Skater Tuktamysheva - Phoenix of Russian sport

“Hope of Russia” and “the future of professional sports” are Elizaveta Tuktamysheva. The skater impresses with her innate talent and achievements in sports. The fragile girl, thanks to hard work and perseverance, became the champion of Russia at a young age.


The future skater Tuktamysheva was born in Glazov, in the Republic of Udmurtia, on December 17, 1996. Her family was the most ordinary. Mom is a math teacher, dad is a coach of a local football team, a former skier.

skater Tuktamysheva

Elizabeth is a role model and idol of sister Eugenia, who is 7 years younger than her. Eugene also tried herself in figure skating. However, ballroom dancing became closer to her, and the girl opted for this sport.

Dad Tuktamysheva every summer worked in a sports camp. Five-year-old Lisa spent her holidays with her father. On vacation, she saw the young figure skaters train, got on her skates and literally fell ill with this sport.

The beginning of the sports path

Parents discerned talent in the girl. They sent her to a sports school in their hometown. Years of training followed. The results were not long in coming. Even in Glazov, the skater Tuktamysheva established herself as a child prodigy of figure skating. Coach Svetlana Veretennikova, watching the successes of Lisa, prophesied a brilliant career for the girl.

Elizaveta Tuktamysheva skater

In 2006, Lisa goes to the Mishin Cup competition in Belgorod. And there the young star did not go unnoticed. Alexei Mishin, the legendary coach of the Russian champions, offers parents of Tuktamysheva to have an internship with him in St. Petersburg. For five years, Elizabeth every two weeks went to St. Petersburg to train - to hone the technique. The road only took one day more than one day; I had to live in a hostel.

Family tragedy

In the spring of 2011, Lisa's dad dies. For the skater, it was a real shock. Father was always close to her, the most dear person. It was he who supported her in sports, inspired her to win. Pope Elizabeth owes her character - hardy, active, smiling and inwardly calm. He taught her not to cry in the fall, but to boldly get up and move on.

After losing the head of the family is in a difficult situation. But coach Mishin and the Olympic Hopes Foundation come to the rescue. A mother with two daughters finally moves to the northern capital of Russia to start a new life and concentrate all her energies on the career of a promising figure skater.

Victories and Achievements

The professionalism of the trainers and the zeal of Lisa bring the first results. At age 12, the skater Tuktamysheva becomes the owner of a silver medal at the Russian Championship. The following year, she managed to win only bronze.

skater Tuktamysheva biography

The 2011-2012 sports season was also marked by achievements. At a tournament in Japan, the skater Tuktamysheva confidently outstrips experienced rivals. Ideally, without making a single mistake, Lisa performs at the first Grand Prix tournament in Canada. However, according to the results of all stages, she still gets only the fourth place.

2012 - figure skater Tuktamysheva wins the victory at the Youth Olympic Games in Innsbourne. The biography of the athlete is replenished with a new bright moment. The girl devotes her victory to her father.

Ups and downs

Then in the career of a young athlete there is a decline. At the adult European Championship in 2013, she earns bronze. In the same year at world competitions - only tenth place. Russian Championship 2014 - and again she closes the top ten. In subsequent competitions and championships Tuktamashev does not fall even as a reserve.

A series of failures unsettles Lisa. Her movements become sharp, somewhat nervous and sloppy. This leads to injury. The rehabilitation period made it possible to gather strength and restore peace of mind.

Tuktamysheva skater nationality

In the 2014-2015 season, the skater entered the triumph. She won the tournaments in Germany and Finland, confidently took the cup in Nice. And a week later - silver in Chicago at the America's Cup. The athlete showed excellent results in China and Poland. Grand Prix Final in Barcelona - and the collection of medals replenished with another gold. Russian Championship 2015 brings the girl the title of vice champion.

In 2015, Elizabeth continues her triumphal procession. In Europe, she gets silver. The next stage is the world championship in Shanghai. And here is the triumphal gold.

Favorite coach

We can say with confidence that the main pride of Alexei Mishin is Elizaveta Tuktamasheva. The skater met the expectations of the athlete and even surpassed them. He began to grow a champion in her when Lisa was still quite a girl. At that time, she lacked femininity and measured movement. However, having overcome the difficult period of defeats for her, the girl was reborn as a Phoenix bird. Today, this is already an adult, mature athlete who pleases the audience with magnificent skating, grace and coordination of movements.

Interesting fact

Elizaveta Tuktamysheva is a figure skater whose nationality interests sportswoman fans. Many are misled by the birthplace of Lisa (Udmurtia) and her unusual surname. The girl herself proudly replies that she is Russian.

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