Examples from the literature: self-education of a person

Our world has existed for millions of years. During this time, much has changed in it, but there is also something eternal that always remains. New people will be born who will follow a difficult life path. They have to solve problems, overcome obstacles, strive for excellence. Without self-development, a person cannot become a truly intelligent living being. Spiritual development must be dealt with all his life, starting from primary school age, and heroes of literary works will come to the rescue .

examples from the literature self-education

The Importance of Self-Education

People have always looked for ways to perfect their own souls. In all centuries, this problem has been given special importance.

In the age of computer technology, when it is difficult to deal with values, the problem of self-development is especially relevant. It is important for a person to find his place in life, to resist negative influences, to reveal his own moral values.

According to popular wisdom, “live and learn,” you can work on yourself throughout your life. Thanks to self-education, you can develop such personal qualities as courage, patience, self-confidence, perseverance.

self-education examples from the literature

Works on self-education

Let us consider in more detail examples from the literature. Self-education is mentioned in the book of A. I. Kochetov, “Educate yourself.” It talks about how you can find your own ideal, analyze your abilities, eliminate shortcomings, learn how to work on yourself. The author studied this problem for twenty-five years, developed his own theory. As a result, he determined the goal, methods, techniques, tasks of self-education, gave recommendations on the development of speech, memory, mind, thinking.

Professor A. G. Kovalev also paid great attention to self-education. His work “Personality educates itself” tells readers about methods of self-education. For teachers, the book "Organization of self-education of schoolchildren" was created, recognized as a full-fledged manual for working in educational institutions. A great example of self-education from literature is the book by Dale Carnegie, How to Make Friends and Influence People. Here you can find practical advice, real help in gaining the respect and love of friends and relatives. Currently, many psychologists, writers, teachers are engaged in the problem of self-education.

"War and Peace" in self-improvement

Self-education in classical literature is a common occurrence. For example, in the work of Leo Tolstoy “War and Peace” it is shown how the system of own values ​​is formed for the main character, Natasha Rostova. The author seems to demonstrate on her example that you can always find a way to change, become sincere, kinder, smarter. Natasha, getting to know different people, is trying to find her life path, borrow some qualities from others, challenge something, refuse something. Its literary image becomes an example of a certain value system that readers can accept or reject.

Folk epics and tales in self-development

An excellent example of self-education from fiction is Russian folk tales and epics. Their main characters strive for self-development, try to change themselves for the better. In fairy tales, good always triumphs over evil, which demonstrates the importance of developing the following qualities in oneself: kindness, compassion, decency, honesty. The patriotism of epic heroes is an excellent example for the education of the younger generation.

self-education in literature examples

Role Images

Various examples of self-education in classical literature are presented in the school curriculum. The child chooses an example to follow by reading a work and making a qualitative analysis of it. Despite the fact that modern children pay less attention to reading, literature lessons involve an analysis of classical Russian works. It is in this process that schoolchildren form their own attitude to the main characters, their personal qualities, the desire to imitate their behavior. In pedagogy, there is such a term as “education by example”. One of its authors was the Polish teacher Jan Kamensky. He argued that it was classical works that were the real treasury that could be used for self-improvement.

examples of self-education in classical literature

Dostoevsky and self-development

We give specific examples from the literature. Self-education is a topic that can be seen in the writings of Dostoevsky. The main character of "Crime and Punishment" Raskolnikov feels real remorse for having committed such a terrible crime. Throughout the novel, he seeks in himself the strength in order to change, to improve. The Raskolnikov who appears before the readers in the epilogue is a completely different person with a new system of values. There are other examples from the literature in which self-education is seen as a necessity. As an example, we can mention the work of A. S. Pushkin, "The Captain's Daughter."

self-education in literary works examples

Modern literature

Consider the issue of self-education. In the literature, examples of heroes who were looking for their life path are presented not only among the classics. Modern authors do not bypass the problem of the development of human values, in their own way try to explain to the reader how to defeat evil. In her adventure books, for example, A. Marinina pays attention to the self-improvement of her heroes.

Examples from the literature, the self-education of heroes in which is traced in the storyline, are included in the school curriculum: “rout”, “war and peace”, “crime and punishment”, “golden cloud slept.” These works were written at different times, but the relevance of the problems addressed in these works is not lost. For all centuries, self-education in literary works has been a common occurrence. Even ancient philosophers paid attention to a similar problem. They noted the importance of a wise mentor, who should, by his example, his life principles, be a model for the younger generation. Currently, unfortunately, respect for elders has been lost, adolescents trust the World Wide Web more than their parents. They try to imitate the main characters of virtual computer games, and not the characters of the classic Russian works of Tolstoy, Pushkin, Lermontov.

Features of primary school age

At this age, children are not capable of independent choice, they tend to get addicted, so you need to choose the right literature. KD Ushinsky noted that "he who imitates does not obey, but creates what he wants." It is imitation that comes to the fore at this time. If the teacher and parents can find the “right” character, self-education will begin. Examples from the literature will help explain to the child the rules of behavior in society, show the importance of working on oneself. Jean-Paul Sartre (French philosopher) said that "a person is what he does." Moral self-improvement has been an urgent problem in all historical eras.

S. Lvov deduced his own formula of self-education, which is still working today. If we consider a topic such as self-education, examples in the literature can be found in large numbers. The ancient Greek speaker Demosthenes, who became an orphan, was deprived of an inheritance, had a quiet voice, burred, was awkward, awkward in actions. But he managed to overcome all his shortcomings, turn into a brilliant political speaker. This example indicates that a person is able to influence his fate, to resist life circumstances, working on himself.

self-education in classical literature

The mechanism of self-education from Leo Tolstoy

After birth, a person acquires certain qualities: habits, manners, behavioral skills, that is, the formation of personality takes place. At this time, a process such as self-education is important. In the literature, examples of self-improvement of heroes can be found all the time. The Russian commander Alexander Suvorov was in poor health, a modest patrimonial estate, and only the title of state adviser could be considered as a prospect. But, working on himself, the sick Sashenka turned into the greatest commander who was responsible for the fate of great Russia. In his diary, L. N. Tolstoy himself noted the importance of self-education in literature. The examples he mentioned primarily concern the writer himself. In his youth, Lev Nikolaevich kept records in a diary, noting his shortcomings, reflecting on ways to work on himself. He managed to overcome such shortcomings as vanity, laziness, a passion for playing cards. Tolstoy’s whole life is an excellent example of moral development and improvement. He became a true humanist writer who believes in a person, his inner strength, capabilities.

A person can be judged by certain signs, such as:

  • Formation of certain social qualities (dignity, responsibility, firmness of beliefs, social activity, individuality can be attributed to this).
  • The level of mental development that allows you to manage your activities and behavior.

Material for self-development

For this period, enough information has been accumulated in order to carry out self-education. In the literature, examples are easy to find, you just need to open the books of Russian classics. Psychologists are convinced that it is in early childhood that children need to be taught self-development. New federal educational standards introduced in Russian schools suggest self-education. In the literature, examples suitable for the school are easy to find. By opening any book, carefully studying the storyline, you can see how the character is becoming, its development, changing life priorities, depending on the situation in which it finds itself. Realizing the seriousness of the problem, teachers and psychologists are trying to find the best option for the program so that self-education is present in the works of literature. Examples of characters should become guidelines for children to work on themselves, awaken in them a desire to become better, more interesting, more tolerant of other people.

self-education in literary works


Self-improvement has a certain mechanism. First, a person must choose the goals of life, choose ideals, taking into account the norms of social behavior. Next, preparation for life in modern society is carried out, the ability of collective coexistence is formed. Psychologists are convinced that contradictions are important for self-development. In addition to good heroes, the teacher should consider negative characters in the classroom, and study their negative qualities together with the children. In the book “Organization of self-education of schoolchildren” A. I. Kochetov mentions that any personality is contradictory, in its inner world there are constant periods of recession, conflict, collision. But without these processes, the child has no chance of self-development, improvement of his personal qualities. There are five “musts” that help your child begin self-education. Examples from literature teach to help elders, faithfully fulfill the orders of teachers, put collective interests above personal ones, to be honest, conscientious.

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