From the beginning of 2016, a new law came into force, according to which the traffic police fine is paid at a discount of 50 percent. Its purpose is to simplify the procedure and encourage debtors to repay debts in a timely manner. Let's consider for what offenses the payment of fines is due at a 50 percent discount, and how it is made.
The main provisions of the law
Among the issues that are covered in the law, the following stand out:
- payment period;
- ways;
- repayment of fines by citizens of other states;
- collection of amounts from violators who do not have confirmed income.
But the main thing that has been introduced by the new law is the right of drivers to pay fines of 50 percent. It is valid for 20 days from the receipt of the protocol from the inspector or the so-called “letter of happiness” by mail.
What will be done with defaulters?
Another important addition to the Code of Administrative Offenses is a double increase in fines in cases where the debt is not paid off for two months or more from the date of collection. If, after this, payment is not made, then the administrative case will be transferred to the FSSP, which, as you know, today has ample opportunity.
A non-payer can be expected not only to pay the required amount, but also an arrest for fifteen days or correctional labor. Also, the offender will not be able to travel abroad. Such measures are taken against those non-payers who systematically violate the law. They, however, have a choice: voluntary payment of a fine by the traffic police (at a 50 percent discount, of course, it will not be possible to pay off the debt already) or go through the court, as a result of which the amount will be recovered by force.
Who is entitled to the discount?
Any traffic offender who has a document obliging him to pay a fine can do this by making 50 percent of the amount collected. How the document is received does not matter. The fine can be issued by the traffic police officer personally and handed to the driver or recorded by a video surveillance camera and received by mail. One way or another, the driver is given 20 days, during which the traffic police may pay a fine with a 50 percent discount. Of course, this innovation receives only positive reviews.
All offenses recorded by CCTV cameras and for which you received “letters of happiness” are subject to the law on discounts. In addition, if you go to check for fines on the online site on the Internet, then the same information will be indicated there. You can visit the official website of the traffic police or use the electronic portal of public services.
Offenses covered and not covered by the discount
For the offenses provided for in Chapter 12 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, from the beginning of 2016 it became possible to pay the traffic police fine with a 50 percent discount. Such a benefit is valid only 20 days. But article 3.22 of part 1.3 of the Administrative Code provides for some exceptions. So, the driver who violated the following traffic rules will pay all 100 percent of the fine, in cases where:
- he was under the influence of alcohol or drugs;
- refused to undergo a medical examination;
- as a result of the accident caused harm to the participants of the accident;
- drove into the oncoming lane;
- repeatedly violated traffic rules, having left at a prohibiting signal of a traffic controller or traffic light, high-speed mode, drove a vehicle that was not registered at all or was executed incorrectly.
Repeated is an offense that is committed within a year after the previous one. Thus, a traffic violation falling under a discount can only be committed once a year. For the next offense, the driver will pay the full penalty.
The discount does not apply to parking violations within the city of Moscow. Therefore, they pay a fine for this, the amount of which is 2500 rubles.
How to pay a traffic police fine with a 50 percent discount?
Having dealt with who and when pays, we now consider how this can be done. If the driver is a law-abiding citizen, then even in case of violation of traffic rules, he will immediately pay a receipt. Then the law allows you to save money and make only half of its value.
Where can this be done? Today, many people pay fines for the traffic police on the Internet at a discount (this is implemented both on the government services portal and on the traffic police website, as well as through electronic wallets and through special online applications).
But for the discount to be valid, you must not forget about the terms. The discount will cease to be valid after 12 hours on the 20th day. It turns out that if you received the minutes on the first day at 13:00, then 50 percent of the amount can be paid only until 12 at night on the 21st. After that, they deposit money in full.
In this case, the payment time is not considered the moment the amount is received on the traffic police account, but the time it is paid and the driver receives a receipt in his hands or a notification of debiting via SMS. After payment, it is advisable to check the fact of receipt of funds to the traffic police account (this is stated in many reviews). If the money does not come, it is best to drive up to the department and show the receipt. Then you protect yourself from possible misunderstandings.
This procedure is an innovation. This year, the payment of the traffic police fine with a 50% discount is checked for effectiveness. The law provides for a preferential treatment only for offenses of a light nature. Thus, it serves as a support for law-abiding citizens who, through negligence or other reasons, violated traffic rules.
Today, more than ever, the rule is relevant: "Forewarned - means armed." Drivers should be aware of all the innovations in traffic rules. It happens that information about the discount is received only after the full penalty has been paid. Can half of the debt be repaid? Unfortunately not. After all, the privilege is the driver’s right, and not an obligation. Therefore, to use it or not, he decides for himself.
In addition, do not leave “for later” receipts with fines and do not expect to pay them on the last day. The reviews confirm that very often happens when this day goes unnoticed, and then you have to pay the full amount.