How to cauterize acne: a review of drugs, instructions for use, reviews

Quite often, owners of problem skin types have the question: "How to cauterize acne?" There are a huge number of both caring cosmetics and folk recipes based on various plants. But such a topic cannot be fully disclosed without taking into account the causes of the appearance of inflammation on the face. After all, they have a different nature of education, which means that they do not always need to be processed by any means.

Causes of inflammation

Most often, imperfections occur in the presence of oily or combination skin type. This is due to the fact that the sebaceous glands work quite actively and the fat that is secreted is clogged in the pores. With improper or insufficient cleansing, it freezes and forms inflammation. In order to understand how to cauterize a pimple so that it passes faster, it is necessary to determine the cause of the appearance:

  1. Incorrect cleansing, which leads to the growth of bacteria and contamination of pores.
  2. An allergic reaction to caring or decorative cosmetics, food, or drugs.
  3. Menstrual cycle or hormonal disruption.
  4. Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, the use of improper food, a large amount of sweet, salty and fatty.
  5. Adolescence.
Acne Effectiveness

Recommendations on how to cauterize acne show that it is advisable in the case of the formation of an abscess under the influence of bacteria. Inflammation in organ malfunction, during adolescence and from allergic reactions can also be treated, but only with the help of certain means.

The main ways

To date, you can find a huge amount of various information on how to burn acne. But not all remedies are effective, and most importantly, safe. The main methods that are approved by world cosmetologists include:

  • pharmacy products - alcohol, iodine;
  • essential oils;
  • salicylic acid;
  • various caring cosmetics.

When used correctly, inflammation can be removed quite quickly and without harm to the skin. It is very important to take into account all the recommendations for cauterizing acne, as well as choose a more suitable remedy, depending on its action and characteristics of the skin type.

Pharmacy products

It is worth noting that each tool has a certain spectrum of action, differences in the instructions for use and in effectiveness. When answering the question of how to burn acne, many experts argue that pharmacy products are effective, but have a number of disadvantages. The most popular way to eliminate inflammation on the skin is to apply alcohol.

Acne cauterization with iodine

On the shelves of pharmacies you can find a huge number of varieties of this tool. For an effective fight against inflammation, a liquid called "Levomycetin alcohol" should be preferred. It contains an antibiotic, which is great for eliminating deficiencies in adolescence or during hormonal disruptions. How to burn acne with alcohol? Apply a small amount of liquid to a cotton swab, apply and gently press against inflammation.

Iodine is no less effective in the fight against acne. The main advantage is that this substance is able to block the inflammatory process and stretch the purulent rod. Iodine can be used both at the initial and at the ripening stage. Quite often the question arises, is it possible to burn acne with green? It is possible, since it contains alcohol, but it leaves a specific mark on the skin, so the method is not popular in the fight against inflammation on the face. Iodine must be applied with a cotton swab, pressing for 5 seconds to an acne about 3-4 times a day.

Essential oils

These substances can often be found in the recommendations of cosmetologists on how to cauterize acne. They have an anti-inflammatory effect, kill pathogenic microflora and promote regeneration. Tea tree, eucalyptus, cloves, cedar and citrus oils are excellent for facial treatment. When used, they have not only therapeutic and prophylactic, but also aromatic effects.

Tea Tree Essential Oil

But for a safe and effective effect on the skin, they must be used correctly. Essential oils are not recommended for use in their pure form, so they are diluted with the base. Since a high concentration of active ingredients can contribute to the formation of burns. As a base, grape seed oil will be an excellent option, which moisturizes, nourishes, restores the epidermis and regenerates cells. Instructions for use: in 1 teaspoon of the base, add 4 drops of essential oil and with a cotton swab apply the mixture to inflammation.

Recommendations on how to cauterize acne show that tea tree essential oil can be applied locally with a cotton swab once every 3 days. The girls in the reviews claim that with regular use, the skin becomes healthier, and inflammation decreases several times and the frequency of their appearance decreases.

Salicylic acid

This substance can be found in the list of ingredients of many caring products that are created for problematic, oily and combination skin. It has the following properties:

  • antibacterial;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • absorbent;
  • purifying;
  • matting.
Salicylic acid

In order to cauterize a pimple with salicylic acid, you must select the appropriate solution. It is worth giving preference to a clean tool, without additional components. Thus, the effect will be most effective and the risk of an allergic reaction is reduced. According to customers in the reviews, this tool helps to reduce inflammation, eliminate redness and speed up the healing process after the first application. Therefore, it is very popular in the manufacture of cosmetics for the care of problem skin.

Moxibustion acne

How to use salicylic acid for acne? There are two main methods: local application and rubbing the entire face. Before using any product, it is necessary to thoroughly cleanse the skin from makeup and other impurities. For targeted use, it is necessary to apply salicylic acid on a cotton swab and apply to inflammation for several seconds, and to treat the entire face, apply the product on a cotton pad and wipe the skin like a tonic. After 20 minutes, wash with warm water without using soap and other cosmetics.

Care cosmetics

A huge number of products are presented on the world market that are aimed at a quick and effective effect on inflammation. They contain various active components, have all kinds of properties, and the effect can be noticed after the first application.

Origins gel

According to customer reviews on how to cauterize acne, you can make a list of the best remedies from different price categories:

  1. Face gel "Origins". It contains alcohol, salicylic acid and many plant extracts.
  2. Patches from rashes "Skin Iceland".
  3. Local remedy "Kils".
  4. Salicylic talker "Propeller".
  5. Acne remedy for acne "Lumen".
Clean skin

These funds are popular due to the fact that they contain a large number of active components, acids, extracts of medicinal plants, oils and alcohols. Customer reviews show that they have a pleasant texture, are easy to apply, evenly distributed and leave no residue on the skin. They are also absolutely safe and cannot cause a burn. With spot application, a minimal amount of product is needed, which provides an incredibly economical expense. The price is quite affordable, and you can find them in any cosmetic store or pharmacy.

Recommendations for use

Professional cosmetologists give some tips that help enhance the effect:

  • Before applying, it is necessary to thoroughly cleanse the skin from impurities and makeup;
  • recommendations on how to use salicylic acid for acne says that it can be mixed with zinc and boric acid to get the maximum effect;
  • use cosmetics and pharmacy should be before bedtime.


If you do not know how to cauterize acne, then you should pay attention to the huge amount of funds available in pharmacies and cosmetics stores. But not all of them are highly efficient. Some of them, if used improperly, can have a negative effect on the skin. Therefore, it is very important to consider all the recommendations of specialists to reduce the risk of undesirable consequences.

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