Geographical location and coordinates of Khabarovsk. Interesting facts about the city

What are the geographic coordinates of Khabarovsk? Where is this city located? What makes it interesting and unique? Our article will tell about all this.

Khabarovsk: geographical location of the city

Khabarovsk is one of the largest cities in the Asian part of Russia. It was founded in the middle of the XIX century as a military outpost, however, over time it grew and became an important economic center and transport hub of the Far East.

coordinates of Khabarovsk

The city is located within the Central Amur Lowland (in its southern part), not far from the state border with China. By the way, to see from here the Celestial Empire, just climb the high right bank of the Amur. Khabarovsk covers an area of ​​37 thousand hectares. The average width of the city is ten kilometers.

Khabarovsk is characterized by a moderate monsoon type of climate. Summer is short and humid, and winter is snowy and rather cold. Average temperatures of the coldest month of the year (January) reach 20 degrees with a minus sign. About 700 mm of atmospheric precipitation falls in Khabarovsk annually. An amazing fact: the number of sunny days per year in Khabarovsk is about 300, which is three times more than in St. Petersburg, and four times more than in Moscow.

Khabarovsk: 8 interesting facts

  • This is one of the most multinational cities in Russia (representatives of 32 peoples and ethnic groups live in it).
  • Over the past decade, Khabarovsk three times recognized as the most comfortable city in the country.
  • The banknote of 5,000 rubles depicts a monument to Muravyov-Amursky, which is located in Khabarovsk.
  • Khabarovsk has the longest bridge in Russia (its length is 2.6 km).
  • By its area, the city is one of the five largest in the country.
  • Khabarovsk is located just 17 kilometers from the Chinese border.
  • The authoritative magazine Forbes in 2010 put Khabarovsk in second place in terms of the convenience of doing business among Russian cities.
  • Four consulates of foreign countries work in Khabarovsk: China, Japan, North Korea and Belarus.

Khabarovsk coordinates latitude and longitude

Exact coordinates of Khabarovsk

To find out where this or that settlement is located is impossible without knowing its exact coordinates. The table below provides all the necessary information to determine the geographical location of the city of Khabarovsk.

Khabarovsk coordinates: latitude and longitude


In degrees, minutes and seconds

In decimal degrees


48 ° 29 ′ 00 ″ North



135 ° 04 ′ 00 ″ East


Thus, the city of Khabarovsk is located in the Northern and Eastern hemispheres of the Earth, in the tenth time zone (UTC + 10). The time difference with Moscow is 7 hours. The distance from Khabarovsk to the Russian capital by air is approximately 6,000 km, by rail - 8,500 km.

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