The law of silence in an apartment building. What to do if you break the silence law

Many citizens have many disagreements with their neighbors when living in apartment buildings. The most common quarrels and problems are related to the fact that people regularly encounter noise at night or in the daytime, as well as on weekends and holidays. At the same time, not all citizens know that Russia has a law on silence that provides certain rules regarding the behavior of citizens and noise on certain days of the week. Additionally, the requirements for silence at a particular time of day.

What actions are prohibited in 2018?

The federal law on silence contains information about when it is not allowed to make noise in apartments. This includes limitations:

  • on weekdays from 22:00 to 8:00 should not be too noisy in the premises;
  • during a quiet hour it should also be quiet, and this period of time is represented by two hours from 13:00 to 15:00;
  • it is not allowed to make noise on weekends from 23:00 to 12:00, and this restriction applies to holidays.

Everyone should know what requirements and conditions the silence law contains. Repair work cannot be carried out from 20:00 until the morning.

silence law

What is related to noisy activities?

It is important to understand what actions are really noisy. They violate the law of silence. These include:

  • various musical devices included on a significant volume, television or radio;
  • playing on different types of musical instruments;
  • the use of pyrotechnics, and this even applies to weekends or holidays, and the New Year holidays are an exception;
  • work related to unloading or loading, if they are implemented during the move, and even furniture relocation is included here;
  • screams and scandals between residents of the same apartment;
  • singing or whistling;
  • elevated conversations;
  • different types of repair work.

If these violations are discovered, citizens can turn to law enforcement agencies to apply different penalties to violators.

apartment block silence law

What to do in case of violations?

If the law on silence in an apartment building is violated , then it is advisable for citizens to try initially to resolve the differences in a peaceful way. To do this, you need to visit the apartment of the neighbors to ask them to behave a little quieter or quietly turn on the music and TV.

The next step involves contacting the police. To do this, directly at night, you can call the employees of this service. It is also advisable to write a statement to the district police officer. Often effective is the appeal to Rospotrebnadzor. It is the employees of this service who are involved in measuring the noise level, which is further recorded in official papers.

If the interaction with violators, even from the side of the police, does not lead to the desired result, then a complaint is drawn up against citizens in a local court. A meeting is appointed on the basis of this lawsuit, at which a decision is made when studying all the circumstances of this case. At the same time, citizens should have evidence that the law on silence is violated. They should be presented by documents received from the police, the district police officer and employees of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare.

How to correctly measure the noise that occurs during repair?

Construction or restoration work is considered the most noisy. The fact is that during their implementation, various specific tools are used, represented by perforators or hammers that emit loud noise during use.

Noise level is measured by special devices called sound level meters. They show results in acoustic decibels. Such indicators are represented by a physical quantity indicating the pressure exerted on the ear at certain sounds.

The sound level meter works like a regular microphone. A voltmeter containing a decibel scale is connected to it. It is on the basis of these readings that the noise level is determined. Devices capture the frequency of sound and its intensity. The sound level meter has several special filters to simulate the work of the ear.

silence law repair work

When is the measurement assigned?

If the law on silence is violated by neighbors, then citizens can contact the Rospotrebnadzor or the SES to conduct an audit. For this, a special statement is drawn up in which the optimal time for the study is assigned.

The verification process is divided into stages:

  • Initially, a citizen writes an application for a study;
  • employees of the selected service visit the citizen’s apartment on the day off, which is indicated in the application;
  • they bring with them measuring instruments with which the research is carried out;
  • data are recorded in the inspection report;
  • then experts visit the neighboring apartment;
  • noise measurements are made during the implementation of repair work;
  • All results are recorded in the act.

This document is issued to the applicant. With him and other papers, he can appeal to the court or to law enforcement agencies, which will allow bringing violators to administrative responsibility. Therefore, if you figure out what to do if you violate the law on silence, you can force violators to comply with the law.

holidays silence law

What is the punishment?

The current silence law contains information that violators who are really noisy at night or on holiday may be held administratively liable. It is represented by rather large fines, and they increase if people do not begin to follow the requirements of the law.

Fines are assigned:

  • for the first violation, you will have to pay from 1 to 3 thousand rubles, and the specific amount of punishment depends on how much harm was inflicted on the neighbors;
  • re-detection of the violation entails a fine in the form of a fine, the amount of which is 4 thousand rubles;
  • for the third violation, citizens will have to pay 5 thousand rubles.

The law on silence in an apartment building concerns not only individuals, but even representatives of different companies or officials. Moreover, more severe penalties are prescribed for them. Officials pay 5 thousand rubles for the initial violation, and for the subsequent violations they will have to pay from 50 thousand rubles.

For legal entities, a fine is imposed in the form of a fine, the amount of which for the first violation is 20 thousand rubles, and for subsequent violations it can reach 150 thousand rubles.

When are fines not awarded?

The Federal Law on Silence provides for the existence of certain circumstances that are considered significant, therefore, if they exist, significant fines can be avoided. These include:

  • traditional religious events;
  • prevention of various criminal acts of other persons;
  • the occurrence of a specific emergency;
  • urgently needed to eliminate the consequences of emergency.

But all the above facts must be proved and confirmed by official documents.

How to avoid fines?

Many people can repair only on weekends or evenings on weekdays. This leads to the fact that in any case they will disturb the peace of neighbors. To prevent the possibility of levying fines, the following actions are performed:

  • Initially, you need to ask permission from neighbors to carry out repairs at specific intervals;
  • it is necessary to carry out work exclusively at the permitted time;
  • it is advisable to draw up a work schedule that will indicate the dates and times of various processes, after which this document is recommended to be transferred to neighbors for signature.

In practice, people can almost always agree with each other, so if you independently meet the neighbors, you can avoid conflicts and fines.

silence law

How long can you make noise?

The silence law stipulates that silence in apartments must be respected from 21:00 to 8:00. In this case, the noise cannot exceed 30 decibels.

Additionally, in each region, these time frames may vary slightly.

Conditions in the capital

The silence law in Moscow has undergone certain changes. Deputies adopted their own bill, which contains requirements for silence. It is not allowed to exceed the established noise level from 23:00 to 7:00.

In addition, it is planned that a ban will be imposed on the repair work from 19:00 to 9:00, and also it will not work on this process from 13:00 to 15:00.

On weekends and holidays silence should be observed from 22:00 to 10:00.

Rules in St. Petersburg

In the northern capital, certain changes were also made to the federal silence law. The time when it is not allowed to make noise is represented by the interval between 22:00 and 8:00.

On weekends or holidays, requirements are tightened, so silence should be observed between 22:00 and 12:00. At this time it is not allowed:

  • scream loudly and even speak in raised voices;
  • Watch TV or listen to music too loudly
  • carry out repairs;
  • move home furnishings.

At the same time, certain exceptions were made to the legislation of St. Petersburg that allow exceeding the established noise standards under certain conditions. Therefore, noise is not prohibited if it is necessary to eliminate the consequences of natural disasters or it is necessary to protect the rights of citizens.

current silence law

Nuances in the Krasnoyarsk Territory

In this region, deputies adopted their own amendments, so the time interval from 22:00 to 9:00 is presented at night.

These conditions do not apply to situations when emergency work is necessary, it is required to save citizens, or measures are being taken that are planned in advance by the region’s officials. Additionally, such restrictions do not apply to different holidays, not only state, but also city.

Where to complain about the crying baby?

Often, neighbors are faced with the fact that behind the wall there lives a young family with a small child who regularly makes noise and cries not only during the day, but also at night.

It is advisable to try to solve such a problem peacefully, so it is recommended that neighbors try to talk with violators so that they calm the child in a timely manner. If the conversations do not lead to the desired result, then an official complaint is sent to the neighbors. If there is no reaction to this document, then a complaint is submitted to Rospotrebnadzor. You can also write a statement to the administration of the region, the police or the Criminal Code. Usually, even these services cannot take any measures of influence, since the neighbors may just have a noisy child who cannot be influenced by persuasion or even punishment.

In order for such a complaint to be more effective, it is advisable to collectively make it several neighbors. If a lawsuit is filed with the court, then we must prepare for a lengthy trial.

federal silence law

What to do if the neighbors constantly bark the dog?

The law on silence during holidays or weekdays applies not only to repair work, but also to sounds made by pets. The neighbors may have a dog, which in the absence of the owners constantly barks or howls.

Under such conditions, we must again try to resolve the issue peacefully. After that, you can contact the law enforcement authorities. The district police officer must conduct a preventive conversation with the owners of the animal.

You can also apply to organizations that deal with issues of proper animal welfare. If it is possible to prove that citizens are irresponsible towards the pet, then the dog can be withdrawn.

Thus, each person living in an apartment building must know about the rights of each owner of the apartment in the building. Therefore, constant noise is not allowed. In different regions, the time when it is not allowed to watch TV loudly, scream or perform repair work may be slightly different, since the time intervals are set by local authorities. When violations are detected, measurements are taken, and if they indicate a real excess of the norms, then measures are applied to citizens, represented by large fines.

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