Clinic "Medservice" on the "Falcon": services, address, reviews

Modern women rarely think that good health is a valuable asset not only of the family, but of the entire state. After all, caring for the family and children lies almost entirely on their shoulders. And also work ... Health requires a serious attitude. If you do not pay attention to the problems that arise with him, you can find many sores, sometimes difficult to treat. But it has long been known that any disease is easier to prevent than to treat it for a long time and not always successfully. Prevention of diseases, including women, is especially important. Proper nutrition, sports, giving up bad habits, stress resistance and the ability to not take everything to heart is an opportunity to avoid many ailments and ailments. A regular medical examination will help to monitor your condition and prevent the development of the disease.

Decade of success

For more than 10 years, the Medservice clinic on Sokol has been helping women restore health and beauty. The clinic is equipped with the most modern equipment, with the help of which the best doctors are diagnosed and treated. Many of them have been working since its foundation and managed to form a significant customer base. The medical staff of Medservice on Sokol has mostly positive reviews, as they treat the problems of their patients with understanding.

Medical service on the Falcon

Fast, efficient, and at the same time quality work here is considered the norm. It is worth noting that you can pass the necessary tests and get the result right away, within one day. And the quality guarantee is confirmed by the license of the Moscow Department of Health.

Clinical operative gynecology

The clinic "Medservice" on the "Falcon" has its own hospital, which makes it possible to conduct surgery according to indications. If the disease has reached such a development that drug treatment is not enough or it does not bring any results, then there is the opportunity to resort to surgical gynecology. It is she who sometimes becomes the only right solution to get rid of many gynecological problems.

Medical Service on the Falcon reviews

Women come to this department to clarify the diagnosis even in cases where cell material is necessary for biopsy and histology. The clinic conducts a diagnostic study of the material that is taken from the part of the body that causes the greatest concern. Here, they often perform operations to remove polyps, cysts, open abscesses and immediately conduct a histological examination of the material taken.

Prevention is the enemy of any disease

Doctors of Medservice at Sokol recommend a preventive examination to prevent diseases at an early stage. The conservative gynecology department will make a diagnosis and conduct effective treatment if surgery is not required. Doctors are sure: if you start treatment in time, then with the help of modern equipment and medications you can avoid many problems. For example, experienced doctors will be able to prescribe treatment for menstrual irregularities and find out the reason why this happened.

Clinic Medservice on the Falcon

Adenomyosis, endometriosis, uterine fibroids, fungal diseases, adnexitis and many others are also effectively treated in the department. After all, the uterus is a very complex organ that requires a careful approach, processes important for the continuation of life occur here. Their violation often leads to infertility. These are the problems in the clinic that concern not only gynecologists, but also endocrinologists who treat endocrine disorders and hormonal infertility.

Infertility treatment at Medservice on Falcon

Clinics can offer expectant mothers a service that can not be avoided. This is registration and management of pregnancy throughout the term. When contacting a pregnancy clinic, a woman receives qualified assistance in preparing for childbirth, can pass the necessary tests for childbirth, and do an ultrasound scan. A woman at any of the terms of ultrasound is assigned to determine the condition of the fetus, to obtain information about its development, in order to exclude the appearance of any pathologies.

Clinic Medservice on Falcon reviews

In addition, doctors are also dealing with such a problem as miscarriage or habitual miscarriage. This happens for various reasons and is often associated with a deviation in the development of the fetus. After all, if there was such a disaster as an unwanted pregnancy, then the threat of infertility may also appear. What can cause a miscarriage, and the doctors of Medservice on Sokol are identifying them at Leningradskoye Shosse, 2. There is also an online appointment appointment.

Aesthetic cosmetology

Aesthetic cosmetology deals with the elimination of various skin defects. To the cosmetologists who are busy in this direction, those patients who have contraindications for surgical intervention turn to. Aesthetic cosmetology in its arsenal has many skin care products that heal and give it a well-groomed appearance. At the Medservice clinic, esthetes will be happy to have massage sessions using various anti-aging agents.

Medical service on Falcon address

Or a no less popular procedure - laser resurfacing of the skin. For work, the cosmetologist uses a laser with which the relief is leveled. As a result, the skin gets rid of many problems, starting with wrinkles and ending with postoperative sutures or post-acne. They are actively involved in rejuvenation issues and provide various services. In addition to the popular mesotherapy and plasmolifting, the clinic is ready to offer the latest biorevitalization techniques, reinforcement and contour plastics.

The fight against acne and problem skin

Cryomassage is recommended to frequent clinic visitors, adults and children with various forms of acne and post-acne. This procedure is performed with liquid nitrogen and sometimes becomes a salvation from acne and the associated inflammatory processes. The clinic generally pays a lot of attention to people with problem skin.

Dermatologist Falcon Medical Service Reviews

Causes such as teenage acne or subcutaneous ticks can be caused by improper care and hormonal disruptions. Doctors of the clinic prescribe an individual treatment for each patient. This can be a chemical peeling with various acids that inhibit the development of pathogenic bacteria in the subcutaneous layer. And be sure to post-peeling care to consolidate the result. Combining such procedures with cryomassage, you can end up with magnificent smooth skin. Dermatologists work at the Medservice clinic at Sokol, and the reviews are only positive, as about highly qualified specialists.

Eyebrow and eye tattoo - beauty and harmony

Beautiful eyes are the pride of any woman, especially if they are framed by perfect eyebrows. But not all of them have the desired shape, density and shade. It is possible to correct defects in the clinic "Medservice" with the help of tattooing. Today it is one of the demanded procedures in aesthetic cosmetology. Especially growing popularity of the hair method of tattooing.

Medical service on the Falcon how to get

It is based on the drawing of individual hairs throughout the eyebrow. It looks very natural and harmonious. This rather complicated procedure is performed by a cosmetologist surgeon under aseptic conditions in order to avoid possible infection. And you can make your eyes more expressive by compacting the ciliary edge and drawing an arrow on it. The color intensity, length and thickness are selected individually. The main thing here is a measure, the line should be perfectly flat and beautifully frame the ciliary edge. Eye and lip tattooing is performed at the clinic along with other cosmetic procedures under local anesthesia.

Neoplasms and their removal

The skin is also an organ, and each of us has faced such a problem as neoplasms. On our body, we sometimes find warts or moles, wen or condylomas. They can grow in uncomfortable places, rub and bleed. All these formations are successfully removed in the "Medservice" on the "Falcon" by highly qualified dermatologists. Neoplasm removal procedures are performed using modern equipment. Doctors of the clinic recommend getting rid of them, they can bring not only aesthetic inconvenience, but also be dangerous in terms of trauma. The clinic uses several methods of removing formations. The most gentle and effective is laser removal. For example, the body of the wart is evaporated and the root is removed. This avoids the occurrence of inflammatory processes and the degeneration of a benign formation into a malignant one. Having seen such an education on your face, you need to think about what harm it can cause, and be sure to contact the clinic for advice.

"Medservice" on the city map

How to get to Medservice on the Falcon? If you plan to travel by public transport, then from the nearest metro you can walk to the Baltic Street. And it will not be difficult to find it by car, the address of Medservice on Sokol: Leningradskoye Shosse, 2, is just at the intersection of Leningradskoye and Volokolamsk Highways. Here we are ready to meet everyone who needs help. The friendly attitude of the doctors of the Medservice clinic on Sokol and the reviews of patients will help to make the right decision.

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