Adretta - a high-quality potato variety

Summer residents grow on their sites a variety of varieties of potatoes. They may differ in maturity, degree of resistance to disease, and taste. One of the best is the Adretta potato - a mid-season variety bred by German breeders.

addretta potato variety
About 20 years ago, he made a real revolution in the idea of ​​Russian gardeners about delicious potatoes. When cooking, it is, however, slightly boiled. Therefore, it is better to use the β€œsteam” method.

Now a lot of different types of tasty potatoes have been bred. But for about 15 years, the Adretta variety has been a reference in this regard. It can have either slightly yellowish or very yellow flesh. Mashed potatoes from such a potato have an unusually pleasant looking golden color, such as if rustic oil was added to it. Before this variety appeared, the yellow color of the pulp was considered a sign of fodder culture.

Adretta is a potato variety characterized by very large tubers. The weight of one can reach 180 grams. This is another of his advantages when cooking.

potato adrette
In addition, tubers have very small, almost invisible "eyes" located on the surface of the skin. This quality can significantly reduce the amount of waste when cleaning. The skin itself is rough, scaly. Tubers can be either round or oval. Starch content - up to 17%, protein - up to 2.2%.

This plant can be grown on virtually any soil. Adretta is a potato variety that is not at all demanding on the quality of care. However, if it is good to fertilize the soil under it and regularly water it, you can get much higher yields. The stem of this variety is erect, rather high and well leafy. In mid-summer, flowering begins. It is very plentiful and as a result gives a lot of green berries. The flowers are white.

grade of adretta
Adretta is a potato variety that requires certain rules to be observed when harvesting. The fact is that if you dig up the tubers after the stems die off, their keeping quality will significantly decrease. In this case, the likelihood of developing umbilical rot. Therefore, you should dig up potatoes during the beginning of drying of the tops. Then the tubers will winter well. It is best to store them in a cool dark room - a cellar or basement.

Adretta is a potato variety that is quite resistant to late blight. Almost never gets cancer. It is also very rarely infected with viral infections. Of course, there are no varieties absolutely not susceptible to damage of this kind of disease in nature. However, Adretta is one of the most stable in this regard. Due to the relatively early ripening, it can be grown both in the southern regions and in the middle lane. It is also suitable as a vegetable crop and for breeding in Siberia.

When choosing potatoes, gardeners usually pay attention to productivity. The higher it is, the better, of course. In this regard, Adretta is a variety of potatoes that will not fail. From one hundredth you can collect up to 400 kg of the crop. By planting this wonderful potato on the plot, you can achieve very, very good results.

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