So, inorganic chemistry is a branch of chemistry that is associated with the study of the ability to react and the properties of all elements of the periodic system of chemical elements and their compounds.
This section examines all compounds of elements, except for organic substances, the basis of which is carbon (with the exception of any simple compounds related to inorganic chemistry).
What, then, is the difference between inorganic and organic compounds containing carbon? The chemistry of inorganic compounds studies the elements and the simple or complex substances formed by them. Its main task is to develop ways to create new technological achievements. It is also she who provides the education of materials of advanced achievements of science and all of modernity. In 2013, about 500 thousand inorganic substances were known.
The fundamental principle of inorganic chemistry is the Periodic Law of D. I. Mendeleev and its system of chemical elements.
So, the classes of inorganic substances are as follows: oxides, bases, acids and salts.
Let's talk about oxides. Oxide is a binary compound in the first place of which any element is located, and in the second - oxygen. Oxides can be salt forming and non salt forming. Salt-forming oxides, in turn, are divided into basic, acidic and amphoteric.
The main oxide is a binary compound of oxygen with a metal, the oxidation state of which is equal to I or II. Acid oxides are binary compounds with non-metals and metals with oxidation state IV-VII. Amphoteric oxides (with variable properties due to the conditions they are in) are metal oxides with oxidation states III and IV and exceptions are ZnO, BeO, SnO, PbO.
Next are the grounds. The formula consists of the metal in the first place, and the hydroxyl group - (OH). The amount depends on the valency of the metal. The most interesting group of substances are bases. The formula can tell a lot about them.
Bases can be soluble (alkali) and insoluble.
Each base corresponds to a specific oxide. The formulas of oxides and bases are related. As a result, the following groups of grounds are identified:
- Basic hydroxides are the base with a formula containing a metal oxidation state of +1 and +2. It exhibits basic properties.
- Acid hydroxides - a base with a formula containing a metal oxidation state +5 and +6. Such oxides exhibit acidic properties.
- Amphoteric hydroxides - a base with a formula that contains a metal with an oxidation state of +3, +4, +2 (in some special cases). Amphoteric hydroxides can exhibit both acidic and basic properties. It depends on the conditions in which the metal is located.
Sometimes called hydroxide water. Amphoteric or basic bases are often called hydroxides.
The bases are obtained by the interactions of metals from the group of alkaline and alkaline earth (IA and IIA groups).
The main chemical property of insoluble bases is the decomposition into oxide and water.
Acids are compounds of inorganic chemistry that consist of hydrogen, which comes first, and an acid residue. Depending on the content or not the oxygen content in the acid, it can be oxygen-containing and oxygen-free. By the number of hydrogen atoms in the first place, it can be monobasic, dibasic, tribasic and polybasic. There are a lot of classifications, but these are the main ones. The base and acid formulas are linked. Their dissociation process is similar, and they contain strong and weak electrolytes.
Only salts remained . Salts are inorganic compounds consisting of metal in the first place, and an acid residue in the second. The main classification of salts is the division into medium, acid, basic and complex salts.
In concluding, it must be said that inorganic chemistry is the starting point in the knowledge of this exact science.