Many business entities cannot fully grasp the essence of the term “business ethics”. In fact, this discipline studies the main principles of business communication and the correctness of their application. Business ethics affects various relationships within the same team, between managers of different ranks, as well as between directors of firms and companies.
The management team of large corporations specially conducts seminars to teach the main ethical rules of communication in a team. And this is not surprising, because the prestige of the company and its reputation in the international arena largely depend on the level of staff education, on the ability to work in a team . Business ethics is conditionally divided by experts into two main categories: micro and macro ethics. The latter explores the relationship between various companies, large corporations, and even entire states. Microethics considers moral relations within a certain collective at different social levels. If we talk about relationships at the macro level, then we can distinguish between vertical and horizontal communication. The first one studies the interaction of various economic entities and the state, that is, organizations with different social status. Horizontal communication considers relations between subjects of the same level with the same properties and characteristics.
Ethics in business is based on basic principles. For example, the personal principle reveals, one might say, the rules of behavior of each person in society, that is, the standard norms that must be observed. They were laid down from childhood: they explain to all children from an early age that it is important to take care of the well-being of loved ones. Any child has heard from parents and teachers about the need to respect and value the people around them, to be honest in society, because this is the only way to succeed and feel like a worthy citizen of your country.
Ethics in business is subject to a professional principle that affects relationships in a narrower circle. Large companies create a special set of rules of conduct in the work environment. Indeed, the ability to harmoniously carry out teamwork creates a general impression of the company. Basically, a set of ethical rules contains basic principles of behavior in the workplace. First of all, the employee must be responsible, honest, hardworking and sociable. In addition, each person should understand that many documents used in the work contain strictly confidential information, and serious disclosure may result in its disclosure. The relationship in the team depends on the awareness of each employee. A competent leader creates the most favorable conditions for the absence of conflict situations and the development of friendly relations.
The business ethics at the macro level is based on a worldwide principle. It is based on the assertion that the culture of the world community depends on the morality and culture of each person, and each person is able to influence the surrounding reality. Ethical principles at the global level imply compliance with legislative norms by each subject, his responsibility and understanding of the importance of the influence of a particular individual on society. You can talk a lot about the main principles of ethics at different levels, but it is important to understand your own responsibility for world culture from an early age. And business is the most important part of life, so managers need not to abuse the power gained, as they create an atmosphere in the team.
Modern science identifies three concepts of consideration of business ethics. The first approach to studying the ethical standards of the business world is called the concept of utilitarianism, according to which the action that brings the greatest possible benefit is considered to be rightly and morally justified. Therefore, the most correct and appropriate business development event is one that brings big profits among other alternative options. The second concept is deontic business ethics, based on the principle of the competence of each subject of business relations. That is, a person has his rights and obligations that cannot be violated. Accordingly, the only true action will be that which is consistent with the right of a person as a person and does not go beyond the boundaries established by law. Well, the third concept is considered less extensive than the previous ones, since it focuses mainly on the relationship of people in society. This concept is also called the justice approach, so the right event will be the one that will be as honest and decent as possible.