The organization of counteraction to fires and the threat of their occurrence is an important task in any production and in every organization. Let's look at what exactly is being done on the ground to ensure order in such a serious matter, that is, how is the fire-technical minimum taught in the organization, and what is it all about.
Whom it concerns
Order No. 645 of the Ministry of Emergencies of the Russian Federation dated 12.12.2007, which is called “On the Approval of Fire Safety Standards”, regulates all situations in which training should be provided on how to deal with this natural disaster and approves the list of persons responsible in this matter and required to undergo training in the established manner .
These include all the heads of enterprises (regardless of ownership), unit heads and chief specialists. This also applies to individual entrepreneurs.
The instruction in the PTM (fire-technical minimum) for managers and specialists is carried out within a month from the day of employment, annually for the administration and employees of those organizations that are related to explosive production. For employees of other enterprises, it is provided once every three years.
Training and certification
According to the same order of the Ministry of Emergencies, the fire-technical minimum for managers and specialists provides for the possibility of training both on-site and directly at workplaces. If an employee has passed the certification for PTM, he has the right to instruct subordinates and other employees and fill out a journal in which he is obliged to sign.
The training program and certification deadlines are accepted according to the approved curriculum. Successfully passed certification is issued a certificate, the validity of which is 3 years.
What information must be mandatory possessed by those who are responsible for fire safety in the enterprise? The norms of this responsible matter are regulated by order number 645. Let us consider briefly the most basic ones.
Fire briefing and fire-technical minimum
According to this document, the responsibility for the organization and timely training of employees on this topic, as well as knowledge testing, rests with the administration (the owner of the organization), a specific official or entrepreneur (IP). This also applies to labor contracts concluded with the employer in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. The fire supervision authorities control the process of organizing training.
In what form is the training taking place? There are two main varieties of it. One of them - in the form of a fire drill, the other - in the study of the necessary minimum of thematic knowledge. Let us dwell on each of these forms.
The task of the briefing is to bring fire safety standards to each employee, to inform about the degree of danger inherent in the technological process of a particular production and the equipment available. He envisages the study of methods and means of protection, the necessary measures to be taken in case of threat or fire.
What issues have to be addressed?
Forms of such a briefing are contained in special training programs that are brought to the heads and owners of organizations. Moreover, when carrying out it, one must adhere to the specifics of the activity of one or another organization.
What specific questions have to be learned by those who are undergoing fire training? Without a doubt, it concerns the rules for maintaining buildings, premises and territory, including evacuation routes and water supply networks, both external and internal. Those who have been instructed must be familiar with fire warning systems and have an idea of the organization of the evacuation process.
Each specific production has its own specific requirements for a given technological process and corresponding measures to ensure their implementation. Students, in addition, must learn by heart the rules governing the conduct of hot work, the use of fire extinguishing means and the correct call of specialists.
Induction training
The training provided may vary in nature and timing. It is primary, upon admission to the workplace, introductory, as well as repeated, target or unscheduled. On the conduct of each of these varieties, an obligatory recording is made in a special register, certified by the signature of the one who instructs and the one who has been trained.
When exactly is one or another of its types carried out? Introductory must be carried out by the head or the person responsible for fire safety, appointed by his order, with all employees employed, regardless of their qualifications or length of service. This also applies to seasonal workers on business trips, internships and other categories.
It should be carried out in the room allotted for this, using visual aids and teaching materials and according to the approved special program, which is developed in accordance with fire safety standards.
At the end of the fire training, a practical training should be organized - the development of fire fighting skills, with the aim of testing practical knowledge.
About the initial briefing
The initial briefing is organized directly at the workplace, individually with each incoming employee, seconded, transferred to a new site. It is also organized with construction specialists during construction works within the enterprise, as well as with students who have arrived at the practice.
It is led by a person appointed by the head as responsible for fire safety in a single structural unit. The program also includes, in addition to theoretical information, practical exercises and studying the skills of using primary extinguishing agents, helping victims, fire safety rules and evacuation rules.
If the organization is classified as a fire hazard or involves a massive stay in the building of people (in the amount of 50 or more people), each employee must be able to act promptly in case of fire using all necessary means. Primary briefing is possible with a group of workers if they are servicing the same type of equipment at the same workplace.
What is re-briefing and when is it needed
All employees must be re-trained in fire, regardless of the nature of their duties, experience or qualifications, at least once a year. If we are talking about fire hazardous production, the frequency of this event is once every six months or more often.
For its implementation, special training schedules are approved, approved by order of the head. The briefing is conducted individually or with a small group of people working on the same equipment. In its course, knowledge of the basic rules, skills of using primary fire extinguishing means, and the ability to organize evacuation are checked.
Other species - unscheduled and targeted
What is an unscheduled briefing and in what cases is it required to be conducted? It is produced when the previously established rules and norms are put into operation or equipment is changed, equipment is modernized or replaced, the technological production process changes with respect to factors affecting the state of the facility in terms of fire safety.
It must be carried out without fail if there was a fact of violation by employees of safety standards that led to a fire, as well as in cases of requirements of state supervisory authorities if insufficient knowledge of employees was revealed.
Other situations where unscheduled briefing is needed: long breaks in work (more than a month), poor knowledge of important requirements by employees. The content and quantity of it depends on the specific circumstances that cause it.
Conducting targeted fire training is mandatory in case of one-time work of high fire hazard (for example, welding), reports of accidents, natural disasters and catastrophes, while conducting hot work in explosive production. It is obligatory in case of any events with students, when preparing excursions and mass presence of people in buildings and premises (meetings, conferences, meetings), if the number of participants is more than 50 people.
Fire-technical minimum for managers and specialists as a concept
What is it and who is required to own it? How is the fire-technical minimum training organized in the organization? This is the normative amount of knowledge about the organization’s safety in relation to the fire hazard, protective regime and the features of the technological process of any production. It includes, in addition, the necessary actions and techniques to save the health and life of people, the organization’s property in emergency cases, as well as practical skills for the prevention of natural disasters and, if necessary, competent organization of the evacuation process.
Training on the fire-technical minimum of managers is a mandatory procedure. In addition, all specialists and employees who are appointed responsible for fire safety are required to pass it. If the organization is not associated with fire hazardous production, such training should be carried out within a month from the day of employment.
Frequency and timing
The fire-technical minimum for managers and specialists should be carried out no less than annually. If an employee has the qualification of a fire safety technician or engineer or he is a teacher in the discipline of "fire safety" with an experience of continuous work in this field of 5 years or more, he can be exempted from training in the entire first year of work.
The organization of the fire-technical minimum is the task of the head. This can be done directly at workplaces or with a separation from production. Who else must pass it? In addition to managers, chief specialists, as well as persons replacing them, these include heads of voluntary fire protection, the administration of recreational out-of-town institutions for children, workers dealing with gas electric welding and other types of fire works, etc.
Where is the training done?
In the case of in-service training, it is conducted at the training centers of the Ministry of Emergencies of Russia related to the federal fire service, as well as in educational institutions with a fire-technical profile. Such training may also be conducted at a civil defense training center or fire service units.
Specialists and managers of organizations associated with fire and explosive production should be trained in specialized centers that have at their disposal the appropriate equipped classes. Directly in the organization, heads of departments, pedagogical workers in kindergartens, round-the-clock guards, volunteer firefighters have the right to study PTM.
After the end of the PTM training process, a check is carried out. She is engaged in a commission specially appointed by order of the administration, which consists of three or more people. They can be the leaders and teachers of the training organization, experts of the authorities and state supervision.
When it comes to testing the knowledge of workers studying on the job, as a rule, the commission consists of employees who have already passed the fire-technical minimum. Tests included in the verification program are regulated by its initiator.
Federal authorities in accordance with the specifics of production activities for the exam are developing control questions. The fire-technical minimum must include a practical section (actions for ignition and the ability to handle primary fire extinguishing agents). Their list is also compiled by management.