How to grow your own hair color: care tips, recommendations, photos

Natural hair color will never go out of fashion, and all because this is what the nature of each person has awarded. In pursuit of beauty, many ladies paint their curls in different shades. Of course, perhaps it looks quite elegant and expensive, but only the harm from this is colossal. With each painting, the hair loses its shine and health. They begin to look dull, and the tips become very dry. That is why many girls are wondering how to grow their own hair color. In this article, we will consider several simple ways how to do this, as well as learn tips and tricks on caring for curls from professional stylists.

Fashion haircut

In order to grow hair of its color, first of all they need to be cut as short as possible. Firstly, this way you get rid of the tips spoiled by a lot of paint. And besides this, it is a short haircut that will contribute to the rapid growth of your hair. There are a huge number of different hairstyles for every taste and color. For each shape of the face, you can choose your own unique style. It is important to remember that you will cut dry and damaged hair, and healthy and strong will grow back soon.

How to grow your hair color reviews

If you are not ready for a haircut and can not stand short hair, then you will have to use a little more paint. When the roots grow, it will be necessary to choose a shade that is most suitable for them. You will need to paint constantly.

Last painting

Thinking about how to grow their own hair, the girls worry that they will have to walk with a “multi-colored head” for some time. In fact, regrown roots will have one color, and the colored tips will be completely different. That is why you should dye your hair in a shade as close to natural as possible. In addition, there are special very fashionable techniques that are actually very similar to the process of growing their color.

  • Ombre - a gradient transition from darkened hair to light tips.
  • Sombre - a technique that is as similar as possible to the first. The difference is that in this case, the border between the shades will be invisible.
  • Balayazh is the highlighting of thin strands at the tips. The technique is performed by "throwing with a brush." That is, if in the usual highlighting the wizard works with the brush up and down, then in this case, from right to left.

For each hairstyle and hair color, you can choose one of the techniques. She will hide the transition between regrown roots and colored tips. If the financial situation does not allow you to turn to a professional, then you can use tinting tools. They are much cheaper, but they can also smooth out the transition between shades. The choice of funds must be approached very seriously. And everything will depend on what color you want to return to.

How to grow natural hair color

Light brown color

Before you ask yourself how to grow your own hair color, you should determine what shade you currently have and what your natural curls are. If by nature you have blond hair, and painted constantly in dark colors, it means that you will find lightening of strands. When light roots begin to grow on dark hair, it does not look very aesthetically pleasing. It seems as if the bald spot on the girl’s head. Of course, walking with such a transition is morally very difficult. You can correct the situation by coloring, highlighting or tinting.

It is very important to grow light brown hair color without injuring the curls. But on the other hand, I want to look good. For dark colored hair, lightening is the best way. Of course, this is another painting that will harm the hair, but there will not be such a noticeable transition between the shades. After that, it is very important to carefully care for your hair. After a while, they will grow natural and healthy.

Dark shades

If you naturally have dark hair color, and you constantly dyed light, then you have to tint your hair in a dark shade. In this case, you can use special tonics. If during bleaching one bleaching is enough, now it will be necessary to use a tonic or paint constantly. You can apply the techniques described above (sombre, ombre, balayazh).

Dry scalp

Each girl has an individual hair growth rate and depends on many factors. But when the question arises, how to grow hair of your color, you want all this to happen incredibly quickly. And you can influence it. Since hair growth occurs due to cell division of the bulb, due attention should be paid to the scalp.

Grow light brown hair color

Firstly, it should not be overdried. Therefore, do not wash your hair too often. Of course, some girls will object that after a day the curls become incredibly fat, and you can’t walk with such. However, professional hairdressers advise washing their hair no more than 2 times a week. The first day you can walk with her hair loose, and the next, when they get a little fattened, do interesting hairstyles. In addition, the more the girl washes her hair, the more sebum is released. If you accustom yourself to wash your hair 2 times a week, after a month you will notice that hair will become oily much less.

Useful procedures

If you are wondering how to grow a natural hair color, then you are probably thinking about how to speed up this process. One effective solution is a head massage. You can use special oils for this procedure (argan, coconut, olive). Warm up the liquid slightly so that it is not too hot, and apply it on the scalp. Use your fingertips to massage the entire surface. Such a simple procedure will contribute to the rapid growth of hair. It is necessary to do it on the day when you wash your hair.

How to grow your blonde hair color

High performance is also shown by special masks. If you are wondering how to quickly grow your hair color, then you need to do it yourself at home. For the mask you will need the main ingredient - a growth activator. Mustard, ginger, cinnamon can become it. Mix 2 tablespoons of mustard powder, 1.5 tablespoons of sugar and 25 g of cosmetic oil. This mixture must be applied to the scalp, put on a bag and wait about 20 minutes. The mask will burn a little, but this is due to the action of mustard. The product enhances blood circulation, and cell division of hair follicles occurs much faster.

Wash too

Many girls care about how to grow their hair color. Reviews of experts on the solution to this problem are very numerous. But the most important thing that any professional agrees with is that in order for the hair to grow quickly, they need proper care. Wash should not be too hot water, in order to avoid damage to their structure. And after that, it is necessary to rinse with cool water. In this way, the hair cuticles will close and the hair will be stronger and stronger.

How to dry

In order for hair to grow quickly and look excellent, you need to know how to dry it. Girls often wrap their heads in towels. This is a convenient way to dry your hair, but a towel that is too large and heavy can injure it. Optimal hair just get wet. In addition, it is undesirable to comb them wet. This procedure injures.

How to grow hair your hair color

For a while, while you grow your hair color, it is recommended to abandon the hair dryer, curling iron and ironing. Beautiful hairstyles can be created without these devices. Varnishes and mousses also cause a lot of damage to the hair, try to limit their use.

Diet and habits

Man is what he eats. This is a well-known truth. Wondering how to grow your hair color from a blonde or brunette? Then you need to slightly adjust your diet and change some habits:

  1. Increase your intake of protein foods.
  2. Be in the fresh air more often.
  3. Physical exercise will also help activate hair growth.
  4. Start fighting bad habits. Alcohol and cigarettes negatively affect the condition of the whole body, and hair is no exception.
  5. The diet should have enough fruits, vegetables and grains.
How to grow your hair color quickly


Many girls worry that they will not look completely neat in the photo. To grow your hair color, therefore, are not immediately decided. Yes, and without a hairdresser, some simply can not live. But in fact, you can grow your own hair color, look stunning in the photo and often visit your master.

Firstly, a haircut is a prerequisite. Healthy and natural hair will grow from the roots, at this time the dry and burnt tips will begin to break. To prevent this from happening, you need to cut them in time. Such a procedure will contribute to rapid growth. And in order to look good in photographs and not scare your friends with a “multi-colored head”, you can ask the hairdresser to make tinting at the place where the shades are combined.

Grow your hair color pics

In order to grow your hair light, you need to make some efforts, you should not expect that everything will happen by itself. But on the other hand, after six months, you can become the owner of beautiful, healthy and natural curls.

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