Giant garlic rockambol: features of cultivation

Garlic rockambole is a plant belonging to the onion family. Its name in Latin sounds like Allium scorodoprasum. Other names have taken root among the people: onion, comb, Spanish onion, onion-garlic, horse garlic, Egyptian onion.

garlic rockambol
This plant is medicinal and food, contains vitamins A and C, iron and allicin. Both tops and cloves are used for food. Its taste is amazing!

The plant forms up to 9 flattened leaves up to 60 cm long. They are pale green, banded, with a waxy coating. The garlic rockambol blooms in July with light lilac bell-shaped flowers. Photo well demonstrates spherical inflorescences. Seeds are not formed, because the flowers are sterile. The flower-bearing arrow grows to 1 m. To prevent the plant from spending precious energy, it is advisable to remove it.

The Egyptian onion propagates with cloves and children, formed on the roots, and not on the bulb itself. Children are always in a dense leathery shell, which must be removed when planting, otherwise they will not be able to germinate.

garlic rockambol photo
Rockambol garlic in the southern regions can be planted both in spring and late autumn. In regions with severe winters, landing can only be done in spring, and in the early stages. In this case, it is advisable to maintain the planting material for a month in the refrigerator, then carry out a disinfectant treatment (soak in a solution of Fitosporin or potassium permanganate).

To get large heads, the garden bed needs to be prepared: dig, spread rotted manure or compost, level. The place must be sunny. Potatoes, onions and ordinary garlic should not precede Egyptian onions. It is advisable to plant it after cabbage, pumpkin, legumes.

rockambole landing
The optimal tooth landing depth is 12 cm. The distance is 20 cm in a row, 30 cm in aisles. Children should be planted to a depth of not more than 4 cm, large single teeth will grow from them, which in the next season will form full-fledged bulbs.

There is nothing unusual about caring for plants. Regular watering, top dressing, weeding weeds. During the growing season, the soil should always be moist. The rocketball, the landing of which was carried out correctly in terms of time, can increase the head to 400 g, its diameter will be more than 10 cm. The yield is usually more than 3 kg per square meter.

Harvesting should be done with yellowing of the lower leaves. Delayed cleaning can lead to cracking of the integumentary scales, then the heads are left sharp

rockambol inflorescences
will shrink. After digging garlic rockambol, the leaves should not be removed immediately. You need to wait until they are completely dry. In this case, the leaves will give the bulb all the nutrients, the heads will be better stored. Leaves can be tied in pairs and hung garlic under a canopy. After about half a month, you need to trim the roots and the dried aerial part, leaving a small stump. In this form, the heads will be perfectly preserved until spring.

Garlic rockambole is an excellent prophylactic that strengthens the immune system. Unfortunately, it is not easy to purchase planting material. But if you manage to plant this plant in your garden, then be sure that you will breed it constantly!

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