Blackcurrant oil: application in cosmetology, reviews

In professional cosmetology, folk and traditional medicine, as part of home beauty recipes, there are many oils. One of the basic, which has a moisturizing, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging, firming and whitening effect, is currant.

blackcurrant oil

Receiving and characteristics

Blackcurrant fruit seeds are rich in valuable vegetable oil. The product, which is used in cosmetology and home beauty recipes, is made from the cake of fruit shrubs by pressing and filtering. In the first stages of production, it is a yellow liquid of a thick consistency, which later dries up. The oil has a subtle currant aroma. The finished product retains its healing properties throughout the year, but it must be stored in a dark place.

The healing properties of oil

Due to the properties of blackcurrant oil, it has a wide scope. The oil is basic, that is, it goes well with the most commonly used perfumes in perfumes. Especially good, the light smell of currant leaves captures and deepens the aroma of musk, rose, jasmine. In flower, wood and fruit perfumes, the main use of blackcurrant oil is a heartfelt note of aromas.

blackcurrant essential oil

The moisturizing properties of the cosmetic product are that the oil restores the barrier function of the skin, effectively delivers moisture to the deepest layers and retains it there, eliminates peeling. The use of blackcurrant oil will help to lighten your skin without harm, get rid of freckles and unaesthetic age spots.

Brittle nails and hair oil strengthens. Another cosmetic product delivers nutrients to hair follicles, gives a healthy shine to hair, improves the quality of the nail plate and hair, the elasticity of keratin hair scales.

It also has anti-inflammatory and anti-infectious properties. The content of gamma-linolenic acid allows you to effectively deal with a rash of any origin, acne and acne, helps with dermatitis and neurodermatitis, as well as other dermatological diseases.

Blackcurrant seed oil occupies a special place in cosmetology due to its pronounced anti-aging effect. It is a strong natural antioxidant, improves skin elasticity and stimulates collagen production in a natural way. In addition, the cosmetic product gently tones, so it is used in the care of aging skin.

In folk medicine, oil is used in the treatment of rheumatic pains, swelling, arthritis in the form of compresses. Inhalation with blackcurrant essential oil helps with bronchitis and pneumonia. In addition, the substance lubricates the affected areas with various dermatological diseases: eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis.

The therapeutic effectiveness of the oil has been proven by many scientific studies. In addition to the active use in cosmetology and home beauty recipes, it is also recommended as a biologically active food supplement in the treatment of a number of diseases.

blackcurrant oil reviews

A unique combination of nutrients

The oil owes its complex of medicinal properties to the unique composition of useful substances. The main components of currant oil are such vital fatty acids and active substances for the body:

  1. Omega-6, or linoleic acid, the content of which reaches 50% of the composition. This substance stimulates the processes of cell growth and cell metabolism, contributes to the normalization of the hormonal background, it is considered vital for the proper functioning of all organs and systems of the human body.
  2. Omega-9, or oleic (up to 13% of the composition). Prevents the formation of cholesterol deposits, has antitumor properties and regulates blood sugar.
  3. Omega-3 or alpha-luteic acid stimulates the body's immune defense, inhibits the synthesis of melanin in skin cells and is characterized by pronounced antioxidant properties.
  4. Stearidonic acid is involved in the formation of prostaglandins.
  5. Sterols, carotenoids, tocopherols, volatile.

From the history of currant oil

In the form of essential oil, the product of processing currant seeds began to be used relatively recently, but the odorous properties of fruit shrubs have been known for a long time. And the name of the plant itself comes from the old Russian "smorid" - a strong, not very pleasant smell.

Until the seventeenth century, currants were grown in the gardens of the monasteries. Healing decoctions were prepared from the leaves of the bush, used to treat diseases of the heart and blood vessels, kidneys, general strengthening of the body and increase immunity. Later, such decoctions and infusions took a worthy place in medicine, since currants contain a large amount of vitamin C, group B, phosphorus and iron, organic acids, pectin and tannins.

Application in cosmetology

The currant berries, ground into gruel, have long been used in cosmetology to whiten the skin, remove age spots and freckles, moisturize, get rid of acne and rashes of various origins, and make it taut and elastic. Today, blackcurrant oil is also used in cosmetology. The product can be found in some perfumes, lotions and tonics for problem skin, creams for dry and sensitive skin, sunscreens, moisturizers for hands and nails, anti-aging masks, shampoos and hair masks. It is undesirable to use funds that contain currant oil, with increased oily skin, in the first four months of pregnancy, in the presence of epilepsy or hemophilia.

blackcurrant seed oil

Home use

The whole spectrum of the positive properties of the oil can be estimated using some beauty recipes where it is used. It can be used to treat minor scratches, irritations and rashes, as part of applications, masks, as a moisturizer to restore healthy hair.

Most blackcurrant oil care products are best used at night. In its pure form, the cosmetic product is used only for rubbing into nails or cuticles, as well as for very dry skin. In other cases, it is desirable that the proportion of oil in the composition of the product does not exceed a fifth.

It is possible to accept inside as a biologically active additive only from twelve years. Allowable dosage: one teaspoon, but not more than twice a day with meals. You can buy blackcurrant oil in the form of capsules in the pharmacy, it is much more convenient for such a reception. The dosage in this case will be about three grams three times a day.

The benefits of black currant for hair

To give the hair a healthy shine and radiance, to strengthen them, it is necessary to mix in equal parts cosmetic blackcurrant oil and almond. The volume of the composition depends on the length of the hair, if it turns out more than necessary, you can leave the mask next time.

To apply almond and blackcurrant oil for hair is necessary slowly. After the mask is distributed along the entire length of wet hair, you need to continue rubbing oil into the skin with massage movements. This will make the action of the cosmetic procedure even more pronounced, as well as improve blood circulation. Then you should put on a shower cap, wrap your head in a warm towel. After two hours, rinse with warm water and wash your hair with shampoo.

blackcurrant cosmetic oil

Effective hydration of the skin

Currant oil is usually not recommended for oily skin, but in this case it is used as part of a mixture of base oils. The basic ones include almond, olive, peanut, grape seed oil, avocado, apricot kernel, cranberry, pomegranate, sea buckthorn, sesame and others. The main expected effect of currant oil is the fight against germs, the restoration of skin elasticity and anti-aging effect.

Skin whitening with currant oil

Judging by the reviews, blackcurrant oil is a proven tool for gently whitening facial skin. To get a whitening effect, just mix any moisturizer and a drop of oil. Apply this composition twice a week.

You can also prepare a clarifying toner for the skin of the face from natural ingredients. It will take a decoction of chamomile or sage, a few drops of blackcurrant oil. For 50 ml of infusion, you need to add five drops of oil. Shake well before each use. The product is applied using a cotton pad along the main massage lines. This tonic is stored in the refrigerator. Many women liked the natural remedy. Oil is inexpensive, and is sold in any pharmacy.

Acne Treatment With Oil

Oil is used orally to treat acne and other skin problems. In addition, in this form, it strengthens the immune system, which is especially useful in the autumn-spring period. To prepare your own beauty elixir, you need to mix in equal proportions olive (one tablespoon) and currant (one third of a tablespoon) oil. Such a mixture is enough to take once a day. The effectiveness of the drug is due to the fact that blackcurrant oil contains many useful components that improve the body's work and improve immunity, having a positive effect on the appearance.

blackcurrant oil for hair


Before applying the oil, you must visit a doctor. He can not only warn about the presence of contraindications, but also prescribe the correct dosage for a particular case. The use of oil is strictly contraindicated for people who suffer from hemophilia (blood clotting) and those who are treated with blood-thinning drugs.

For children under twelve years of age, pregnant and lactating women, the use of oil inside is in most cases contraindicated. You can use the oil if it is prescribed by your doctor.

Do not get involved in face masks and hair with currant oil. Instead of a positive effect, you will get increased fat content. It is enough to use masks with this component once or twice a week, but not more often.

blackcurrant oil properties

Refuse internal reception and external use should be if there is an individual intolerance. To verify its absence, always carry out an allergy test. A drop of oil should be applied to the forearm, skin behind the ear or wrist. If after 12-24 hours no adverse reactions are detected, you can safely use the oil.

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