Main muscles: superior posterior dentate

The upper posterior jagged muscle is located on the back of a person and belongs to the number of superficial. It is paired, attached directly to the rib and, in comparison with other surface ones, lies deep.

general information

The named muscle is located under the rhomboid. It belongs to the third layer of muscles covering the human back. In structure, this organ is flat. Exit ligament - its lower part - the place where the dentate muscle is attached. The bundles of the latter are directed downward, along the oblique, pass to the outer surface of 2-5 ribs, to which they are attached, lateral to their angles.


The muscle, the beginning of which is the ligamentous ligament, depending on the fitness of the body, may have a large number of bundles, or it may be completely absent.

When it is reduced, the upper part of the ribs that make up the chest is lifted, which allows a person to breathe.

Nearest neighbor

The upper posterior jagged muscle is located in close proximity to the lower muscle of the same name. And that one is located next to the broadest spinal muscle, directly in front of it. The muscle also originates from the tendon plate, but located on the 1 and 2 lumbar, as well as on the 11 and 12 thoracic vertebrae.

This muscle is also oblique, it is directed upward and laterally. The muscle is involved in the act of inhalation-exhalation, as it lowers the ribs of the chest in its lower half.


Both described muscles are classified as primary respiratory muscles, as their contractions provide an opportunity for inspiration.

In order for the upper posterior dentate muscle of the back to function correctly, blood flow to it is carried out by an artery located between the ribs. Another source of essential nutrients is the deep cervical artery. Intercostal nerves provide innervation of the organ.

upper back dentate muscle

Why muscle hurts

The upper posterior jagged muscle, as a rule, worries with osteochondrosis, which affects the intervertebral discs in the upper chest. The first symptom of an ailment is dull severe pain in the depths, close to the scapula.

To diagnose the problem, palpation is carried out by a slight displacement of the scapula with subsequent placement of the hand in the armpit on the opposite side of the body. In this case, the patient's body must be slightly tilted forward, leaving the hands free to hang.

Myofascial syndrome

MFBS is diagnosed by dull, constant, severe soreness, which is local and segmental in nature. In this case, the so-called trigger points are observed, where the pain is concentrated. With palpation along the muscle, nodules can be detected. Neoplasms are located strictly along the muscle fibers and grow 2-5 mm in diameter.

Palpation is accompanied by severe local, reflected pain. Each trigger point has its own pain zone and paresthesia. Upon contact with the site, a "jump syndrome" occurs when the patient reflexively seeks to move away from the source of sensations. This symptom is attributed to typical manifestations of MFBS.

In addition to active trigger points, there are latent ones. The first are characterized by spontaneous sharp sensations that accompany muscle load, palpation. The second spontaneity of the pain syndrome is not characteristic.

If the described points are present in latent form, the upper posterior jagged muscle weakens , the functions of the organ are inhibited, and fatigue increases. If there are 2-3 points in the organ between which there is a nerve or bundle of such, the likelihood of developing neurovascular compression is high.

MFBS is formed with muscle stretching, sudden movements. MFBS is very likely if the patient spent a long time in an uncomfortable antiphysiological position, was exposed to an abnormally low or high temperature. The syndrome is observed with different lengths of the legs, abnormalities in the development of the pelvic ring, foot. In some cases, the reasons will be:

  • mental disorders;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • malnutrition.

Trigger points are activated when:

  • pneumonia;
  • emphysema
  • asthma

Reflects the pain associated with MFBS in the lower ribs, in the sternum from below. Work can be provoked by a syndrome, which forces a person to spend a long time standing, raising his hands up.

superior posterior dentate muscle function


The superior posterior posterior muscle is inflated during complex back muscle training. The most useful exercise is called "pullover." In addition to him, they practice:

  • deadlift;
  • draft in an inclination;
  • traction horizontally;
  • shrugs (using dumbbells, barbells);
  • barbell weighted inclinations;
  • T-bar pull.

It is recommended that:

  1. Exercise regularly with a frequency of 2-3 times a week. The first results will be noticeable in just 3 weeks.
  2. Warm up before starting classes. With painful sensations, it is necessary to reduce the load or even completely stop the practice until the body is restored. Remember: overweight displaces the vertebrae, provokes hernias and injuries.
  3. Carefully control breathing.
  4. Follow the technique of each exercise, keeping your back straight.
  5. Increase the load gradually.
  6. Eat properly.
  7. Monitor sleep and wakefulness.

superior posterior dentate

Do not try to complete all the exercises in one workout. Alternate them according to a predetermined program so that the load on different days is on different areas of the back. An integrated approach will help to become stronger, train muscles, achieve a beautiful figure. Do not try to concentrate exclusively on the upper posterior dentate muscle, use the entire back in the program.

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