How to choose a fish finder for a rubber boat?

Probably every fishing enthusiast sometimes thinks about acquiring an echo sounder for personal use. This device will help to assess the state of the bottom in a particular section of the reservoir, to determine the area of ​​mass accumulation of fish under water. It is important to note that the echo sounder for a rubber boat is not capable of finding fish. Its task is to display objects under the water column, topography and bottom structure, as well as determine the depth of its location. By analyzing the data obtained by means of the device, fishermen assess the possible success of fishing in a particular section of the reservoir, and can choose zones with the most likely active bite.

Sounder for boat

Many fishermen prefer fishing from a boat. It provides the possibility of free movement in the pond. For greater success of the event, it is recommended to install an echo sounder on a rubber boat, as it will help assess the depth in a particular area. Accordingly, the choice of fishing location will be greatly simplified, which means that the chances of a good catch will increase dramatically.

Sounder for rubber boat

You need to choose an aggregate that can make a fairly high-quality assessment of the bottom condition, even if it is located deep, at a distance from the water surface of 30 meters or more.

Therefore, choosing an echo sounder for fishing from a rubber boat, they mainly focus on the power indicators of its transmitter. The higher it is, the greater will be the accuracy of detection of objects in the water column, even with significant depth.

Special attention is also paid to the quality of the picture shown to a person, which depends on the quality of the transmitted signal from the sensor. This important point should not be overlooked when choosing a fish finder in a store.

Today, a very wide selection of devices of this kind is offered. Therefore, before buying, you should familiarize yourself with the main characteristics and features of the models.

Sounders for fishing from a rubber boat

Main parameters of echo sounders

Before choosing an echo sounder for a rubber boat, you need to familiarize yourself with its main parameters and technical characteristics. These include the following features:

  • receiver sensitivity
  • contrast and dimensions of the display;
  • price parameters of models;
  • transmitter power;
  • frequency of work;
  • number of rays;
  • manufacturer.

Each of them is worth considering in detail. Specialized stores offer unit options that have an expanded or reduced number of options. Although the bulk of them is considered additional services and determines only the convenience of operation, it does not have a significant effect directly on the fishing process.

Sounder sensor on a rubber boat

Transmitter power

From a physics course taught in high school, everyone knows that water suppresses sound waves. Therefore, the working depth of the unit will depend on the power of the transmitter.

This indicator determines the strength of the sound signal supplied to the receiver, while it is in the water. That is, the resulting picture will be the clearer and more understandable, the more powerful the device generates a signal.

Attaching a Fish Finder to a Rubber Boat

At the same time, devices with the best transmitters will represent the most expensive price category, this also needs to be taken into account.

In direct relation with this characteristic is another one - the sensitivity of the receiver.

Receiving device

With a weak receiver, even strong signals from the sensor will be lost. These characteristics should complement each other. Ideally, preference should be given to models of echo sounders for fishing from a rubber boat, which provide for the possibility of selecting the optimal sensitivity.

In most devices, the channels that convert the signals are designed for a frequency of 500 or 200 Hz. Their distinctive features are as follows:

  • 50 Hz is characterized by penetration to significant depths, but the final image is not too clear;
  • 200 Hz is characterized by obtaining a highly clear image, but only shallow water bodies can be estimated.

Experts advise you to approach the choice of an echo sounder for a rubber boat individually, taking into account the characteristics of the proposed place for future fishing.

How to mount a fish finder on a rubber boat

Display Features

Usually, the main external parameters of the display of the device, including its mass and dimensions, do not play any role in the process of fishing. Here, its most important characteristic is the resolution, on which the clarity of the image reflected on the screen will depend.

If possible, it is advisable to make a choice in favor of those models where it is possible to customize the screen, including for various weather conditions - a clear or cloudy day and others.

Many modern fishermen prefer devices that are equipped with an innovative 3D screen. They are suitable for work in any weather. But any model in this category will be characterized by high cost, so not everyone can purchase them.

Set echo sounder rubber boat

Other things being equal, experts advise you to buy an echo sounder for a rubber boat, whose display is small, but with sufficient resolution and contrast.

The number of radio beams

A special part is the sensor at the echo sounder on a rubber boat. Depending on the characteristics of the model, it can produce one or more rays. Both that and other option has the advantages and disadvantages:

  1. Single beam aggregates are characterized by narrowly targeted exposure. That is, the image transmitted from them will show only a limited sector of the reservoir.
  2. Units in which the number of such rays is 2-4 gives a more complete image. Often they are characterized as a kind of "lateral vision."

By means of them, the inspection of areas of the reservoir that are located to the side is facilitated.

How to choose a fish finder for a rubber boat

Of course, echo sounders with 4-5 rays will show the most complete picture of the state of the bottom under water. But they also have a significant drawback - the so-called dead zones. Their presence will depend on the ability to configure the main parameters of the emitters for specific terrain conditions. Otherwise, the echo sounder will not demonstrate the expected effect.

Sensor Mount

Today, manufacturers of such equipment offer various mounts of the echo sounder to a rubber boat. The main methods are as follows:

  • on the bottom of the boat;
  • on the transom;
  • under the bottom to the body;
  • removable.

When fixing it under the bottom, a violation of its integrity is required when inserting a bolt. It is for this reason that this option cannot be applied to rubber boats.

Advantages and disadvantages of mounting types

To put the device on the bottom, you need to fix it using a special clamp or glue. In this case, it will be well protected from possible damage, but the signal transmitted by it may not be clear enough. It is not easy to fix the echo sounder on a rubber boat in this way, since its normal operation requires a flat surface located in a horizontal plane. And boats made of PVC have a soft, not a hard bottom.

Installation of a fish finder on a rubber boat

If the boat is equipped with a rigid transom, then it is on it that you can install an echo sounder. This is one of the most commonly used fastening methods that are suitable for ships with a rigid and inflatable hull. It is intended to lower the transducer below the bottom of the boat, after which it is fixed to the transom with a suitable mount. There are special so-called transom mounts that are designed specifically for installing an echo sounder on a rubber boat.

An alternative to all of the above methods is the removable mount of the echo sounder. It is easiest to implement it - usually, a pair of suction cups on the hull of a boat is used to attach it. Most often, rubber boat owners turn to him. But in such conditions, in the absence of a rigid support, it is difficult to correctly orient the converter and get really accurate and clear data from it.

Browse Popular Models

Modern manufacturers offer echo sounders for rubber boats with various indicators, options and characteristics, which are presented in all price categories. Everyone chooses a device in accordance with their financial capabilities and features of fishing, water bodies.

Sounder for rubber boat

In the budget category, the most interesting sounders in the JJ Connect Fisherman line. Their cost starts from 2,000 rubles and above. In such models, one or a couple of beams works, their display is small. The choice in their favor is often made by beginners, as these are compact and inexpensive devices.

A huge selection of fishfinders offers the company Garmin. It offers a wide range, the cost of such units varies significantly: 4000-30000 rubles.

Those who are interested in professional fishing should take a closer look at the solid equipment of a higher price category. First of all, they are manufactured by Fisherman, Humminbird. They offer 5-beam models for scanning, equipped with a GPS receiver and extensive additional functionality.

In general, the cost of echo sounders designed for use with rubber boats is higher than those that will work from the shore. This is due to the extensive functionality of the aggregates of the first group.

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