The baby’s body, which has just been born, still does not protect itself as well from infections as the body of an adult. Therefore, any disease can be dangerous for him. In the first days of life, a child is given one of the most important vaccinations, eliminating the mass of undesirable consequences of possible diseases. Consider the features of vaccination of newborns, indications and contraindications, as well as the schedule of vaccinations for a baby up to a year.
What is vaccination?
Vaccination is a vaccination, that is, the artificial development of immunity to a particular pathogen. By introducing antigens to certain microorganisms into the baby’s body, the child develops resistance (or, as medicine calls it, resistance) to diseases.
After a specific vaccine is introduced, antibodies begin to be produced in the body. Doctors distinguish between vaccination when vaccinations are given for prophylaxis and vaccine therapy, that is, vaccination for therapeutic purposes. In this case, vaccines can be made from attenuated pathogenic bacteria (they are considered more effective) or killed, already inactive viruses and bacteria. Vaccination of a newborn child, as well as preschool children, is carried out by inactive microorganisms.
Vaccination: Pros and Cons
To make vaccinations or not, including a newborn baby, only the parent decides. Mom and dad have the legal right to refuse vaccination, but first you need to evaluate all the risks that can affect the health of the child.
For vaccination:
- A 100% guarantee that the child will not get sick, does not give a single vaccine, regardless of the disease, but vaccination significantly reduces the possible risk of complications, as well as the likelihood of infection;
- children who are not vaccinated get sick more often, which can affect healthy babies around them;
- a sick and vaccinated child tolerates the disease more easily.
Recently, more and more often modern parents refuse vaccination. They insist that the baby should develop its own immunity, or do not want to expose the child’s body to more stress. Also, many in the reviews note that they are afraid of poor-quality drugs. This, in turn, can cause significant complications or irreversible consequences for the baby's health.
Vaccination of newborns in the hospital
In the first days of a child’s life in a maternity hospital, he is given two vaccinations. These actions are regulated by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated 10.30.2007 No. 673 "On Amendments and Additions to the Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated 27.06.2001 No. 229" On the National Calendar of Preventive Vaccinations and the Calendar of Preventive Vaccinations according to epidemic indications ".
Vaccination schedule for newborns:
- hepatitis B - in the first 24 hours of life;
- BCG (against tuberculosis) - in the first 3-5 days after birth.
These two vaccinations are given to all newborns, although they are voluntary. Hepatitis B is also vaccinated at 1 month, followed by the schedule of vaccinations against hemophilic infection, polio, diphtheria, pertussis and tetanus in two months. Vaccination also occurs at four months (against polio, DTP (pertussis, diphtheria and tetanus), from a hemophilic infection), at the age of six months of the baby (hepatitis B, DTP and polio) and upon reaching one year (measles, mumps, rubella and the third vaccination from hemophilic infection).
A vaccine against tuberculosis, called BCG vaccination of newborns, which is carried out in the first five days after the birth of the baby, is still in the hospital. It is noted that the risk of a baby getting tuberculosis is 10 times higher than that of an adult. The vaccine for this pathology was first created in 1919. In the middle of the 20th century, it became mandatory in most countries of Europe. Since 1962, it is mandatory for all citizens of the Russian Federation.
It should be understood that BCG, like any vaccination? does not give a 100% guarantee that the child will not get a dangerous pathology. But in the vast majority of cases, this avoids severe consequences. It is noted that vaccinated children, if they are sick, then tolerate the disease in a mild form.
BCG vaccination in newborns is carried out in the shoulder, after which a characteristic and almost imperceptible scar is formed. The larger the diameter of this scar, the higher the person’s protection against tuberculosis. In order for it to form, you should not for a certain time rub this place with a rough washcloth or lubricate with an antiseptic. In the case of the formation of a crust, it is not necessary to strip it off, the wound itself must be tightened.
Only in rare cases, a vaccine against tuberculosis causes complications, because it contains only inactive bacteria. Side effects can occur only with the wrong injection. This may be the appearance of an ulcer at the site of subcutaneous administration, the formation of a keloid scar, an abscess, or the spread of infection to nearby tissues.
Hepatitis B vaccine
Hepatitis B virus infects liver cells and can provoke the development of serious fatal diseases such as liver failure, cirrhosis or liver cancer. You can become infected with the virus at any age. In a baby who has just been born, the body is not yet strong, and the immune system is too weak.
Hepatitis B vaccination in newborns is carried out on the first day. The injection is administered subcutaneously in one of the legs. The vaccine contains a well-purified virus antigen and is easily tolerated by almost all infants.
Specialists note that redness, thickening may occur at the vaccination site, the baby's temperature will rise or sleep may be disturbed slightly - all these side effects are not terrible and, as a rule, disappear after a day or two. They do not require special treatment.
Before vaccinating a newborn, the baby is examined by a pediatrician, who gives a conclusion that vaccination can be done. If any pathologies or changes in the condition are detected, the vaccination is postponed until complete recovery.
Parents should understand that only vaccination of a healthy newborn will protect him from infections and contribute to the development of immunity to certain pathogenic bacteria and viruses. In the hospital, vaccinations are given for preventive rather than therapeutic purposes.
Absolute contraindications
Vaccination of newborns is not carried out if there are contraindications. There are few absolute contraindications, since the pharmaceutical sector is constantly working on improving the drugs in order to reduce the possible risk to the body and in the subsequent development of side effects. In addition, the study of the immune system and how it affects one or another antigen in a certain form. The World Health Organization analyzes and collects data.
Permanent (general) contraindications include:
- cramps, epilepsy, or meningitis;
- birth injuries;
- congenital immunodeficiency or HIV infection, which can be transmitted from mother to child;
- identified problems with the heart or kidneys;
- oncology;
- the development of an allergic reaction - redness greater than 8 cm, a sharp deterioration in health, fever above 39 degrees.
Temporary contraindications
If the baby was born prematurely, its weight is less than 2 kg, vaccination is not carried out, but is postponed until a certain weight is gained. This refers to a temporary indication for vaccinating newborns. Doctors also postpone BCG if the baby has an intrauterine infection or hemolytic disease.
Children are not vaccinated in case of a cold or exacerbation of chronic diseases. To make sure that the baby is ready for vaccination, they do a general blood test. All indicators should be normal, especially ESR, hemoglobin and white blood cells.
Terms and conditions
Vaccination of newborns is carried out free of charge if the medical institution has drugs. If there are no drugs in the hospital, you can wait for the next delivery, but in this case, the vaccination schedule will be violated. You can also buy the vaccine at the pharmacy yourself, but for this you need to get a prescription from a doctor. The third option is to vaccinate the baby in a specialized medical center, but this service is paid and quite expensive.
Regardless of where and how the vaccination will be carried out, it is mandatory to examine a pediatrician and take tests. In the maternity hospital, a neonatologist prescribes all the necessary tests in the first minutes of the baby’s life, examines for pathologies. A history of the mother is also collected. If necessary, an additional examination of the baby is carried out before vaccination. Mother or father must give written permission for vaccination.
Information about the vaccine, the preparation, the dose, the time of the recording is recorded in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. Within half an hour after vaccination, the newborn should be under the supervision of a doctor, although this time depends on the vaccine and is indicated in the instructions for the drug. This is necessary in order to avoid possible consequences or side effects and to provide first aid in time.
Rules of conduct after vaccination
The memo on vaccinating newborns talks about the importance of vaccinating a baby. It also indicates the schedule and what the diseases are dangerous for, vaccinations against which are included in the All-Russian calendar.
After vaccination, it is important to monitor the condition of the baby both by the mother and the medical staff. It costs at least 30 minutes in the doctor’s field of vision so that he can immediately respond to any change in the well-being of the child.
It is also indicated that vaccination is the most effective preventative measure against many infectious diseases. It can be single (tuberculosis, mumps and measles) and multiple (DTP and polio). In order for the child to develop immunity, he must receive several doses and it is not recommended to interrupt the initiated vaccination schedule. This can lead to a severe reaction when meeting with the pathogen, which is much more dangerous than the virus itself.
Refuse without consequences is possible only from revaccination. It is aimed at supporting the protective functions of the body, which were developed by previous vaccinations.
To reduce the possible risk of side effects, homeopathic and antihistamines are prescribed by your doctor. On the day of vaccination, the baby is not bathed.
Refusal of vaccination: consequences
Refusal of vaccination of newborns is made in writing on official forms, the form of which is developed and approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. In Art. 5. According to the Federal Law “On the Immunoprophylaxis of Infectious Diseases”, the right of citizens to refuse preventive vaccinations is directly indicated. There is also information about the consequences that can result from refusal of vaccination.
Currently, there is an active debate about what should be the responsibility for refusing vaccination. Now neither administrative nor criminal liability is provided. In addition, the director of the kindergarten, school or the head of the circle may be held accountable for refusing to accept an unvaccinated child, since this limits his right to education.
Any doctor insists on vaccination, informs the mother about the importance and possible consequences.
Vaccination of the child begins in the hospital. In the first five days after birth, he is given two vaccinations. Hepatitis B vaccination in newborns is carried out in the first 24 hours. It can protect the baby from a dangerous virus that causes serious liver damage. BCG (against tuberculosis) will prevent possible serious consequences.
In order to avoid the development of side effects, it is important to vaccinate under the supervision of a doctor. Absolute and temporary contraindications are also taken into account. Parents have the right to refuse vaccinations, but it is worth assessing the risk of such a decision.