How to pluck eyebrows without pain: small tricks

Every woman and girl who looks after her appearance knows that beautiful eyebrows complement the expressiveness of the face and eyes, and even improve the makeup applied. But not everyone knows how to give the eyebrows the necessary shape. In addition, this process is usually quite painful and unpleasant. And this often stops women from getting their eyebrows in perfect condition. After all, this process must be repeated periodically, approximately every week. This is necessary so that once given to them the form remains so.

how to pluck eyebrows without pain
Of course, it is best to consult a specialist in a beauty salon to thin out eyebrows and give them a perfect shape. But even there the painful sensations will not disappear. In addition, not everyone has the opportunity to visit the masters of cosmetics.

The plucking procedure can be carried out independently. And you can do it at home, choosing a convenient time and mood. So how to pluck eyebrows without pain, and even at home?

There are techniques, using which, you can almost painlessly carry out the procedure.


How to pluck eyebrows without pain? The first rule - you first need to take a hot bath. Skin when heated will become more elastic and soft, the pores on it will expand. This will remove unnecessary hairs less painfully. Since they will be easier to manipulate, the pores will not be able to hold them as tightly as in unpaired skin. But still on the face, the skin is more delicate than on other parts of the body. Therefore, one bath is not enough. Before you pluck your eyebrows without pain, you should steam the face itself. To do this, you can make a semblance of inhalation.

regular eyebrows without pain
Pour boiling water into a deep container, add a little sea salt and a little soda to it. Bend over the steam and close with a large and dense towel so that the steam accumulates inside this β€œchamber” and warms up the whole face skin well. It is enough to take such a bath for five minutes. After that, under the influence of salt-alkaline vapors, the pores of the skin will open as much as possible, the skin tissue itself will become less sensitive, and this can solve the problem.

Soften the skin

Next, apply softening oil to the skin under the eyebrows. It is better if it is a special cosmetic oil or oily cream. It is not worth using vegetable and cream. It can cause an allergic reaction, especially on steamed skin. Leave the applied fat also for a few minutes. After this, the pain when plucking the eyebrows will be almost invisible. Another trick is that the skin should be slightly stretched during the procedure. Elastic steamed skin will easily let loose hair. And one more thing: first you need to pull out smaller and thinner ones, and only after them proceed to larger ones.


Make the right eyebrows without pain is quite possible. Using an old tried-and-tested tool for such a procedure - a drawing pen or thin tweezers, you can not immediately catch the right hair, and the process will drag on.

how to pluck without pain
Cooling skin can respond with pain. Therefore, it is good to use wax strips to remove hair. They can be bought in cosmetic stores or specialized retail outlets for beauty salons, hairdressers, etc. This strip can be applied to that part of the eyebrow that is supposed to be freed from the hair, pressed for a couple of minutes and sharply pulled it away from the skin. Minimal pain will be instant and one-time. But, unfortunately, there is a risk of making the removal uneven. And then you still have to carry out tweezers correction. Therefore, many prefer this old method. For a more even removal, you should first apply a contour line with a cosmetic pencil to give the desired shape of the eyebrow. Usually, the lower part of the eyebrow is plucked or removed first. The hairs should be pulled in the direction of their growth, grasping with tweezers as close to the skin as possible, that is, to the hair follicle. In this case, it is better to press on the bulb itself, press it with your fingers. Here's how to pluck eyebrows without pain.

It is worth remembering that on the skin areas that are constantly being cleaned of hair, the hair follicles gradually die off, which means that over time, the procedure for plucking eyebrows will be shorter.

We should not forget about the precautions to pluck eyebrows without pain. Tweezers or tweezers must be treated with an alcohol solution, it can be medical alcohol, a disinfectant, or just cologne. Be sure to make cotton swabs or discs.


How to pluck eyebrows without pain and without consequences? You can cool the skin. As you know, strong cooling reduces sensitivity. Therefore, you can apply pieces of ice to the treated area for several minutes.

how to pluck eyebrows without pain
And you can make compresses from decoctions of medicinal herbs that have anti-inflammatory and disinfecting effects: chamomile, sage. This ice can also be used after the hair removal procedure. Applying it to places where the eyebrows are plucked, you can reduce puffiness, which can often occur when injuring delicate facial skin. After all, plucking is a kind of mini-operation.

Other means and methods

How to pluck eyebrows without pain? You can use a cooling gel to apply. He will do the same as ice. The use of heat or cold depends on the individual threshold of sensitivity of a woman. Ice will help ladies with a low threshold more. If a beauty is of the opinion that beauty requires sacrifice, but - preferably - small ones, then steaming is quite suitable for her.

how to pluck eyebrows without pain and without consequences
You can also just use analgesic and anesthetic fluids. They just need to be applied to the skin with a swab or sprayed. Wait a couple of minutes, and the skin in this area will be anesthetized. For this, an ordinary mouth rinse-spray is suitable. It contains both a cooler and an anesthetic.


Now it’s clear how to pluck eyebrows without pain. The methods indicated in the article will help to resolve this issue. We hope that you can give your eyebrows a perfect shape, without pain.

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