What does urinalysis according to Nechiporenko show? Decipher urine analysis according to Nechiporenko. How to take urine according to Nechiporenko

Quite often, the doctor, after the obtained general results, prescribes additional studies, in particular, a urine sample by the Nechiporenko method. It is important for making the correct diagnosis. What does urinalysis according to Nechiporenko show? We’ll talk about this today.

When appointed

as shown by urine analysis according to Nechiporenko
This study will be required if the clinical (general) analysis showed any deviations from existing norms.

In order to conduct and then decipher the urine analysis according to Nechiporenko, the laboratory doctor needs 1 ml of liquid, in which the number of its constituent elements is calculated. The entire counting process is carried out using a special laboratory device.

The following indicators are considered normal:

  • white blood cells - not more than 2000 units;
  • erythrocytes - not more than 1000 units;
  • cylinders - not more than 20 units.

Any deviations from the above indicators indicate pathological processes that affect the human urogenital system.

So, answering the question: “What does the analysis of urine according to Nechiporenko show?” - we can say that this study helps to identify deviations in its composition, and therefore help in the diagnosis of the corresponding disease.

Urinalysis according to Nechiporenko: white blood cells

urinalysis according to Nechiporenko leukocytes
An increased white blood cell count confirms the presence of infection and inflammation in the genitourinary system. The most common cause of this increase is cystitis. This is called inflammation of the bladder. Due to the increased number of leukocytes, urine loses its natural transparency and becomes more cloudy, an abundant precipitate appears, which has a loose or mucous consistency.

Red blood cells

With an increased indicator of red blood cells, first of all, their structure is determined. These particles are altered and unchanged. If among the red blood cells there is a sufficiently large number with a changed structure, then this indicates kidney disease.


Nechiporenko analysis how to assemble
Even a slight increase in this indicator is a sign of an abnormal process that affects the kidney tissue. Cylinders are of various types, therefore, depending on the identified type, the final diagnosis is made.

Since the topic of our conversation is the question of what the analysis of urine according to Nechiporenko shows, therefore, the main diseases, in which the composition of urine changes, are presented below . It is for the diagnosis of these very complex diseases that this study is intended.

Urine according to Nechiporenko: what analysis shows

As mentioned earlier, this study contributes to a more accurate diagnosis, indicating certain deviations.

Most often, urine according to Nechiporenko helps diagnose the following diseases.

  1. Cystitis. This disease manifests itself as inflammation of the internal mucous layer of the bladder. In the acute course of the disease, urine becomes cloudy, a thick precipitate is clearly visible in it. Usually it is a viscous gelatinous mass containing a large amount of mucus.
  2. Pyelonephritis is a non-specific inflammation that affects the kidneys and renal pelvis. This disease is characterized by the presence of hyaline cylinders in the analysis. In case of more severe damage to organs, waxy and granular cylinders can be detected. In the chronic type of the disease, the prevalence of the number of leukocytes over the detected red blood cells is recorded.
  3. Acute glomerulonephritis is characterized by the presence of blood in the urine. Its color can vary from the color of "meat slops" to a greenish tint if other pigments are present. Hyaline cylinders can be detected in sediment. But in the diagnosis of acute glomerulonephritis, the presence of cylinders is not critical. More important is the identification of hemoglobin and red blood cell types.
  4. decipher urine analysis according to Nechiporenko
    Chronic glomerulonephritis. With this disease, changes in the quantitative composition of urine depend on the severity of the disease. The presence of waxy cylinders indicates an extremely poor prognosis.
  5. Renal stone disease, the main symptom of which is renal colic, is accompanied by the appearance of a small amount of blood in the urine. This is due to damage to the mucous membranes of the urinary tract. Phosphates are stones with a more rounded shape. They cause minor injuries. Blood in such cases appears much less often. Oxalates, which have extremely sharp angles, can severely damage the mucous membrane of the urinary tract, and, therefore, often cause minor bleeding. In the sediment present in the urine, salts are found that, in their chemical composition, correspond to the existing stone.

Preparing for the test

On the eve of the delivery of urine for laboratory research, it is worth abandoning vegetables and fruits that can change its color. Also, do not take diuretics.

Material collected for the study should be delivered to the laboratory of the clinic on the same day. Long-term storage of a liquid can affect its physical properties, promote the growth of bacteria or the destruction of elements present in the sediment. Such inaccurate data may interfere with the correct diagnosis and lead to unpleasant consequences.

We give urine according to Nechiporenko

urine according to Nechiporenko that shows
Let's figure out how to take urine according to Nechiporenko. For this analysis, morning urine is required, since it accumulates during the night, therefore it is not subject to daily fluctuations. The volume of fluid required for the study should be at least 70 ml.

Also important is the air temperature during the delivery of the analysis to the laboratory. Too much chilled material also gives the wrong result: a precipitate appears in the form of salts. It can be interpreted as the presence of kidney disease.

Before giving urine according to Nechiporenko, it is advisable not to take any medications. This can pretty much distort the research results.


Nechiporenko analysis: how to collect? First of all, you should definitely hold the toilet of the external genital organs. For this, soap and boiled water are perfect. If it is not possible to visit the bathroom, then you can use a solution of furatsilina or a solution of potassium permanganate. If this important rule is not followed, then the material collected for analysis may give incorrect results. “Extra” red blood cells and white blood cells appear in it, which complicate the diagnosis of the disease.

how to take urine according to Nechiporenko

The sample should be collected in a clean, dry dish (glass jar), washed thoroughly. The main rule when collecting urine according to the method of Nechiporenko is the collection of its average portion. To do this, first urinate a little in the toilet, then collect.

During the collection, try not to touch the flask of the body so that unnecessary elements do not get there. Then close the container and take it to the laboratory.

Now you know why this test is prescribed, as well as what the analysis of urine according to Nechiporenko shows. As a rule, the attending physician directs this study not only when the diagnosis is required to be clarified, but also to monitor the treatment process as a whole. Sometimes it is required to pass this test more than once, as the results turn out to be “smeared" for various reasons.

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