Nails bend down: causes, solutions to problems, expert advice

Nails are a kind of indicator of the health of the body. Even a slight change in color and topography can report problems, for example, a lack of vitamins and minerals. In the case when the nails are bent down or up, you will need to consult a doctor. Perhaps this way the body signals the development of dangerous pathologies.

Nail treatment

Healthy nail plate

Healthy nails have a pink color, a flat and smooth surface. They are moderately flexible and strong. The shape of the nail plate depends on natural genetic factors and can be:

  • square;
  • round;
  • trapezoidal;
  • rectangular.

The basis of the nail plate is keratin protein. It also consists of human hair. The density of the nails is due to the fact that a large amount of sulfur is present in keratin. The higher its concentration, the stronger the plate. In addition to sulfur, in a healthy nail should be present:

  • selenium;
  • calcium;
  • phosphorus;
  • zinc;
  • chromium.

For shine and elasticity of the nail, water and fat are responsible. Its thickness usually does not exceed 0.3 mm. An insufficient amount of even one element instantly affects the health of the nail.

Nails bend down

Full plate renewal occurs once every six months. The nail grows rather slowly - from 0.25 to 1 mm per week. A strict diet, hormonal changes, and illnesses can also affect speed.

Often, dermatologists turn to patients with a question about why the fingernails are bent down. To answer this question, a thorough diagnosis of the body is necessary. Only after this, the doctor will be able to name the cause and prescribe treatment.

Nail deformation

Deformation of the nail plate does not always mean that a pathological process has begun in the body. Sometimes changes can occur due to adverse factors. It can harm your nails:

  1. Aggressive household chemicals and chlorinated water. You need to do the cleaning with household rubber gloves. Detergents contain aggressive surfactants, which easily dissolve the natural fat that is contained in the nail. In addition, household chemicals significantly age the skin of the hands.
  2. UV exposure. It is recommended to use varnishes with UV filters.
  3. Poor manicure tools. For example, hard metal files.
  4. Use for removal of a varnish acetone-containing liquid. She dehydrates and degreases the nail plate.

In the event that none of the items listed had an effect, and the nails are bent down, you will have to look for other causes of the problem. Doing it yourself is not recommended; it is better to consult a doctor.

Hereditary predisposition

Human health largely depends on heredity. Parents pass on to their children the peculiarity of the constitution and physique, hair and eye color. In the event that the fingernails are bent down, it is recommended to pay attention to the hands of dad and mom. The deformed plates of the parents will tell you that the matter is in genetics. Bends can be observed on all fingers at once or on only one.

The extended nails bend down

It is impossible to change heredity, therefore, it is useless to fight with bent nails in this case. Moreover, the longer the length, the more noticeable the defect. You can hide it by cutting your nails until they begin to change shape. In that case, if the length matters, you will need to use the extension.

Micronutrient and Vitamin Deficiency

Everyone who often adheres to strict diets or abuses fast food has a constant lack of vitamins and minerals. Human nutrition can answer the question of why the nails are bent down.

In the event that the body begins to experience a lack of nutrients, its primary task is to provide trace elements only to vital organs. Hair and nails are not, so their needs will be ignored. Gradually, the plates will begin to weaken and curl, and the hair will break and fall out.

A blood test helps to accurately determine those trace elements that the body especially needs. Most often, the reason lies in the lack of iron or vitamin B12. A correctly selected vitamin complex and balanced nutrition will quickly help to solve the problem.

Bruises and improper care

Mechanical injuries often cause the nail plate to bend. This can lead to inept actions of a manicurist, the use of a very rough metal file, as well as frequent build-ups, performed in violation of the technique.

Ceramic Nail Files

The reason that the nails are bent down on the feet may be tight shoes. In the event that the wrong actions of the pedicure master can be eliminated, it is recommended to pay attention to those shoes in the wardrobe that have a narrow toe. It is better to completely abandon them or wear them only in exceptional cases.

Possible diseases

Diseases of the respiratory tract often lead to the fact that the nails bend down. In addition to changing the shape, the plate can change color to yellowish or bluish. A similar symptom is often observed in people with the following diseases:

  1. Chronical bronchitis.
  2. Asthma.
  3. Lungs' cancer.
  4. Tuberculosis.
  5. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Various pathologies of the thyroid gland, as well as violations in the functioning of the pancreas and liver, can affect the fact that the nail plate begins to curl down. In addition, rounding of nails may be the first symptom of a fungal infection.

Expert Advice

Well-groomed nails are of great importance for every woman. It is difficult to mask a deformed plate, since the hands are always in sight. No woman wants to come to terms with the fact that her nails bend down. What to do in this situation, the dermatologist knows.

Proper Nail Care

The doctor will prescribe the necessary diagnostics to determine what exactly led to the development of the defect. If it turns out that the curvature of the nails is only a symptom of a disease, prescribe its treatment. After the pathology is defeated, the plate will gradually return to its original form.

In the event that no serious pathologies are detected, a specialist will help to correct some points that will help bring the appearance of the nail in order. This includes:

  • intake of vitamin-mineral complexes containing vitamins B12, D3 and iron;
  • enriching your daily diet with foods such as fish, cheese and spinach;
  • constant monitoring of the level of protein in the body (in some people, even a minimal deficiency of this component causes a decrease in immunity and a deterioration in the condition of hair and nails);
  • daily massage before bedtime of the cuticle and rubbing into it various oils, for example, olive;
  • a complete rejection of the use of liquids for removing varnish with acetone;
  • permanent protection of hands and nails with rubber gloves while washing dishes;
  • the predominant use of ceramic or glass files;
  • You can trust nails only to highly qualified manicurists;
  • the use of orthopedic shoes.

Folk recipes

To help in a situation where the nails are bent down, some recipes of traditional medicine are capable. Before you start using them, it is recommended to consult a doctor. This is necessary in order not to miss the development of a dangerous pathology.

Baths for nails

The following home procedures have a beneficial effect on the nail plate:

  1. Wax mask. To prepare the product, you will need to melt 30 g of beeswax in a water bath. Add 10 ml of jojoba oil and 5 drops of almond to it. Cool to a temperature of 40 degrees and dip fingers in the mixture for 30 seconds. Immediately after that, put your hands under cold water. Leave the frozen mask on your hands for 20 minutes. The full course includes 12 treatments. They should be performed once every three days.
  2. Restorative bath. Pour a glass of warm water into a bowl or bowl. Dissolve 25-30 g of sea salt and add a tablespoon of aloe juice. Dip your fingers in the finished bath. The duration of one session is 25 minutes. Procedures can be performed daily for two weeks.
  3. Mask with red pepper. This tool stimulates the growth of healthy nails and allows you to restore the damaged structure of the plates. To prepare the mask, you need to mix in a bowl a tablespoon of fat baby cream, 20 g of ground red pepper and 30 ml of hot water. Put the mixture in a water bath and heat for five minutes, stirring constantly. Remove from heat and cool. Apply a warm mask to your fingertips in a thick layer. After 30 minutes, rinse off the product. The procedure can be performed once a week.

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