Soda ash: formula and composition

Soda ash, the formula of which has been known since ancient times, has long been used in many fields. Many housewives use it in everyday life. After all, soda ash is a detergent, natural and safe.

soda ash formula

Soda ash: formula and composition

About 20 years ago, in every house there was a package of this amazing product. What is soda ash? The formula for this substance is Na2CO3. In fact, it is the sodium salt of carbonic acid. This substance is a mixture of small and large crystals of white color.

It is worth noting that the powder from the environment absorbs moisture. As a result, soda ash quickly coalesces. Therefore, it is recommended to store this substance in a closed container, as well as in those rooms where the humidity level is not very high.

In the industry for this substance there is GOST. Soda ash is produced according to document 5100 85, which was adopted in Soviet times. However, GOST is still valid. According to this technology, the substance is divided into several brands: A and B. According to the mass content of certain chemical elements, these compositions differ. This allows you to use each brand in a separate industry.

technical soda ash

How do you get this remedy?

The production of soda ash is a complex chemical process. It is worth noting that in nature in pure form this substance exists, and this discovery was made at the beginning of the 19th century. Initially, it was obtained from ash obtained by burning coastal plants, as well as from some algae. Of course, humanity has evolved, and new technologies have developed along with it. In addition, a large occurrence of this substance was discovered.

At the moment, soda ash, the formula of which is indicated above, is made in several ways, such as:

  1. Obtaining from a natural substance.
  2. Ammonia method.
  3. Obtaining from nepheline raw materials.
  4. Carbonization of sodium hydroxide.

gost soda ash

Obtaining from natural raw materials

This method of manufacturing soda ash is a new industry. It appeared relatively recently, but has become the main competitor for those who extract this substance by the ammonia method.

It is worth noting that the method has been known for a long time. However, only at the beginning of the 20th century they were able to put it into practice. The beginning for the rapid development of this direction was the discovery of the richest deposits of soda (thrones) in the United States.

The method of producing soda ash from natural raw materials based on the processing of liquors and brines, which are formed during the dissolution of soda deposits, is based. It is worth noting that in addition to sodium carbonate, in most cases, it is possible to isolate other components that are part of the starting materials.

LeBlanc's Way

This is another no less popular method that allows you to get a substance such as soda ash. The composition of this substance is quite simple, and it is easy to distinguish it from other substances. This method is based on the fusion of a mixture of coal and sodium sulfate in rotary kilns. The temperature in them can reach 1000 ° C. As a result of this process, a soda alloy is formed - this is raw soda. After this, the substance is leached with water. This is required to extract soda from the soda solution.

The resulting solution should be well settled. Then the liquor is purified, moisture is evaporated from it, calcined - calcined, and then crushed into powder. Typically, lime, chalk and salt are used to make soda.

soda ash composition

Beneficial features

Gost "Soda ash" 5100 85 has not changed for many decades. Thanks to the developed production technology, this substance has unique properties. Soda ash is used not only in industry, but also in everyday life. Among all the useful qualities of this composition, it is worth highlighting:

  1. The ability to remove old dirt, paint, grease stains well.
  2. It cleans well sinks, tiles, porcelain, enamel and ceramics.
  3. Cope with almost any blockage in the pipes.
  4. Softens water.
  5. Washes even old stains from clothes.
  6. Allows to overcome garden pests.
  7. It disinfects well.

Harm soda

Soda ash, technical has not only advantages. This substance has some disadvantages. Of course, it cannot be said that the composition is capable of causing any harm. This will be wrong. Rather, improper use of soda ash can lead to any side effects. As a result, there are negative reviews about the tool.

Most often, non-observance of precautionary measures, as well as dosages, is noted. A solution of soda ash is an aggressive substance. Errors in dosages, as well as violations of the use process, can harm human health. Therefore, when working with a substance, safety rules should be kept in mind. In addition, do not forget that soda ash is not suitable for all materials.

soda ash solution


What properties does soda ash have? The composition of the substance indicates its safety. Therefore, soda ash is often used in everyday life. This substance is characterized by white color and crystalline structure. A soda solution has a pronounced alkaline effect. However, the substance itself is considered explosion and fireproof. But due to human activities, he is assigned to the third class.

Soda ash, technical - this is a chemically active composition. When working with this substance, the safety rules must be observed. If soda got on the mucous membrane, then this can cause severe tissue irritation. In some cases, even burns occur. If the substance gets on the skin or in the eyes, it is recommended to rinse the affected area with good clean water.

Do not forget that soda ash absorbs moisture. As a result of its combination with water, an aggressive solution is formed. Therefore, it is not recommended to use soda ash in rooms with a high air humidity.

Industrial application

In industry, soda ash is often used. The characteristics and properties of this substance allow its use in many industries. Some production processes are very difficult to imagine without the participation of this component. The main areas of application of soda ash in industry include:

  1. Glass making.
  2. Pulp and paper industry.
  3. Leather and light industry.
  4. Ferrous metallurgy.
  5. Alumina metallurgy.
  6. Caustic soda production .
  7. Oil refining and petrochemical industry.
  8. The manufacture of synthetic acids.
    soda ash at home

This substance is simply irreplaceable. Soda ash is used even in the manufacture of medicines. It is used here as a cleaning agent, an element for the synthesis of other chemical components, and so on.

Can I use in everyday life?

Soda ash is used by many housewives and at home. As stated above, this substance is an excellent cleaning and detergent. Soda ash is able to clean almost any surface of fat. And all thanks to its unique properties. In addition, it is a relatively cheap analogue of many modern brands of household chemicals. The effectiveness of soda ash has been tested for years. In addition, the substance is safe and natural.

This compound is often used for washing, to remove scale and grease. Soda ash is simply indispensable in everyday life. In addition, it can be added during washing to washing powder. This will save the equipment from scale.

Pest control

Calcined soda is used in everyday life to combat garden pests. To do this, prepare a simple solution. A bucket of clean water requires no more than 6 teaspoons of soda ash. The finished composition can process the vines. This tool protects plants from gray rot. It is worth noting that such a solution is suitable for processing fruit plants. The product does not cause harm, but allows you to protect plants from caterpillars and other pests.

In addition, the solution can be used for processing cucumbers, zucchini, melons and cabbage. However, get involved in soda ash is not worth it. Excessive amounts of it harm the soil. Which, in turn, can greatly affect future crops.

production of soda ash

In conclusion

Soda ash is a unique chemical compound that has been used by mankind for many years, not only in many industries, but also in everyday life. If all safety rules are observed, then the use of this substance is not harmful to health. Soda ash is not more dangerous than vinegar. But he, too, if used improperly, can harm our body.

It is unlikely that anyone thought about the fact that in the production of many things that surround us, soda ash is used. In addition, it makes it from natural raw materials. Many cleaning and detergents, washing powders and other expensive household chemicals that are sold at high prices are a solution of soda ash, which has been changed and diluted with certain additives.

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