The paramount task for any manager (not to mention the HR manager) should be the creation of a system of analysis and labor planning, vocational guidance and social adaptation of employees in the team. Each employee of the organization is a person, and the organization is a social system, and they are interconnected. Analysis and assessment of the effectiveness of personnel management are based on certain factors that also do not exist in a vacuum, but are closely related to each other.
- Physiological factors (gender, age, mental and physical abilities, etc.)
- Technological factors (labor complexity, technical equipment, level of use of scientific achievements, etc.)
- Structural and organizational factors (mode and length of service, volume of the enterprise, level of personnel use, etc.)
- Socio-economic factors (social benefits, standard of living, insurance, material incentives, etc.)
- Socio-psychological (gratitude, status and recognition, moral climate, etc.)
- Territorial-situational (inflation, level of competition, unemployment, corporatization of enterprises, etc.)
Assessment of the effectiveness of personnel management - a comprehensive assessment of all these factors. Now let’s take a closer look at what management effectiveness is, i.e. what we value.
Firstly, the assessment of staff performance is necessarily characterized by the end result. If management is effective, with the help of a specially selected, motivated and trained team, a certain result of activity is achieved. This team is formed on the basis of the personnel policy chosen by the HR department. If the costs for obtaining a production result are reduced in comparison with those that were before, or if the costs increase at a slower rate than the rate of increase in the result, then efficiency increases. The effectiveness of the work is also evidenced by the assessment of the cost of the enterprise labor.
Secondly, the assessment of the effectiveness of personnel management also has a material component, since one can talk about efficiency if a minimum of money is spent to achieve the goals. In this case, the cost-effectiveness of the system itself is evaluated. However, it should be clarified that in this case we are not talking about the maximum possible savings on labor, because cheap labor is precisely cheap labor. In this case, we mean the achievement of a certain economic and social effect due to a certain state of labor potential. Cost minimization refers to the implementation of certain measures, the receipt of certain qualitative and quantitative parameters of labor potential, and not to reduce the cost of conducting personnel policies.
Thirdly, the assessment of the effectiveness of personnel management depends on the effectiveness of the chosen management methods. That is, here we have in mind the assessment of the effectiveness of the organizational structure of management. Some managers mistakenly believe that the larger and more “branchy” the HR service is, the more effective it is. Experience shows that too many departments for working with personnel lead to duplication of certain functions, difficulties in coordinating and coordinating activities, the level of workload of employees, and an increase in the cost of maintaining this apparatus. The effectiveness of the personnel management apparatus depends on the dynamism of the structure, the speed of response to the complexity of tasks and new goals, and the level of adaptability to changing production conditions.