In 1990, the land system of our country changed. It was in this year that the reform began, thanks to which it was recognized that henceforth the right of ownership of land can be exercised not only by the state, as it was before, but also by others
property. The reform took place in two stages. The basis for the first was the Constitution, adopted in 1978, and for the second - the 1993 Constitution.
Land reform was carried out in the following areas:
• Denationalization of land.
• Decentralization of land tenure rights.
• Privatization of sites.
Thanks to the reform, new, non-existing property rights have arisen. From now on, land can be bought, sold, rented, owned for life and inherited. The land was recognized as real estate. However, it is still inextricably linked with land and natural resources, therefore, in transactions concluded with land ownership, not only civil legislation is in force - environmental, land and other special provisions and laws are taken into account.
What does the term “land title” mean today?
He states the right of the owner of the land to carry out any operations with his possession: use, give, sell or lease. However, the right of ownership of the land is limited by the conditions established by law, contract or other encumbrance that does not contradict the land legislation.
Simply put, the owner can exercise his rights only if they do not contradict legal documents.
Ownership of land implies that the owner has the right to benefit from such ownership, to prevent outsiders from entering the territory, to make transactions on the purchase, donation, sale, etc.
Types of land ownership rights:
• State. Land belongs to the state and is used in the national interest.
• Municipal. The right of municipal ownership of land implies that the municipality to which the land belongs uses it for the benefit of the municipality.
• Private. Implies that the land belongs to a particular citizen or group of people.
• Mixed.
The right to land, as to any other real estate, must be registered legally. Until 1994, this was a certificate of ownership of land. Today, on its basis or on the basis of any other document confirming the right to land, the owner must receive a registration number in the FRP (Federal Registration Chamber).
To receive it, you will have to submit:
• A document confirming that the land plot was legally issued.
• A document confirming that a particular citizen has a right to property (for example, a contract of sale).
• Extract from the Unified State Register confirming the legality of the site.
• Cadastral passport.
• A document confirming that the land was bought, donated, inherited, etc.
• Copies of personal documents.
• Receipts of payment of state duty.
All documents are provided and collected personally by the future owner or his representative. Typically, such services in cities provide real estate offices. The finished package is provided to the Federal Registration Chamber.