If a person is respectful, he always tries to help, and time in his society flies by unnoticed, he can be safely called a friend. But critics manifest themselves exclusively at times when it is necessary to point out the objective shortcomings of statements or phenomena. But when a person says disgusting in any situation, always seeks to belittle your achievements, this is a spiteful critic! Moreover, explicit and persistent. What is hidden behind the colorful term, and in which cases the sonorous characteristic is appropriate?
Radiation and air jets
The etymology of the word is rather confusing for contemporaries, because it relies on rarely used definitions. And if "anger" is understood by everyone, as a combination of unkind feelings, their bright and unambiguous expression, then "puffing" causes difficulties. There are two ways to decrypt a verb:
- emit jets of smoke, steam, other gas, make it noisy;
- emit any emotion, manifest it in a pronounced form.
Moreover, each interpretation is relevant. If the interlocutor uses abusive language, does not follow the speech, clearly demonstrates contempt, the studied term is manifested in all its glory. Sometimes you can understand what this "spiteful person" is, using the example of a silent ill-wisher. He will not say anything, but he will sniff loudly, clench his fists or suck in air through clenched teeth with a whistle. Such literally breathes hatred.
Injustice and Demonstration
Broken vases or dirty pants are often an occasion for parents to scold the child. The usual part of education. But what if a colleague regularly tries to set you up, the boss at any opportunity deprives the bonus, and the neighbor drags the newspaper from the mailbox out of harm? You can talk about manifestations of malice if the person:
- causeless hostility;
- unfair nitpicking;
- groundless irritation;
- desire to do disgusting, etc.
The concept is appropriate when an innocent person is subjected to persecution and persecution in a particular matter. This is not about a momentary or one-time outburst of anger, but about systematic attempts in some way to hurt the object of discontent. Sometimes this happens explicitly, often in the format of behind-the-scenes intrigues, dissolving offensive gossip behind the back.
Communication and daily routine
Always keep up appearances! Absolutely every spiteful person is a bad person, which causes dissonance in society. His actions and words do not help others improve, but take them out of emotional balance, harm psychologically and physically. You can deal with such behavior only by endurance, honest work, sincere deeds, and a friendly attitude.