Restaurant structure: features of the organization of the enterprise

A clear, well-established and organizational structure of a restaurant or any other catering establishment is a fundamental element of successful work. Thanks to a strict hierarchy of employees, managing the establishment will be quick and efficient.

Goal Development

Setting goals and the main mission of any organization is one of the main stages in the formation of an enterprise. At present, when the laws of a market economy have entered into force, a number of certain rules of conduct for such entities are needed. First of all, this should include the publication of the mission of the organization, which gives an idea of ​​its purpose, necessity and usefulness for society, workers and the environment. First of all, the mission is the reason for the existence of the restaurant. Sometimes this concept is called the motto of the organization.

Organization Mission

The mission of any organization, including the restaurant, is the main socially significant, functional purpose of the enterprise for a long period. Basically, this mission is developed by top managers or the owner of the restaurant. The organization’s mission provides external actors with an overall picture showing what the restaurant is, what it strives for, what means it will use in its kind of activity, and also what is the philosophy of the whole establishment.

Restaurant Interior

In addition, when determining the mission of a restaurant, the following should also be taken into account:

  • formulation of the main objectives of the restaurant, from the point of view of manufacturing products, as well as key technologies that will be used in production;
  • who will be the customers of the restaurant, what specific needs of the guests the company will be able to successfully satisfy;
  • organization culture;
  • the position of a company in relation to the environment.

The restaurant’s mission is mainly contained in annual reports, as well as on posters that can be seen on the walls of the enterprise, where management seeks to show their goals in the form of short, emotionally colored slogans. In addition, missions can be included in the information that is distributed by the restaurant among its guests, suppliers, as well as candidates applying for vacant positions in the organization.

Setting SMART Goals

The mission of the restaurant realizes the goals of its development, which are able to determine essentially promising areas. In order to build an effective employee motivation system, all restaurant goals must comply with the so-called SMART rule, which was developed by managers and consultants. Decoding of the abbreviation SMART, that is, the goal should be:

  • specific - specific;
  • measurable; measurable;
  • achievable - achievable;
  • relevant - relevant;
  • defined in time - Time-Bound.
Tables inside the restaurant

Each person subjectively reveals concreteness, attainability, measurability, realism and approximate time to achieve the goal.

The main goals of the restaurants are divided into several groups.

Customer service

When serving their guests, restaurants should set themselves the following goals:

  • providing guests with only delicious food;
  • the provision of good service;
  • creating a comfortable and cozy atmosphere inside the restaurant;
  • special relationship and approach to each guest.

Marketing approach

Speaking about marketing goals, this should include the presence of regular guests, as well as the dissemination of information about your company through the media, the Internet and advertising products.

Work with restaurant staff

If we talk about goals that relate directly to working with staff, then this should include:

  • ensuring the most favorable working conditions for staff and increasing the level of satisfaction and interest in the work process;
  • constant control of product quality and a high level of professionalism of employees;
  • organization of a united team and a positive spirit in it;
  • ability to work with guests;
  • conducting special trainings for employees.
Food in a restaurant


It is necessary to set goals for SMART and regarding the competitiveness of the restaurant, first of all, they should include in their list:

  • adaptation of the institution to the basic requirements of the market;
  • in 3 years it is necessary to become one of the best catering establishments in the city;
  • ensuring the stable and financial position of the restaurant in the target markets;
  • constant market monitoring;
  • periodically adding any new dishes to the restaurant menu;
  • quality control of dishes sold;
  • the presence of only professional employees;
  • identifying critical areas of managerial impact and setting priority tasks that can ensure the achievement of the results planned earlier.

Restaurant Management Structure

All employees in the restaurant should be divided into several groups. The restaurant management structure includes these combined groups, depending on the function:

  • the owner of the restaurant, who in most cases is the CEO;
  • accountant and his assistant, if necessary;
  • restaurant manager or deputy general manager;
  • manager or administrator in a restaurant;
  • kitchen staff;
  • service staff;
  • technical staff;
  • employees of the warehouse and security, but in small establishments the structure of the restaurant can exist without this group.

All these groups of employees are links in one chain. It often happens that if one category of employees does not work correctly, then the whole structure of the restaurant crumbles on the principle of dominoes, which further provokes the collapse of the establishment. At the same time, each employee must clearly understand and know his direct responsibilities, as well as his boss, in order to comply with his instructions.

Restaurant staff

Speaking about the organizational management structure of the restaurant, the main person here is the owner, to whom the entire staff is subordinate. If the owner of an institution is interested in making a profit, he often takes on many of the restaurant's problems on his shoulders, taking responsibility for selecting the concept of the institution, recruiting staff, selecting suppliers, organizing advertising and attracting guests.

But also the owner of the restaurant can entrust the management of his institution to the director, deputy director, manager, to whom managers or administrators will directly report. The principal responsibility of the director is the general management of the restaurant.

In the structure of the restaurant enterprise, the shift manager combines several functions at once, the main of which is the coordination of the work process and maintenance personnel. For example, waiters, bartenders, and also technical workers will be subordinate to the administrator: washers, wardrobes, cleaners, porters and so on.

Speaking about the production structure of the restaurant, it is also worth noting a group of kitchen workers. The main employee here is the chef or senior chef. His responsibilities include leading the rest of the chefs, pastry chefs and helpers. In some establishments, the structure of the restaurant also includes the position of production manager. His responsibilities include a lot more points: control of the work process in the kitchen, management of junior kitchen staff, for example, food cleaners, washer and more. In large establishments, the structure of the restaurant also includes a purchasing manager or warehouse manager. He controls the storekeepers and drivers.

Restaurant inside

In some cases, the production structure of the restaurant may have a different look, but this does not mean that the institution will begin to work inefficiently. If line managers are preserved in this structure, then the institution will have every chance of further prosperity.

CEO Responsibilities

The organizational structure of the restaurant enterprise cannot exist without the owner or CEO. His main responsibilities are:

  • execution of documents required for the implementation of activities for the provision of catering services;
  • providing guests with the necessary and reliable information about the services;
  • the organization, planning and coordination of the restaurant;
  • ensuring a high level of efficiency of the production process, the introduction of new technologies and equipment, progressive forms of organization of the work process and service;
  • exercising control over the correct use of financial, material and labor resources, as well as assessing the quality of guest services;
  • conclusion of contracts with suppliers, control of terms, assortment, quantity and quality of their receipt and sale;
  • representing the interests of the restaurant and acting on its behalf.

It is worth noting that the Director General can assign any of his duties to the director of the restaurant, deputy general director or another person, at his own discretion.

Waitress with beer

Chief Accountant

The structure of the organization of the restaurant requires a chief accountant who is responsible for the financial issues of the institution. The main responsibilities of this person are:

  • management of accounting and reporting, as well as monitoring the timely and proper execution of relevant documentation;
  • control of rational and economical use of labor, material and financial resources;
  • control of the correct reflection on the accounts of all restaurant operations and their compliance with the law;
  • economic analysis of financial activities;
  • management of reporting costing of products and services, reports on wages, reports on taxes and other payments to banks.

Manager or administrator

The main responsibilities of the restaurant manager or administrator include:

  • monitoring the correct design of the hall, bar counters and shop windows;
  • checking finished panels and making calculations with guests;
  • taking measures that can prevent and eliminate conflict situations;
  • consideration of claims that are associated with poor customer service, as well as the implementation of relevant organizational and technical measures;
  • receiving orders and developing a plan for organizing and servicing anniversary celebrations, banquets and weddings;
  • monitoring staff compliance with labor and production discipline, safety precautions, labor protection rules and standards, sanitary and hygiene requirements;
  • informing management of any deficiencies in servicing guests, as well as taking measures to eliminate them;
  • scheduling the work of waiters, bartenders, hostesses, cloakrooms and other staff;
  • execution of other official assignments of its leader.
Cook in a restaurant


In conclusion, it is worth noting that the restaurant management structure of the restaurant also includes ordinary employees, whose duties may differ depending on a particular institution. As a rule, at the time of hiring, the management or personnel department tells the potential employee about these responsibilities.

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