologist, she will be advised to take a general urine test throughout the gestation period. If any abnormalities are found in this study, the doctor will advise you to conduct a urinalysis according to Nechiporenko or Zimnitsky, as well as bacteriological studies to detect infections.

types of urine tests for infections

Such control will help a specialist assess the condition of the bladder, determine kidney disease, the appearance of diabetes and gestational diabetes, which can develop in the twentieth week of pregnancy. A high protein level will indicate inflammation of the urinary tract. Elevated ketone levels indicate that the woman’s body is dehydrated. Conducting a urinalysis on a pregnant woman alone is not recommended. All actions need to be discussed with the doctor.


Summing up, we can conclude:

  • urine analysis, types and methods of collection are completely different, and they should be carried out only on the recommendation of a doctor;
  • some studies can be done independently, for example, an express test and a pregnancy test;
  • other types of diagnostics are carried out exclusively in the laboratory to detect any deviations;
  • to reduce the likelihood of bacteria becoming contaminated with urine, be careful about hygiene.

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