Diet of Bormental for weight loss: menu, results and reviews, table calorie ready meals

The Bormental diet is a weight loss technique that causes a lot of controversy and controversy. A stable result is combined with the interaction of dietary nutrition and psychological aspects based on determining motivation for weight loss.

The essence of the weight loss system

As a joint technique of nutritionists and psychotherapists, Dr. Bormental's diet was patented in 2001. Today it is widely used in specialized clinics. The basis of the technique is the psychocorrection of the figure.

According to Bormental's theory, the basis of obesity is overeating, as well as a change in eating behavior. The inability to solve various problems leads to the fact that stress will constantly jam. To calm the person absorbs food in large quantities.

This attitude to food leads to metabolic disorders, distention of the stomach and an increase in appetite. The result is excess weight.

To reduce it, you need a clear motivation and an appropriate psychological attitude. This is the technique of losing weight.

During the trainings, people are helped to understand their psychological problems, which will reduce the craving for food and begin the process of losing weight.

In addition to group training, psychologists, nutritionists and other specialists individually work with people.

Hypnosis in the Bormental diet does not apply. The technique is based on psychological effects in the form of meditation and breathing exercises.

The principle of diet

The basis of the weight loss system is not only a constant struggle with excessive food intake, but also psychological work. Indeed, many obese people do not understand the reasons for their overeating, especially before bedtime or on TV.

Judging by the technique of Dr. Bormental, being overweight is an external manifestation of internal fears and feelings. To avoid them, nutritionists do not recommend restricting themselves to the types of foods used.

Bormental Diet Reviews

The essence of the diet is to count calories. Losing weight will have to constantly control the amount of food taken.

No prohibitions, this is done so that a person does not feel any restrictions. After all, it is known that diet is stress for the body. But not in this case.

With Dr. Bormental's diet, stressful situations do not arise. This is confirmed by many people who have lost weight on this technique.

Diet features

The power system has basic rules. The most important condition when drawing up the Bormental dietary menu is that the calorie content of the daily diet does not exceed 1000-1200 kcal. A person can eat whatever he wants.

The developers are sure that people leading a sedentary lifestyle should not increase their daily caloric value. If a person is engaged in heavy physical labor, then his daily calorie requirement will amount to 250 more per day.

Weight can be lost easily, it is important to fit into a certain framework. Of particular importance is the psychological mood of losing weight. He needs to understand that when overeating, you can not only slow down the process of getting rid of excess weight, but also acquire additional kilograms.

Losing weight by the method of Bormental, you must constantly keep a food diary. It should be written down everything that was eaten throughout the day. At the end of the week, you can view the diet and adjust it if necessary.

A personal diary is needed not only to determine calorie content and weight status. It acts as a means of analysis and as a correction of the human diet. After all, with the help of the diary after 2-3 weeks a person can see what he has achieved and what is the calorie content of his favorite dishes.

Bormental Diet Results

The Bormental diet, according to slimming reviews, helped them, and for a long time the weight is kept at a constant level. At the same time, they did not deny themselves favorite sweets and pastries. Many diets do not allow such errors.

The system of weight loss refers to low-calorie. This is required to achieve an effective result. Therefore, as soon as the weight is normalized, you can gradually add calorie intake. This is best done under the supervision of an experienced nutritionist, who will select the optimal menu.

Important Diet Points

The weight loss system must be carried out taking into account the correct recommendations. The essence of the Bormental diet is as follows:

  1. The presence of fruits and vegetables is important in the diet. At the same time, sweet, salty and fatty foods should be limited to the maximum. Losing weight should always remember the calorie intake.
  2. Read each dish once and be sure to write in the diary. This is necessary so that after cooking the stew or soup, you do not have to count calories again.
  3. It is best to give preference to dishes prepared as follows: stewing, baking, steaming, etc.
  4. The process of creating a menu for a week and a day will be greatly simplified if the losing weight calculates the nutritional value of your favorite dishes. The task will not cause much difficulty. You just need to weigh the products and use a calculator to calculate their calorie content.
  5. When visiting a restaurant, you must order dishes whose nutritional value is known to those who are losing weight. Nutritionists suggest introducing similarity rules.
  6. An important point - when determining the caloric value of meat, the bones are removed and only then the correct nutritional value is calculated. This must be done once and enjoy the results constantly.
  7. Losing weight should not rebuke yourself, even if the calorie intake increases. The main thing is the ban on alcohol in the diet. Even a small amount of alcohol can negate all efforts to follow a diet.
  8. Eat a portion of food slowly, chewing it thoroughly. To leave the table with a slight feeling of hunger.

Dr. Bormental's method for losing weight involves a spoonful of vegetable oil, which should be taken only fresh.

How does a diet work?

Calorie counting is done using the Bormental calorie table. The nutritional plan includes a 4-time meal. The cooking rules include:

  • it is necessary to minimize the amount of salted, pickled, fried and smoked products;
  • it is necessary to increase the amount of protein foods (fish, meat, seafood) and vegetables with a high fiber content;
  • include unsweetened fruits and dairy drinks with low fat content in the diet;
  • the last meal should be carried out 3-4 hours before bedtime;
  • you need to limit the intake of simple carbohydrates - sweets, pastries, pasta;
  • the portion size should not exceed 200 g, eat it for 30 minutes.

As a percentage, the calorie content of the diet is calculated as follows: breakfast - 25%, lunch - 10%, lunch - 40%, dinner - 20%, additional dinner - 5%.

Bormental Diet

The Bormental dietary menu involves eating fish, meat, and seafood dishes. All of them are rich in protein. The menu should include vegetables, fruits, natural honey, dairy products and nuts. You need to drink 2 liters of water per day. This excludes coffee, tea and juices. Before eating, you need to drink a glass of water. This helps prevent constipation.

When compiling a menu for a month, it must be borne in mind that less than 50 g of animal protein should not be included in the daily diet.

The menu for a week losing weight is itself. There is no clear guidance on a specific product list. Preference should be given to low-calorie dishes and foods. Flour and sweets are best excluded from the diet.

In order to accurately comply with the requirements of the methodology, it is necessary to acquire kitchen and floor scales. Before cooking, all components are weighed and their caloric value is noted in a special Bormental table. As a result, the total nutritional value is calculated.

Next, determine the volume of the portion to be eaten. She is weighed and calculated her energy value. The result is recorded in a diary, which is one way of calculating the remaining daily calories. Such calculations are carried out for each dish, as a result, a daily menu is compiled.

If several weeks have passed, and the weight is not reduced, then you need to urgently review the daily diet. It should be excluded from it: sausages, potatoes, sugary drinks, dairy products with a fat content of more than 1%.

The Bormental diet does not provide for serious physical exertion, because they are contraindicated in a low-calorie diet. If losing weight is used to playing sports, then you can go walking, conduct physiotherapy and massage. With significant loads, it is allowed to increase the nutritional value of the diet by 250-350 kcal. So much is spent by women on fitness.

After 2 weeks, you need to compare the result on a notebook. If the weight has not decreased, then the calorie intake must be reduced by 100 kcal daily. And if there was a loss of extra pounds, then you should fix the result.

Diet menu

An approximate daily ration of the Bormental diet includes:

  1. Breakfast (200 kcal). Boiled chicken breast (80 g), buckwheat (80 g), tomatoes, a cup of black coffee, 1/2 meringue cake.
  2. Lunch (147 kcal). Vegetable soup (250 ml), two bread rolls, tea without sugar.
  3. Lunch (185 kcal). Mashed potatoes (150 g), boiled fish (100 g), sauerkraut (150 g), tea without sugar.
  4. Dinner (265 kcal). Boiled rice (80 g), steam veal (80 g), gherkins (100 g), a cup of tea without sugar.
  5. Late dinner (200 kcal). Sour cabbage soup (300 g), bread, banana, a glass of kefir.

When composing a menu for losing weight on Dr. Bormental's diet, the following recommendations must be observed:

  • after each meal, drink a cup of hot tea without sugar, which allows you to extend the feeling of satiety;
  • eat food only in a warm form;
  • dishes that are capable of stimulating appetite should be prohibited;
  • portion size should not be more than 200 g with 4-6 meals;
  • do not create intervals between meals for more than 4-5 hours.
The essence of the Bormental diet

Not more than 1 time per week should be an unloading day (kefir, apple or cabbage).

In order not to calculate the nutritional value of ready meals, we compiled a special table of calorie content of ready meals for the Bormental diet.

Product nameCalories / 100 gProduct nameCalories / 100 g
Boiled chicken breast298Buckwheat197
Eggplant Vegetable Soup240Mashed potatoes141
boiled rice152Boiled fish (zander, pike)70
Steamed veal180Sauerkraut69
Gherkins76Sour cabbage soup88

The Bormental calorie table is compiled taking into account the nutritional value of the finished dishes. This facilitates the process of compiling the menu. It’s best to count on it for a week.

Dish recipes

Fast weight loss using this technique involves the use of low-calorie foods. To facilitate obtaining an effective result, you can use the following recipes for Bormental diet.

Vegetable stew with porcini mushrooms. For its preparation, the following components are used: cabbage (300 g), tomatoes (2-3 pcs.), Sweet pepper (3 pcs.), Carrots (3 pcs.), Boiled porcini mushrooms (200 g), sour cream, garlic , salt and spices.

Diced mushrooms with tomatoes are lightly fried in a pan with butter. Then add cabbage and carrots. Stew for 20 minutes. Onions and peppers, sliced ​​in rings, are added to the pan to the rest of the vegetables. Stew for 20 minutes, at the end of cooking, salt.

Vegetable stew infused for 20 minutes. Served with a spoon of sour cream and chopped garlic.

The calorie content of vegetable stew is 500 kcal, and a 100 g serving is 100 kcal. The dish contains a large amount of protein, vitamins, fiber, which allows you to not feel hunger for a long time.

Bormental Diet Soups

The soups of the Bormental diet are varied. Thanks to the constituent ingredients, the dish nourishes the body with nutrients.

For lean vegetable soup you need: 1.7 liters of water, potatoes (3-4 pcs.), Eggplant (150 g), onions, canned beans (100 g), salt and pepper to taste.

Potatoes diced and beans are dipped in boiling water. Cook for 20 minutes. Carrots, onions and eggplant are fried in a pan. Vegetables are poured into the pan. The soup is boiled for 25 minutes. Salt, pepper and bay leaf are added a few minutes before being cooked.

The soup has a balanced composition. Due to the presence of fiber and protein, it saturates the human body for a long time.


Weight loss system allows you to achieve effective weight loss. The results of the Bormental diet, according to weight loss reviews, are as follows:

  1. The main thing in it is counting calories and eating food in small portions (200 g). All food must be chewed carefully. And although you have to constantly count calories, the diet has a lot of adherents.
  2. The weight loss system is one of the most effective in the world. Weight is reduced immediately, as soon as a person begins to eat according to this technique.
  3. If you follow a diet for the first week, lose from 2 to 6 kg. Further, the weight is lost at 7-13 kg per month.
  4. The time required to follow the procedure depends on the initial body weight and other characteristics of the body. To achieve an effective result, you can contact a nutritionist who will calculate how long you can achieve the ideal weight.
  5. Usually a diet is followed up to six months. Then increase the calorie intake to 1600-1800 kcal per day.

It is important that the technique does not have strong restrictions; if you wish, you can make any changes to the diet. The resulting eating behavior will contribute to weight retention.

Pros and Cons of Diet

The positive properties of the technique are that it really all lose weight. Dr. Bormental's diet slimming menu has the following benefits:

  • An effective result, because absolutely all losing weight get rid of excess weight.
  • The ability to play sports. In this case, another 200 kcal is added to the diet.
  • The psychological comfort of the method consists in the ability to eat food without restrictions.
  • Long term result. Development of an individual diet.
  • Diet gradually builds proper nutrition skills and the habit of controlling all food eaten.
  • The constant entries made in the diary help analyze the results of losing weight and, if necessary, change the menu for each day.
Bormental Diet Technique

The minimum WHO norm for maintaining the metabolic rate is at least 1200 kcal. With a decrease in these indicators, the process of losing weight slows down. For this, many nutritionists criticize Bormental's methodology.

The disadvantages of the diet include:

  1. Before you eat any dish or product, you must convert it to calories.
  2. During the diet, there are periods when the weight does not go away within 2 weeks.
  3. It is inconvenient to lose weight on people who are on regular business trips or do not dine at home. In such cases, the technique can be applied during the vacation period.

Like any weight loss system, the technique has the following contraindications. It is prohibited in the following cases:

  • adolescence and old age;
  • with oncological diseases;
  • with pathology of the heart or blood vessels;
  • people engaged in heavy physical labor;
  • with chronic diseases;
  • in violation of metabolic processes;
  • with diabetes mellitus;
  • during pregnancy and lactation.

Before starting a diet, it is best to get specialist advice.


Opinions on the method of losing weight are different. According to reviews, the Bormental diet helped many people lose weight.

In a month, women managed to lose 5 kg of weight, which did not return after 6 months.

Some losing weight, despite the lack of restrictions, it was difficult to maintain a calorie intake of less than 1200 kcal. In their early days of the diet, they felt a constant feeling of hunger. The main drawback of losing weight is the need to constantly calculate the nutritional value of dishes.

Bormental Diet Recipes

People who were interested in the principles of proper nutrition were able to lose 10 kg of weight per month. The technique allowed them to develop eating habits that prevent them from gaining extra pounds in the future.

The Bormental diet is an effective but specific method of getting rid of extra pounds. To lose weight, it is best to prepare for it in advance and consult with a specialist who will eliminate the negative consequences for the body.

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