A project team is a group of people on whom its success depends. Two main tasks to be solved when thinking over a new idea: gathering a team, preparing its effective work. Since the organization of the project team is an important and responsible event, let us dwell on this issue in more detail.
The essence of the term
In direct dependence on the specifics, type, scale of the initiative under consideration, both individual professionals and several various organizations can take part in the work. All of them are members of the project team in the broad sense of the term. Among the representatives of the initiative group are:
- investors;
- direct customers;
- financial enterprises;
- designers
- business consultants;
- suppliers of resources and materials;
- various contractors.
Each of them performs some specific functions, is responsible for a specific part of the work. A microgroup is selected from all employees, which will solve certain issues throughout the development and implementation of innovative ideas.
An effective project team is specialists who are directly involved in the implementation of a new initiative, reporting to the project manager. Its creation is a prerequisite for the successful implementation of ideas conducive to creating a unique product.
Important points
The project team is a team, the formation of which is carried out before the implementation of the initiative "in life". It dissolves immediately after it successfully copes with the task assigned to it.
The composition of the project team is selected by professionals, it is an expensive and time-consuming process. It is necessary to establish friendly and efficient relations between the group members in order to count on obtaining the desired result. In some cases, a working group is created in the company to save material resources. The purpose of her work is to perform a specific task that is relevant at a particular point in time for the organization.
The structure of the project team and its number varies depending on the specifics of the implemented idea.
Each participant is responsible for a certain part of the project, while pursuing personal interests.
Creating a project team involves not only the formation of a group, but also joint training and communication. This approach helps to obtain the desired result. In a favorable psychological climate between the participants, decisions are made mobile and balanced. Like-minded people take into account external and internal factors, therefore, the process of introducing ideas into life is accelerated.
Principle of creation
How is the formation of the project team? This group has a number of significant differences from a stable team of employees. Since it performs certain functions only at a specific time period. There are certain principles for its formation. Let us dwell on this issue in more detail.
The main players in the idea (contractor and customer) create their own groups led by professional managers. By mutual agreement between the parties, the head is the manager from the customer or from the contractor.
The development of the project team contributes to the achievement of the task in the shortest possible time. The managerial function of managers is to perform the following tasks:
- in planning the implementation of the initiative;
- providing the idea with the necessary personnel;
- systematic monitoring of activities;
- motivation of employees to achieve a certain result.
The specifics of introducing the idea
The management of the project team is determined taking into account the specifics of the implemented initiative. The structure of the group, the number of specialists needed, and the requirements for their skills and abilities directly depend on this.
The project team is a single mechanism, on the coherence of which depends on the timing of the necessary work. For example, if it is planned to implement a health plan, the team will need certified medical administrators and doctors.
The construction team of the project consists of designers, architects, builders, and suppliers, without whom it is difficult to imagine this sector of the economy.
Organizational and cultural environment
External factors have a significant impact on the operation of the enterprise. Internal elements include the following aspects: cohesion of companions, collective work standards, distribution of functional responsibilities, communication skills.
Proper management of the project team helps minimize such influences. A significant difference between the team and the classic type of workforce is functioning on the basis of professionalism and business qualities, and not the application of a typical hierarchical principle.
Formation Methods
New initiatives can appear both within the same organization (company), and with the cooperation of several small companies at once. That is why the formation of the project team is carried out in various ways. This is an important condition.
Depending on the purpose of the project team, certain tools and approaches are applied. For example, when the essence of the plan is related to restructuring, expansion, modernization within a particular enterprise, the project is part of the daily work of the manager and the specialists selected for work.
Classic model
The manager, appointed by the head of the company, in addition to his main functional responsibilities, also manages the idea, implements this specific plan.
He has full access to the required personnel, the authority to coordinate all actions, and to plan the stages of work. In the overall organizational structure of the company, when thinking over a new idea, a separate structural unit is distinguished.
A similar model is a classic form, it is used mainly in large enterprises. It assumes the priority of innovation over everyday activities, as the manager does not touch the typical hierarchy established in the company. The manager and key members of the team are temporarily freed from the performance of their immediate functional duties. The curator of the group is the head of the company or his deputy.
Mixed form
It is suitable for medium-sized firms. The essence of creating a project team is that innovation is led by an external manager. It is he who is responsible for the success of the implementation of the idea. To accomplish the task assigned to him, such a specialist can attract employees of other departments to the project. The difference is that, in addition to working on innovation, they continue to fulfill basic responsibilities.
If the idea is implemented by several companies at once, the project team includes representatives of all enterprises interested in success. The organization of the process is considered standard, in which a separate group of performers is created for each idea.
Basic team building approaches
Currently, four basic principles are used:
- purposeful;
- interpersonal;
- role;
- problem - orientation.
The first involves setting the ultimate goal as a guideline for the work of the project team, preliminary thinking through ways to achieve it.
The interpersonal principle consists in increased attention to the relationship between team members. The success of work directly depends on the establishment of communicative trusting relationships, so the project manager often seeks the help of a professional psychologist.
The role principle is aimed at the separation between the members of the group of basic powers, the empowerment of each person with their own rights and obligations.
The last principle contributes to solving all controversial issues within the framework of joint disputes, which significantly speeds up the implementation of the plan and increases its effectiveness.
Employee Selection Criteria
Special attention is paid to the experience and professionalism of people who will be involved in the development and implementation of new products that are important for the company. Employees involved in the project should be proactive, ready to take responsibility for their decisions. The desire to devote the maximum amount of time to work, as well as independence in planning the stages of activity, is welcomed.
There are no special requirements for the age composition when creating a project team. In order to unite a new small team, the leader organizes joint events: holidays, hiking, corporate parties.
The structure is developed taking into account the functions performed by specialists, as well as the relationship between them. Among the group processes that affect the speed of achieving the goal, we note group pressure, dynamic indicators, and thinking out joint decisions. Among the factors that negatively affect the speed of the project, we note the lack of a clearly formulated goal, work plan, constant internal conflicts, as well as insufficient resources and a managerβs lack of interest in promoting the project.
In the realities of our country when attracting valuable specialists from other departments to the team, various conflicts arise between department heads and managers. Young and promising employees, who receive a responsible task from the head, face the greatest difficulties. The problem in such situations should be solved with the help of constructive negotiations, and the management is obliged to set the right emphasis in the team.
Stages of formation and the cycle of "life"
After the appearance of an interesting idea until its successful implementation in reality, several successive stages go through at once. At this time, the establishment of relations between private owners, the building of friendly and effective cooperation. The manager observes the processes occurring within the group, prevents conflicts and misunderstandings, orientates the participants to the final result.
At the orientation stage, an initial superficial acquaintance is made for all participants in the new group. They are in a state of uncertainty and uncertainty in their strengths and capabilities, so it is important for the leader to create the right attitude at this stage.
The manager not only guides his like-minded people, but also answers questions, forms a list of rules, a goal, methods for achieving it.
In the process of communication, conflicts and disagreements arise regarding the distribution of functions in the team. The leader needs to reduce the duration of this phase, to distribute the roles among the group members in the shortest time.
The commitment of each employee, his desire to show initiative, independence and originality in planning the main stages of activity directly depends on the interest of the leader himself.
At the stage of cooperation, it is assumed to establish trusting relationships, a clear distribution of roles, consistent work on thinking over a work plan.
The work stage is the time immediately the introduction of all ideas in real life. Its duration is related to the specifics of the idea in question, as well as the material capabilities of the company implementing the project.
The final step is to evaluate the effectiveness of the project, the completeness of achieving the goal set at the beginning of the work.