Death certificate where to get? Where and how to get a death certificate?

In most cases, a death certificate is required to obtain an inheritance. Not everyone knows where to get such a document. It is this certificate that enables relatives to register the property of the deceased. How to get such a document? What is he like?

death certificate where to get

What is a death certificate

The certificate is a legal document that is issued as an extract confirming the death of a person. However, receiving such papers may cause difficulties and many questions.

If we consider the situation from the legal side, then for the state confirmation of the fact of death, a corresponding certificate is issued, which is regulated by certain legislative decrees. At the same time, key points are spelled out in Articles 64-68 in the law, which entered into force on 11/15/1997.

In 2017, no changes occurred. Documents are issued, and the death of a person is recorded according to standard rules. What nuances should you know? How to issue a death certificate? Where to get the document? It is worth noting that the certificate is of several samples: stamp and medical. Do not confuse these documents. Each of them has its own purpose.

how to get a death certificate

Where to go

So, where and how to get a death certificate of a close relative. To issue such a document, you must contact the registry office. This must be done in the department of the area where the deceased was recently registered.

There is another option. Relatives can contact in the event of a person’s death in the organization that issued the primary document confirming the death.

The procedure is a little more complicated if a sad event occurred abroad. In this case, the procedure for obtaining a death certificate is completely different.

What is indicated in the document

A death certificate is a serious document. Upon receipt, it should be ensured that the document contains all the necessary information:

  • FULL NAME. the person whose death has been registered;
  • date and place of birth of the deceased;
  • citizenship, which must be confirmed by relevant documents;
  • specific place and exact date of death;
  • bodies of civil registration of acts of state must put a mark;
  • the exact date of issue of the death certificate to the applicant.
    death certificate

How is a death certificate issued?

We found out where to get the document. Now you should clarify how this procedure proceeds. A death certificate is issued on official letterhead in A4 format. At the same time, watermarks must be applied to the document . Since 2014, modified forms were put into circulation. They additionally indicate such a clause as “nationality”.

After submitting all the documents and applications, you will have to wait about a day. This is the standard deadline for issuing death certificates in the functional department of registration of acts of civil status, as well as in existing bodies.

It is worth noting that the applicant may request a certificate of death, made in the form No. 33, and a death certificate. Where to get such papers? In the same department of the registry office. Such a document may be needed to obtain a cash loan for the burial of the deceased in the future.

Medical certificate

Obtaining a death certificate in this case is carried out only in the institution or department where death was ascertained. It can be a clinic, a dispensary, a morgue or a hospital. The document itself is a medical confirmation of death. It is issued on official letterhead, drawn up according to form No. 106 / y-08. This certificate is necessary not only to confirm the fact itself, but also for conducting statistical records.

What is this document for? If the relatives do not have a death certificate in their hands, an appropriate medical sample, then they may be refused to issue the body of the deceased from the morgue department. Who is issued such a document? As a rule, only a guardian, family member or close relative can receive a medical death certificate.

how to get a death certificate from a registry office

What should be indicated in the certificate

So, how to get a death certificate for a medical sample, found out. Experts recommend carefully checking the document. In him:

  • There should be no factual errors or typos;
  • must coincide with these dates the time of registration of the certificate and death of a person;
  • passport data must be accurately and without errors;
  • the seal of the medical organization must be on the back, and the name, position and signature of the doctor must be indicated.

Preliminary or final

A medical death certificate may be marked with a “Preliminary” or “Final” mark. These documents also have differences, and should not be confused. If the mark is “Preliminary”, then additional research is needed to find out the real cause of death. It will take some time. After 45 days, relatives can be issued a new document, which will indicate "Issued in exchange for the preliminary." If such a death certificate was received, then it should be additionally marked: the number and date of previous certificates.

where and how to get a death certificate

At the time of receipt of the document, the applicant puts his signature on the spine of papers. This is a prerequisite. The spine is stored for a year at the issuance of such documents. After the specified time, they are simply disposed of.

Post stamp

Where and how to get a death certificate in this case? Such documents are issued at the registry office, where many receive birth certificates of a child. However, first of all, it is worth clarifying the exact address of the registry office serving the area where the deceased officially resided.

It is worth noting that the official stamp is the main document that is required when solving legal issues related to the distribution of inheritance. Therefore, it is very important for relatives to apply for this paper in due time.

If it is not possible to independently draw up documents, then it is allowed to open a notarized power of attorney to friends or acquaintances. However, this practice is extremely rare today.

Obtaining a death certificate: what documents to collect?

The applicant should contact the relevant registry office and submit a written application. In some cases, oral treatment is sufficient. The applicant may also receive a stamp of death not only at the place of registration. This method is described in detail in article 65-FZ. The applicant can obtain the necessary certificate only after providing a full package of documents. Among them should be:

  • a statement drawn up in accordance with all the rules;
  • a document confirming the death of a relative;
  • passport not only of the deceased, but also of the applicant.

A death certificate is issued on the stamp on the day the relatives contact. In this case, the state duty for services is not charged. The main expenses are obtaining a form of the corresponding form. Now you know how to get a death certificate from the registry office.

procedure for obtaining a death certificate

Medical certificate of perinatal death

Obtaining a child’s death certificate at birth is issued after filling out the relevant document with special recommendations. There are certain rules. It is worth noting that with this form of request, parents do not receive documents confirming the birth of a child.

In this case, you can only get paper about the death of the baby. At the request made by the parents, the relevant authorities can submit a document that will confirm the moment of birth, and then the registration of the dead child. Registration is carried out according to completely different rules. Registration of the birth and subsequent death of the baby who died during the first 7 days of life occurs, according to the documentation relating to birth, as well as perinatal death.

obtaining a death certificate what documents

In conclusion

The procedure for obtaining such evidence, at first glance, is quite simple. However, there are situations when a tragic incident occurred outside the country. To draw up the relevant documents, you must contact the authorities of the state where the person died. But first of all, it is recommended to clarify the entire list of securities required to obtain a certificate.

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