Adopted child allowance: size, accrual and payment procedure

The child adoption allowance is provided by the state to help those families that have decided to take responsibility for other children. Moreover, authorities at the regional level also provide funds for payments to adoptive parents. To get such help, you need to find out about the available categories of benefits in your locality and submit the appropriate application.

The basis for benefits

The state takes care of families who have taken other people's children to education. First of all, it is recognized at the legislative level that an adopted child receives all the rights that native children have. That is, they become full members of the family.

The state pays a monthly allowance for an adopted child. The total amount of assistance in each case depends on the physical condition of the children, their age and number in one family.

amount of allowance for an adopted child

The bottom line is that a baby adopted by new parents may have health problems that require significant financial investments. For this reason, the allowance for an adopted child can be increased, allowing parents to purchase all the necessary medicines and carry out full treatment.

The issue of payments is regulated by the regulatory framework, including federal laws No. 159, 255, 256, 81, 418.

What you need to get benefits for an adopted child

You should be aware that the subsidy is granted only to one parent. Most often, one of the spouses who worked at the time of granting the right to payment is selected. Permanent payments are due to all families who have adopted children. A lump sum for an adopted child is available with any form of device:

  • gratuitous guardianship;
  • adoption;
  • paid custody (foster and foster families).

As for the stepfather or stepmother who adopted the child, they are not provided with financial assistance. That is, the state will not pay those whose responsibilities initially include taking care of the daughter or son of their spouse.

adopted child allowance

The lump-sum allowance for citizens who have adopted children under 18 years of age is paid by the guardianship authorities. The amount of such assistance is reviewed annually.

Is it possible? that the child’s guardians who have already received a one-time payment will want to adopt the baby. In this case, such financial assistance is not re-granted.

Who is eligible for payments

To receive state assistance, you must meet certain requirements. More specifically, constant payments are available for the following categories of families:

  • those who have adopted a non-native child;
  • parents who did not lose their rights to an adopted boy or girl and, accordingly, did not restore them later;
  • families who have taken a child from a specialized organization;
  • spouses who have adopted a baby who, for various reasons, was deprived of parental care.

Basic requirements for adoption

Forms of transferring children to the family can be different. But no matter which one is used, the general rules must be followed. These are the following requirements:

  • Children who have reached the age of 10 years must give their consent to transfer them to another family.
  • Spouses who want to take custody of the child must have the appropriate conditions for his education. Before transferring children to new parents, the state will verify this fact.
  • Siblings are transferred to the same family.
  • Guardianship authorities will monitor the living conditions of adopted children.

Types of benefits

As a basis for receiving payments, different programs can be used. If we divide them by frequency, then we can distinguish:

  • one-time, including maternity;
  • monthly.

The source of funds may also differ. It can be both regional authorities and the state. Payments at the federal level are divided into:

  • lump-sum allowance, which is due when transferring a child to a new family;
  • maternity allowance;
  • assistance provided to families who have a child under 1.5 years old.
  • payments to part-time mothers, provided that the baby's age does not exceed three years.

Families raising two or more children can count on maternity capital.

Adopted Child Benefit Amount

At the federal level, various amounts are provided. They depend on the type of payment and the features of the process of receiving a child:

  • One-time allowance. At any age of adopted children, the state pays 16,350 rubles for each of them. The amount may be increased to 124,929 rubles if the child being adopted is older than 7 years. The increase is made in the event that the baby has a disability.
  • The monthly allowance for the adopted child during the vacation period, which was taken to care for him. Available until the time when adopted children reach the age of 1.5 years. The amount of payment may not exceed the mark of 21,554 rubles.
  • Maternity allowance. I pay it for 70 days from the moment of the birth of the adopted child. If the family has adopted two or more children, the period is extended to 110 days. The minimum benefit for the entire period is 28 555 rubles.
childcare allowance

It is important to consider the fact that payments will be made only after treatment for a maximum of six months after:

  • End of maternity leave.
  • Achievements by a child of 1.5 years of age.
  • Entry into force of a court decision confirming the fact of adoption. This can also include the date when a decision was made by the guardianship and guardianship authorities regarding the conclusion of an agreement on the transfer of one or more children to a foster family.

Is it possible to obtain maternity capital

Women who have adopted two or more children can count on this type of state aid.

Maternity capital is available to men, but on condition that they are the only adoptive parents who have taken a second, third child or more. It is important that they do not previously enjoy the right to additional measures of state support.

lump-sum allowance to citizens who have adopted children

The amount of maternity capital is 453,026 rubles.

You can direct the funds received to such needs as:

  • providing education for adopted children;
  • improvement of living conditions;
  • payment for services and purchase of goods that are needed for integration into society and social adaptation of children with disabilities;
  • the formation of the funded part of the pension of the woman who adopted the child.
if you adopt a child, what benefits await

An application for assistance must be submitted to the Pension Fund. This must be done for a maximum of three years from the date of adoption of the child.

There are other types of help. Families that have adopted a child are available a monthly payment of maternity capital for a second baby. There are two requirements from the state:

  • income per family member should not exceed 1.5 times the subsistence level;
  • it is necessary that the second child is born after January 1, 2018.

Such payments will be made until the child is 1.5 years old. It is allowed to use these funds for any needs.

Local benefits and subsidies

In addition to federal payments, benefits for an adopted child are provided by regional authorities. The purpose of such assistance is to motivate families living in specific cities to take more children.

Such payments are financed from the local budget and have certain features:

  • instead of financial assistance, local councils may provide allotments for the construction of residential real estate;
  • Payments are calculated in each region separately;
  • local benefits are provided regardless of federal.

It is worth considering the fact that the budgets of some regions do not allow everyone to provide benefits for caring for an adopted child. In this case, only poor families can count on payments.


This form of compensation is possible if the adopted child is not yet three months old. Vacation lasts from 70 to 100 days, and the amount of payments is 100% of the average earnings. With regard to obtaining benefits, it is available to both men and women.

adopted child's monthly allowance

The law allows for the possibility of taking maternity leave instead of the standard one. With this form of assistance, the adoptive parent receives a sick leave. This scheme is used to provide payments without revealing the secret of adoption.

The amount of compensation for the time the adoptive parent is on vacation is 43 615 rubles.

The situation in the capital

There are benefits for adopted children in Moscow. In 2018, the amount of payments increased from two to six times depending on the specific type of benefits.

It is worth noting that such changes concern mainly poor, large families and those who raise children with disabilities. The essence of innovation is as follows:

  • The allowance for families adopting a child with a disability has doubled. Payments for children with disabilities to the non-working parent also doubled. Moreover, such families now have access to the annual benefit, which allows them to receive compensation for school uniforms purchased for the child. Previously, it stood out only for large families.
  • The monthly allowance for a child under the age of 18 has grown. We are talking about both the basic payment and the benefits determined by specific categories of families.

Question: β€œIf I adopt a child, what benefits will I receive?” within the capital it is worth considering at several levels.

benefits for families adopting a child

First of all, you need to touch on a one-time payment. Its size directly depends on the number of children accepted. If the child is single, then parents will receive assistance in the amount of five living wages. With the adoption of the second, seven are paid, and ten minimums are charged to families that have adopted three or more children.

The calculation is based on regional figures. For example, in Moscow, the cost of living is 12,171 rubles. Accordingly, when calculating payments, local authorities will take this amount into account.

In other regions, the same scheme of one-time assistance is used, the differences will be only in numbers.

Monthly payment in Moscow

The amount of such assistance in the capital is determined by the decree of the Moscow Government dated 05.26.2009 No. 492-PP.

Based on this, the amount of benefits to parents who have adopted a child may vary. We are talking about the following figures (in rubles):

  • if the child is not 12 years old - 15,000;
  • when raising children from 12 to 18, 20,000 are paid;
  • after the adoption of a disabled child, the allowance will be 25,000.

At the same time, it is important to understand that it will not be possible to independently choose the accrual method if you adopt a child. What kind of allowance will be available to a particular family, the legislation determines and the average earnings of the adoptive parent are taken into account.

How to get help

To start paying benefits, you must contact your local guardianship authority.

Having prepared all the necessary documents, they must be transferred to the personnel department at the place of work of the adoptive parent, for which assistance should be drawn up. In most cases, payments are made at the bank office or transferred to the card.

lump-sum allowance for an adopted child

It may happen that the adoptive parent has not entered into an employment contract with a specific employer. In this case, he may also apply to the Social Insurance Fund at the place of registration.

If we are talking about the adoption of a disabled child, then you need to visit the Pension Fund.

For additional assistance for a child under 1.5 years of age, you must contact the social protection authorities. As a result, payments will be made within one year. After that, you will need to apply again so that payments are made for another 6 months.

It is important to consider the following fact: if you apply to the fund before the child is six months old, then the accrual will take into account the previous months of adoption.

But when applying for 7 months or later, payment starts from the moment the appeal was made.

Required documents

You need to prepare for a visit to a body authorized to resolve payment issues. This means that you will have to collect the following package of documents:

  1. Help from social insurance. She must confirm that benefits have not been issued before.
  2. Statement.
  3. Copy of the birth certificate of the child.
  4. Medical report. This is a document confirming the fact that a disabled child was adopted. Need, respectively, when the family accepts children in this category.
  5. Certificate confirming the fact of cohabitation of the child and adoptive parents. Issued at the place of residence.
  6. Passport.
  7. Court decision on adoption.

If the family intends to receive other types of assistance, they need to indicate in the statement which payments they want to receive as an additional allowance.

Social Insurance Fund

Previously, a childcare subsidy was issued only by the employer with whom the adoptive parent entered into an employment contract. But now families can use the Direct Payments project and receive financial assistance without interacting with the company where they were employed.

benefits for adopted children in Moscow

This means that to accrue payments it is enough to visit the Social Insurance Fund. But such a scheme is possible only in two cases:

  • if the specified program is already running in the region where the adoptive parents are registered;
  • if it is not possible to contact the employer, for example, due to bankruptcy.

When circumstances make it possible to interact directly with the Social Insurance Fund, it is better to take this opportunity, since it opens up access to a number of advantages:

  • the number of errors regarding the transfer process will be minimal;
  • the risk of conflict with the employer will be significantly reduced;
  • payments will not be delayed;
  • even if the employer's accounts are blocked, the family will still be able to get their money.

In order to take this opportunity, you need to apply at the place of work with a statement on the transfer of necessary documents to the FSS. It usually takes five days.


The state takes into account the need to help those families that have adopted a child or several children. For this reason, certain benefits and allowances are formed. They are designed for various situations and categories of citizens. The regional authorities, for their part, also provide budgetary funds to help families with adopted children.

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