Israeli citizenship how to get? Methods and procedure for obtaining

Today, many Russians are not satisfied with the quality of life at home, so they are looking for all kinds of ways to move to permanent residence and obtain citizenship in other, more prosperous states. Israel attracts immigrants from around the world for its economic stability, standard of living and comfortable climatic conditions. How to obtain Israeli citizenship to a Russian citizen? What are the advantages of Israeli citizenship?

Israeli citizenship how to obtain

Pros and cons of citizenship and life in Israel

First of all, the status of a citizen gives its holder the right to reside in Israel throughout the year continuously. It also allows you to visit many countries without a visa, for example, the countries of Western Europe.

Among the advantages of living in this country are:

  • economic stability;
  • high quality medical care;
  • developed social security system;
  • warm climate.

Among the shortcomings are noted:

  • political instability;
  • limited supply of fresh water;
  • high population density;
  • overpriced food.

Ways to obtain Israeli citizenship

Israeli citizenship how to get a Russian? There are 3 ways:

  • marriage with a citizen of this country;
  • repatriation;
  • naturalization.

Now let us dwell on each of them in detail.

How to obtain Israeli citizenship

Marrying an Israeli citizen

Obtaining Israeli citizenship to a citizen of the Russian Federation is possible through marriage with a citizen of this state. In 1999, the Israeli government amended legislation to allow foreigners who marry Jews to obtain citizenship. Moreover, the scheme for its production is as follows:

  1. The applicant draws up a work semi-annual visa.
  2. A visa is issued for temporary residence in the country.
  3. Applying for Israeli citizenship.

A temporary residence visa is a residence permit. It is valid for 4 years. During this period, the Israeli authorities are convinced of the seriousness of the intentions of foreigners to create a family with the citizens of this country. If a marriage is found to be fictitious, a foreigner may be deported from the country.

It is important to note that the citizenship of Israel can be obtained by those spouses of citizens of a given country who are married to them. You can obtain citizenship after 7 years of stay in Israel. However, after filing an application with the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the spouses must prove the validity of the relationship, which takes several months. As supporting documents suitable airline tickets, bank accounts, joint photographs and more.

obtain Israeli citizenship for treatment


How to obtain Israeli citizenship to a Jew from Russia? The most rational option in this case is repatriation - registration of citizenship based on nationality. This procedure is regulated by the Law on Return.

To obtain citizenship, the applicant applies to the Israeli Ministry of Internal Affairs and presents:

  • passport;
  • birth and marriage certificate;
  • certificates and diplomas of education;
  • work book;
  • a certificate from the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • documents on kinship with citizens of Israel.

If the applicant is a Jew up to 3 knees in the pedigree, the process of obtaining citizenship occurs as quickly as possible.

After submitting the documents, the applicant passes a consular check together with all members of his family.

how to obtain Israeli citizenship to a Jew from Russia


How to obtain Israeli citizenship to a Russian citizen who is not a Jew? This can be done through naturalization - the process of obtaining citizenship by a foreigner of non-Jewish origin. Registration is carried out in stages. Citizenship status can be obtained by continuous residence in Israel over the past 5 years.

The main conditions for obtaining citizenship are:

  • the presence of a valid residence permit;
  • age of the applicant;
  • lack of citizenship of another state.

People with knowledge of Hebrew, as well as financially independent and owners of property, are more likely to obtain citizenship status. The decision is made by representatives of the Israeli Ministry of Internal Affairs in each case individually.

Labor and business immigration

Israeli citizenship how to get in other ways? Officially employed foreigners and businessmen can get an Israeli passport.

Obtaining citizenship through employment is a rather long process. First, an alien receives an annual work visa through an employer, after which it must be regularly renewed. After 5 years of legal stay on a visa, a foreigner can apply for citizenship at the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the country. Priority when considering applications is given to specialists in sought-after professions.

Businessmen and investors are not able to obtain citizenship. The fact is that this area is under strict state control, and only a visa can be issued to foreign businessmen. No matter how unique a business project may be, obtaining citizenship with it will not work.

How to obtain Israeli citizenship to a Russian citizen

Can I get Israeli citizenship for treatment?

It is no secret that many of our compatriots are sent to Israel for treatment. But is it possible to obtain Israeli citizenship in this case? It turns out that for the course of treatment and rehabilitation, Russians can obtain a residence permit, which can subsequently be extended.

Consular Check

How to obtain Israeli citizenship, we have already considered. Now we will dwell in more detail on the consular verification procedure, which is carried out during repatriation.

The most common and easiest way to obtain Israeli citizenship is to apply to the consulate of that state. After preparing all the necessary documentation, the applicants undergo a consular check at the Israeli Embassy in Moscow , which consists of two interviews. The procedure should be attended by all members of the family that moves to Israel, including children.

At the first interview, the applicants meet with the consul, provide for review all the prepared documents and learn all the details of the procedure for obtaining citizenship. If a positive decision has been made regarding the applicants, they need to visit the embassy a second time to apply for a repatriation visa. It is valid for no more than six months, but can be extended. After completing this document, you can choose the day of arrival in Israel.

It is important to note that repatriated citizens are supported by the Israeli authorities. Air tickets can be purchased both independently and through the agency “Sokhnut”, which is involved in the maintenance and relocation of returnees. Upon arrival in Israel, new citizens will be met by employees of the Ministry of Absorption, who issue an identity card, cash, and a SIM card for negotiations in the country. The returnees leave the airport in a taxi, which is also paid from the state budget.

How to obtain dual citizenship Russia Israel

Double citizenship

The Government of Israel does not prohibit its citizens from having citizenship of another country. A large number of citizens of the republics of the former Soviet Union have long had a second Israeli citizenship and a Teudat Maawar card, which can be used when traveling around the world. How to get dual citizenship (Russia-Israel)? The procedure is no different from the algorithm described above. But it should be remembered that renouncing Russian citizenship is not necessary at all. The Israeli authorities will not insist on this.

Can they refuse to grant citizenship?

So, how to obtain Israeli citizenship, we have already examined in detail. But do situations arise when the country's immigration authorities refuse to grant citizenship to a foreign citizen?

It turns out that cases of failure are relatively common. There may be several reasons for this. Here are the most common ones:

  1. There was a problem identifying the applicant. For example, the applicant did not submit all documents confirming kinship with the Jews, or their reliability aroused doubts of the consul.
  2. Presence of canceled or outstanding criminal record, criminal prosecution in the homeland.
  3. The consul established that the applicant accepted a religion different from Judaism.

It may also be denied to spouses of Israeli citizens who married them shortly before contacting the country's Ministry of Internal Affairs.

How to obtain Israeli citizenship Russian citizen

Israeli citizenship how to get a Russian? To obtain an Israeli passport, you must contact the Israeli Embassy in Russia or the local Ministry of Internal Affairs while you are in the country. Citizens can obtain both Russians with Jewish origin, and without it.

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