Correspondence of the pulse and blood pressure to the norm according to age indicates the health of the heart and blood vessels. But in children, the norms not only differ from adults 120/80, but also are purely individual. What should be the pressure and pulse in different periods of the child's development? Are there any dependencies on sex? In what cases are they talking about the development of the disease?
Fetal heart rate during pregnancy
Fetal arterial pressure cannot be measured, but heart rate is an important factor in viability. Doctors monitor the work of the fetal heart during the entire period of intrauterine development, and especially during childbirth. An embryo of the heart is laid in the fourth week of gestation, and the first contractions can be fixed in the fifth. By eight to nine weeks of development, the heart of the future baby becomes four-chamber. Ultrasound, CT, heart listening, or echocardiography are used to evaluate fetal heart rate.
Before the thirteenth week of pregnancy, the heart rate of the embryo changes, it depends on the period. At the sixth to eighth weeks, the heart beats with a frequency of 110-130 beats per minute, at nine to ten weeks - 170-190 beats. From the eleventh week of pregnancy and before childbirth, the norm is 140-160 beats per minute. Such significant changes are associated with the formation of the functions of the vegetative system of the fetus.
The norm of pressure in newborns
Doctors record the lowest pressure values in newborns, that is, in the first four weeks of a child’s life. Pulse and pressure indicators in children begin to be measured already in the hospital. As a norm, modern medicine takes the values recorded in 90-94% of small patients. Immediately after birth, the pressure will be approximately 60-80 by 40-50 mm Hg. Art. Normal heart rate - about 140 beats. In the future, the pulse will decrease slightly (up to 130 heartbeats per minute). which will last up to one year.
So, in the neonatal period (the first two weeks of life) systolic pressure is 60-96 mm RT. Art., diastolic - 40-50 mm. The indicators will grow as fast as possible over the next two weeks. On average, pressure can increase by 2 units per day. In the future, the growth of indicators will slow down. During the neonatal period (from two to four weeks), the pressure will increase slightly and amount to 80-112 by 40-74 mmHg. All that is within these boundaries is normal physiological fluctuations.
BP and pulse in infancy
The compliance of the indicators with the norm of pressure and pulse in children by age allows us to judge the condition of the baby's heart and blood vessels. Moreover, in pediatric practice, all norms are arbitrary. The norm is always purely individual, this is especially true for children. As a rule, the pressure in infants, that is, from one to twelve months, is 90-112 per 50-74 mm RT. Art. Up to a year, normal blood pressure in children can be calculated by the formula: systolic (upper) = 76 + 2 x T (month of life), diastolic (lower) = half or a third of systolic. Normal physiological fluctuations - thirty units upward.
Pressure in young children
Normal pressure and pulse in a child aged one year - 110-112 mm RT. Art. 60-74 mm. Such indicators will last up to three years, that is, the entire early age of the child. In babies older than one year, the norm of pressure can be calculated by the formula: 90 + 2 x T (year of life) = upper, 60 + T (year of life) = lower. Normal fluctuations are up to thirty units in the direction of increase.
In two or three years, the baby is constantly moving, spending a significant amount of energy. The heart muscle begins to contract with a new force, the blood moves faster to fully provide all the tissues and organs with the necessary substances. Even at such an early age, pressure will depend on heredity, the state of the circulatory system and physical activity.
In preschool children, the body continues to form, so that possible slight fluctuations in indicators. The norm of pressure and pulse in children 4 years old is 100-110 by 65-75 mm, 106-115 heart beats per minute. The pressure also ranges from 86 to 126 strokes. Many preschoolers attend kindergarten and are prone to infectious diseases that affect vascular tone. Strong stress, which is expected to lead to vasospasm, is the distance from home.
Pressure standards for students
Younger school age is always a lot of stress and stress. A child can be diagnosed with diseases that did not exist before: these are problems with the digestive system due to poor nutrition and snacking, and decreased vision, and scoliosis, and cardiovascular pathologies. All this affects the pressure indicators.
Normal pressure and pulse in a child of 6 years old - from 105 to 120 mm RT. Art. 60-80 mmHg. Art., 98-106 heartbeats per minute. The indicators are usually stable and not dependent on gender. The norm of pressure and pulse in a child at 7 years old is the same. Blood pressure begins to change from nine to ten years in connection with the gradual onset of puberty.
From nine to twelve years, the norm of pressure and pulse in children is as follows: 110-126 systolic and 70-82 diastolic, about 80 beats per minute. In connection with the onset of maturation in girls, blood pressure may be slightly higher.
Norms in adolescence
The age of eleven to twelve years is the boundary between childhood and puberty. Children begin to grow rapidly, and lengthening of bones creates a strong burden on the vascular system. Strengthen the heart and blood vessels, as well as stabilize the nervous system will help moderate physical activity.
In adolescence, in children, the norms of pulse and pressure are purely individual. Increased or decreased rates in them are of a neurogenic nature and are usually normalized with sedative infusions. At 13-15 years, the pressure varies between 110-120 by 75-80 mm Hg. Art. Already at the age of fifteen, indicators correspond to "adult" standards.
What influences pressure indicators
The rate of pressure in children and heart rate by age is always individual. In addition, other factors affect blood pressure. A natural decrease in pressure is observed in people living in tropical or mountain climates. The amount of salt in the diet affects, and for infants who are breastfed, the preferences of the mother.
Blood pressure is slightly lower in children born prematurely. In the younger age period, increased rates are recorded in active children. With regular physical exertion, a physiological decrease in pressure is observed in older children. Higher numbers are often characteristic of tall children. Indicators may be unreliable if the measurement technique is not followed.
Pressure in boys and girls
Pulse and blood pressure in children may vary (but slightly) depending on gender. From the moment of birth to the end of the first year of life, the indicators for boys and girls are usually the same, then girls gradually increase pressure, reaching a maximum difference of three to four years. By the age of five, numbers are usually compared.
From five to ten years old, blood pressure in girls rises again. After ten years, the boys enter the active phase of growth, and therefore their pressure is higher than that of their peers. This primacy lasts until about 17 years. In the future, women usually have a slightly higher pressure than men.
Causes of low blood pressure in children
What pressure and pulse in children are the norm, it is already clear, but what if the indicators are below optimal? In some cases, low pressure is the norm. This, as a rule, is associated with the features of the functioning of the nervous system, in which a certain part of it is more active. This does not endanger the child.
A pathological decrease in pressure has the following symptoms: dizziness, headaches of varying intensity, poor appetite, decreased activity, general weakness, a tendency to fainting, and autonomic disorders. The pressure regulation system is violated under the influence of the following provoking factors: infectious diseases or somatic diseases of the mother that affected the baby, premature birth, high intracranial pressure, emotional instability of the baby, chronic infections, adverse living conditions, inadequate sports load, insufficient amount of rest, transitional age .
Why pressure can rise
The pressure and pulse in a child at 8 years old or at any other age can increase in any stressful situation, during or immediately after any physical activity, in case of injury. In this case, the increase in indicators is temporary. With constant high blood pressure in children, doctors put "mild hypertension." In this case, there are usually no characteristic symptoms of high blood pressure, and pathology is detected at the next examination.
The reasons for high blood pressure can be many. As a result of the examination, they can diagnose: damage to the kidney tissue, namely, underdevelopment of the kidney tissue, nephropathy, inflammatory processes in the glomeruli of the kidneys, transformation of organ tissue into connective tissue, and so on; vascular changes, aortic developmental disorders, autoimmune inflammatory processes; endocrine diseases; lesions of the central nervous system; exposure to drugs; other causes (heavy metal poisoning, nicotine or alcohol).
Features of the measurement method
The indicators may not correspond to the norm of the pulse and pressure in children even with an incorrect measurement. The tonometer cuff width should be at least forty percent of the circumference of the shoulder, the arm cuff should cover completely or almost completely. Measurements are taken on both hands and at least two times. In the event of a deviation from the norm, blood pressure control should be carried out at home twice a day for a week. You can not take measurements after active games or crying, feeding. The study is conducted only lying or sitting, after twenty minutes of rest.
Indications for measurement during the day
The individual heart rate and pressure in children (due to their increased excitability and activity) can be determined by measuring the pressure during the day. There is a whole list of medical indications for controlling blood pressure at home for twenty-four hours. If hypertension is suspected, to confirm the diagnosis before treatment, type 1 diabetes, any kidney disease, to evaluate the effect of treatment, to diagnose a treatment-resistant form of the disease, impaired nervous system function or if there is a sign of a decrease / increase in pressure.
Tachycardia and bradycardia
Physiological bradycardia (slow heart rate) does not require treatment. This condition may be characteristic of a hereditary predisposition or professional sports. Pathological occurs with a lack of oxygen in the fetus, intrauterine infections, congenital heart defects, hypoxia or surgery, increased intracranial pressure, with neurosis or diseases of the endocrine system.
Tachycardia is a type of arrhythmia with increased heart rate. The norm is considered temporary tachycardia during or after exercise. Often, children prone to tachycardia in adolescence are diagnosed with neurotic conditions of varying severity with fears and symptoms caused by the autonomic system: redness of the skin, perspiration. Heart rate may increase with the abuse of tea or coffee, with smoking, with infectious diseases in the incubation period.
In any case, you need to monitor the health status of the child, especially if he has a predisposition to certain diseases from his parents. You need to know about the problem in order to monitor the identified disease and take appropriate measures in time.