Organizational moment in a lesson in elementary school: goal, objectives, examples

Each person is well aware of what constitutes a lesson. However, not everyone will be able to accurately formulate a definition of a concept. To put it in a scientific language, the lesson is a variable form of organizing focused interaction, the task of which is to educate schoolchildren. And a good teacher will never start a lesson right away without an introduction. Professionals know that an organizational moment is needed. He is very important. However, first things first.

Organizing time

Generally accepted lesson start model

Not so long ago, literally before the onset of the mid-2000s, the organizational moment included only the announcement of the topic of the lesson, the subsequent statement of the goals and verification of the readiness of students for the lesson. Now this model has been replaced by a more modern version. Since the introductory part of the lesson began to be perceived as a prerequisite for the formation and development of the motivational sphere of schoolchildren. The tasks and goals developed by the teacher before the lesson should be meaningful and benefit the children.

So, it all starts with a mutual greeting from the teacher and students, followed by roll call. Then the teacher should check the readiness of the students for the lesson - to remind about textbooks, notebooks, pens, ask them to get something else, if necessary. The teacher is also required to inspect the class and his workplace. The curriculum, the condition of the board, the presence of chalk and sponge, equipment for the demonstration of visual material - everything should be in place.

After the test is completed, you can start the lesson. The teacher formulates the topic, goals and objectives of the lesson, and then sets the initial motivation. This part is the most important, therefore, it should be discussed separately.

organizational moment in a lesson in elementary school

Initial motivation

This is what excites the mental activity of students and shows their willingness to perceive a new flow of information. The brighter and more informative the initial motivation will be, the more it will affect the students. And for all, without exception (even poorly performing). Therefore, the organizational moment is so important. The lesson should begin dynamically and clearly. This will discipline students and quickly incorporate them into work, saving time.

In general, the initial motivation is needed in order to create a willingness to perceive new material, to concentrate attention, stimulate mental activity and stimulate learning processes. Also, due to it, it is possible to turn the knowable into the personally significant. Therefore, it is so important to arouse interest among students so that each of them gets carried away by the topic and wants to master it.

What should be remembered?

The organizational moment of the lesson, especially in elementary school, should be different each time. And even for a teacher with imagination this causes some difficulties. After all, every time he has to re-interest the students.

Beginning teachers can help a small memo with a brief set of rules. The most important thing is that from the very beginning the teacher must demonstrate his confidence in the students and have them in himself. He is also obliged to help children formulate goals and objectives, as well as clarify them if something is not clear. It is also necessary to remember that each student has an internal motivation for learning. And about the need to implement it. This is possible if the teacher takes an active part in group interaction, strives to establish sympathy between him and the students, and demonstrates his openness.

lesson organization moment

Relaxation game

With it, many teachers begin the organizational moment in a lesson in elementary school. The main goal is to cheer up children and create a positive atmosphere.

The teacher includes relaxing music or birdsong, the sound of the sea, the rustling of trees. Then he opens the window for ventilation and asks everyone to take a comfortable position. And then everyone should close their eyes and take a few even deep breaths and exhalations. It is important that students feel relaxed. Their breathing will become even and calm, pleasant warmth will spread over their bodies, and smiles will appear on their faces. The teacher must first voice this psychological โ€œattitudeโ€.

Then the children "return" from heaven to earth, and they are invited to play. Without this element, the organizational moment in the lesson in elementary school is unlikely to be effective. Which game to choose is up to the teacher to decide. You can write the word โ€œhelloโ€ on the board and invite the children to wish each other something good for each letter of this greeting. After that, the children will be charged with positive energy and will be ready to absorb the material.

organizational moment in school

Media way

The organizational moment can be made especially interesting for children if it is held in a modern format. Many teachers resort to using video materials. They help set the lesson in an emotional tone. In addition, it is so possible to present material for study, to demonstrate its significance. The screen will definitely attract more looks and attention than the usual board. And if the teacher is creative and imaginative, then he will be able to do it, even if he teaches a technical subject.

A good example is the physics lesson on Pressure. The teacher does not even need to prepare a presentation. It is enough to show a small video story in which two tourists with backpacks walk through a snowdrift. One of them moves in boots, and the other on skis. After the students watch the film, they need to ask a few questions. Which of the tourists is easier to walk in the snow? Why do backpacks have wide straps? How do you put things in them so as not to create a big load on the back? All these questions on the topic. They activate the attention of students and set them up for the lesson. In addition, such questions encourage cognitive activity, because they make you start to think and reflect.

organizational goal

Logical approach

Also, the organizational moment in the school can be held on the basis of promising motives. The teacher in the initial part of the lesson needs to explain to his students that without studying a specific section of the subject, it will not be possible to master the following. It makes children think, gives them motivation. Few people want to, after their own incomprehensibility, sit over textbooks. And why, if you can just concentrate and listen to the teacher?

Another task of the organizational moment in the lesson can be realized using cognitively motivating motives. They are very effective. Because they cause internal interest of the student. She subsequently forms a motivational environment in the lesson, which then determines the behavior and actions of the child. He has a desire to do the task, delve into the topic, memorize what the teacher says. Whether such an interest arises in him depends on how good the teacher is in his field. After all, everyone knows that even the most interesting subject can become boring if the teacher just gives a lecture from a notebook.

Active methods

They also need to be briefly mentioned when talking about what the organizational moment should be. Examples can be very different. But, as practice shows, the most effective is the use of active methods. This is a set of methods, tools and techniques that cause children to desire to carry out cognitive activities.

These include brainstorming, reference schemes, discussion, dialogue, creating problem situations and raising acute questions, communicative attack, game moments. Many teachers use an advance way of organizing the moment. Finishing the lesson, they announce the next, telling students about the most interesting planned moments. In the next lesson with this class, the teacher will have fewer tasks - he will not need to help concentrate their attention.

organizational moment examples


Well, above was told about the purpose of the organizational moment in the lesson. Now you can slightly touch on the structure that the teacher must follow in order to achieve it.

You need to start with the initial introduction of the material, but only taking into account the laws of the process of cognition with the developed mental activity of students. After this, it is necessary to indicate that they will need to remember and learn. Also, the teacher must tell about effective memorization techniques that really help many students.

After that, you can begin to study the material. First of all, the teacher provides the theoretical part. These are terms, definitions, theories, laws, formulas, rules. There should not be much material - students will not be able to remember everything. It is only necessary to provide them with the most important thing. It would be better part of the topic, but schoolchildren will master it in full. And after that, you can move on to the practical part, during which students will be able to apply their knowledge and consolidate acquired skills.

purpose of the organizational moment in the lesson

End to beginning

Well, the goal of the organizational moment is very clear. In conclusion, I would like to say how important it is to observe the relationship between the previous lesson and the next. They must be holistic. At the end of the lesson, the teacher and his students usually summarize the material they have learned, repeat key points, summarize what was said. And with this, it is necessary to begin the next lesson, which takes place on another day. Question: โ€œWhat did we talk about in the last lesson? What did you stop at? โ€ they manage to refresh the students' memory and understand how attentive they were. After seeing the reaction of the students, the teacher will be able to understand whether the previous lesson was successful.

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