The comedy "Easy at sight", the actors and roles of which are presented in this article, was released in March 2014. The film is directed by Evgeny Abyzov. The main roles were played by the stars of modern Russian pop.
Quite mixed reviews received the film "Easy on sight." The actor, who played the role of the main character, according to critics, played well. At the same time, he managed rather poorly with dramatic scenes.
In many ways, the plot of the comedy "Easy on Mention" is predictable. The actors, however, played quite well-known in it. And therefore, despite the non-original story and other shortcomings, the film at the box office met the expectations of its creators.
Pavel Basov - the main character in the comedy "Easy at Mention." The actor who performed this role is a resident of Comedy Club and one of the creators of the movie "Scary Movie".
Basov is a successful realtor. Not all of his transactions are legal, but he makes good money and does not think about the moral side of his professional activity. The chief of the protagonist is an unprincipled cruel businessman. This is perhaps the most unattractive character in the comedy "Easy on Mention." The actor, who played the boss Bosov, played one of the first roles in the comedy of Ryazanov, dedicated to Soviet officials. But then this artist was not remembered by the audience.
Basov, fulfilling the task of his boss, concludes an illegal deal with a lonely old woman who lives her life in a luxurious family estate. Everything would be fine, but after this deal amazing things begin to happen to him. The hero of the film suddenly acquires the ability to move in space. It turns out where they remember him. At the same time, people who talk about Basov do not see him. This is the plot of the comedy "Easy at Mention."
Unprincipled realtor performed Garik Kharlamov. His hero, of course, is changing for the better at the end of this story. Alexander Samoilenko played the role of the chief of the main character in the film “Easy at the sight”. The actor made his film debut in 1986, a little later played a minor role in Ryazanov's film "Forgotten Melody for the Flute." In total, Samoilenko has more than 60 films.
Vladimir Yaglych played a classmate of the hero of the film "Easy at the sight." The actor became famous after the release of the film "We are from the future." Kharlamov’s wife, Christina Asmus, played the lyrical heroine in the comedy. Ekaterina Vasilyeva played the role of a lonely old woman in the comedy "Easy at Mention." Actors Alexander Revva, Sergey Safronov, Mikhail Gorevoy, Andrey Fedortsov also played in this film.
Christine Asmus
The actress was born in 1988. She dreamed of a film career from an early age. In childhood, Christina Asmus was engaged in gymnastics. In the film based on Vasiliev’s novel “The Dawns Here Are Quiet,” she played while still a schoolgirl. In 2008, she entered the Shchepkinsky school. Fame for the actress came thanks to the TV series "Interns."
Ekaterina Vasilyeva
Outstanding Soviet and Russian actress played many heroines both on the stage and in the movies. Her career began in the 60s. Vasilyeva starred in such films as "Adam and Hewa", "Bumbarash", "Straw Hat", "Wizards" and many others. In the nineties, she left the movie. Later it became known that Ekaterina Vasilyeva serves in one of the monasteries of the Yaroslavl region. In 1996, the actress returned to the cinema.