What is a good egg for hair?

You have probably noticed how difficult it is to choose a shampoo for your hair. It would seem that you choose by type: if the hair is dry, then for damaged hair; if they are fat, then for fat. However, what is disappointment when you discover that even though you have chosen the shampoo correctly, but it still does not suit you. So you can spend a lot of money, and the result is zero. Therefore, if you do not want to spend extra money, but want your hair to be always healthy and looking well-groomed, seek help from natural remedies. The most famous, perhaps, is an ordinary chicken egg. You may ask, why is an egg for hair useful? In fact, all the substances that it contains are suitable for any type of hair. The most important advantage is that it is the most natural product. Egg for hair as a top dressing for plants: the more often you use, the better.

Many women got the hang of washing their hair with an egg. It seems strange at first glance. Yes, the shops are full of shampoos, balms and conditioners, but try to guess if it will suit you (just let the money go down the drain). But the egg is suitable for every type of hair. And its main advantage is that you can wash your hair with an egg at least every day, the main thing is to properly prepare the mixture. In order to just wash your hair, a couple of eggs and a little boiled water will be enough . Beat the eggs until smooth, and then add water while stirring slowly. Shampoo is ready! Wet your hair, apply the mixture evenly and massage. Rinse off after a few minutes. When you rinse your hair, you will already notice that it has become different. Of course, the course of treatment is not three or four washings with “egg shampoo”. To make your hair obedient and shiny, you need to wash it regularly, at least once every two to four weeks.

By the way, strengthening the hair with an egg is also possible, because it can not only wash, but also restore their structure, and therefore, treat damaged hair follicles. Only for the preparation of a strengthening agent will you need some more components. For example, if you have dry hair and split ends - add a little burdock oil to the mixture from the egg and apply this solution for 2-3 hours. It has a beneficial effect on the structure of the hair, strengthens the scalp, which contributes to the full restoration of your curls. If you have oily hair, you need to add a few drops of vinegar to the beaten eggs, which helps to monitor the balance of the scalp and sebaceous glands.

Egg for hair has been an indispensable folk remedy since ancient times. Already at the time of Cleopatra, they knew that an egg for hair is a real find that can cure even the most damaged hair. You can add a little honey and kefir to the egg mixture and leave this mask on your head for several hours, and then rinse with warm water. This procedure is recommended to be repeated every time after shampooing. Let it become your habit. A month will not pass, as you will notice that your hair began to shine with health, strength and shine.

If you do not want to leave an egg in your hair for several hours, then you can just rinse your hair with a mixture of boiled water and an egg for several minutes. Beat eggs until smooth, add 20-40 grams of water and apply to hair. Then rinse with a solution of warm water, a few tablespoons of vinegar and lemon juice. This kind of rinsing will help your hair maintain the pH balance of the head, so that your hair will become less dirty and will have a healthy appearance.

Remember that with just one egg you cannot cure weakened hair. In order for them to be beautiful and silky, you need to monitor proper nutrition and observe the daily routine. Do not forget about healthy sleep. Then not only your hair, but also your skin will shine with health.

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