The fastest way to swim: training methodology and technique

For each sport, the result is an indicator of success. The runner seeks to run as fast as possible, the swimmer to swim. With simple acceleration, without the right technique of movements, it is impossible to achieve the desired result. Before you look for a trainer for classes, you need to find out what the fastest way to swim is called.

Fastest style

If there are no specific style guidelines at the competition, the swimmers themselves decide which swimming method is the fastest for them. Usually they prefer a technique called "crawl". With this style you can develop maximum speed.

A crawl is performed on the chest with the help of long strokes of the hands in turn. The lower part of the body is helped to hold fast kicks on the surface, reminiscent of the exercise “scissors”. Inhalations are made when you turn your head during the stroke, and almost the rest of the time your face is under water.

Motion technique

During the swim, it is necessary to maintain the body in the most horizontal position. Allowable deviation - not lower than 10 degrees at slow speed. A high body position helps maintain proper hand strokes. When the shoulders are located slightly above the hips, the work of the muscles of the trunk increases, which makes the arms easier to get out of the water. It is necessary to monitor the position of the head: the neck muscles do not work much, the face looks forward and down.

The main advance in the water with the fastest swimming method is due to strong and regular hand strokes. Much attention should be paid to the correct formulation of the brush, since it is it that gives constant support to water.

what is the fastest swimming method

Hand movements can be divided into main stages:

  1. Capture of water. The very first movement is directed forward and down. Horizontal progress is faster than vertical. The first brush is introduced into the water at an acute angle, then the forearm, and the elbow last. The arm for a good grip is bent, it is straightened only at the end of the forward movement. For good support on the water, the elbow is constantly supported above the hand.
  2. The main movement. After capturing water, a forward movement is made. At this stage, the arm is bent at the elbow almost at right angles. The movement begins with its straightening, and repulsion is accomplished with the help of a tense hand and forearm. For effective work, the brush is held straight, while the fingers are not spread out.
  3. Withdrawal of hands This movement coincides with the flipping of the body to the other side for the next stroke. The elbow is first brought to the surface, then the brush.
  4. The movement of the hand above the water for subsequent stroke occurs at the same time as the promoting action of the second. It is carried in a relaxed state, moving faster before entering the surface of the water. The bent elbow looks up and to the side, and the palm back and partially up.

Qualitative and rapid advancement is achieved through a continuous cycle of hand movement. While the former captures water, the latter repels to advance.

Two strokes with hands account for six to two kicks. The most common option is six-hit. The most effective whip movement from the hip. The feet are at a distance of up to 40 cm, and the socks are turned to each other and extended.

Correct stop position

Right breathing

Breathing with the fastest swimming method is consistent with hand stroke. From one to three cycles of movement can come in one breath and exhale.

The breath begins during the withdrawal of the hand from the water, and ends at the beginning of movement above it. The head rotates smoothly in the same direction. Inhalation is necessary through the mouth for 0.3 to 0.5 seconds.

Exhalation occurs after the face is immersed in water. A slight air retention in the lungs is allowed.

Breathing while swimming fast

Sharpening movements

Despite the fact that crawl is the fastest way to swim, you should not accelerate from the very beginning of training. At the first movements, mistakes cannot be avoided. If you switch to high speed without correcting errors in the technique, all the flaws will become a habit. Moving incorrectly, it is difficult to swim quickly and for a long time, and retraining is always more difficult. Complete disregard for technology reduces the fastest swimming technique to fighting water and trying to stay on it.

Therefore, no matter how strange it may sound, to perform a fast technique you must swim slowly. Each step needs to be understood and felt. The muscles that should not be involved are relaxed, and the workers turn on.

Repeated repetition helps to remember movement at the muscle level. At low speed, the correct movements are honed to automaticity, even externally making them smooth and beautiful.

the name of the fastest way to swim

How to learn the fastest way of sports swimming

Almost everyone can stay on the water, but to move quickly in it you will have to work hard. There are several training options:

  1. The most affordable, but the most inefficient is the theoretical way. This method includes reading books, articles and watching videos on the fastest way to swim. In this case, you need to read or watch carefully, making sure that everything is understood correctly.
  2. The fastest, but the most dangerous, is to find yourself in conditions of the need for survival, where the body itself will prompt the necessary actions. The method is especially effective in the presence of theoretical knowledge stored in advance. It is not recommended that you specifically endanger yourself only to increase your swimming speed. The minus of the method is that a person can forget his actions committed in a stressful situation.
  3. The most effective way is to train under the supervision of an experienced personal trainer. A professional will help you figure out which swimming method is the fastest, give all the necessary instructions and correct errors in technology. Unfortunately, training with a personal trainer is not the cheapest pleasure.
  4. Another option is to sign up for classes in a group. The swimming school will provide advice and supervision to the trainer. The advantages of group classes are the ability to observe the mistakes of others in order to avoid their own.
the fastest way to sport swimming

How much you need to train to swim faster

The number and duration of loads is an important component in building up equipment and swimming speed. Some people make the mistake of starting too often and intensively, not giving the muscles time to recover, rest and strengthen. A large amount of daily training can not only overwork them, but also discourage further desire to engage.

The best solution would be regular lessons 2-3 times a week. Such a schedule will allow you to hone the movement, but will not overload the body and allow the muscles to recover. If you set the lessons 4-5 days a week, you will have to take care of enough rest for the stressed body, and also limit the classes in the gym.

Before each lesson, you need to warm up the muscles. Approaches to swims alternate with rest in intervals. After the lesson, a hitch takes place, that is, swimming at a very slow pace.

The results of classes for each person are individual, they depend on past experience and physical fitness. On average, a noticeable result is achieved 4-5 months after the start of training. Most students in a month or two can swim the first kilometer in the fastest way.

the fastest way to swim is

Not all at once

Each person’s natural desire is to see an instant result. But to learn how to swim fast, you need to have enough patience. It should be remembered that it is impossible to achieve success without honing all movements at a slow pace.

In order not to lose enthusiasm and not quit business halfway, you can visualize your goal, imagine the speed of movement achieved after a while.

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