How to grow long hair quickly? Mustard hair mask! Reviews and tips for use

All girls dream of having long, chic and healthy hair. That's just what they are given by nature, they do not appreciate. How to restore hair and accelerate their growth?

Mustard hair mask reviews
It's no secret that at home you can cook very effective hair masks. To do this, just look into the refrigerator. What can be used in the first place? To do this, you need to determine the problem: slow hair growth , split ends, lifeless hair in length or overdried strands. As a rule, for the effect, you can make masks that help solve all problems at the same time. All cosmetic oils can be attributed to such miraculous remedies, but burdock oil, of course, our grandmothers knew about the wonderful properties, will be the leader among them.

So, after identifying the problem, you should determine the type of hair. For example, if you have oily hair that gets dirty quickly, you will have to wait a while with oil masks; if the hair is dry and dehydrated, then a mustard hair mask, reviews of which are always the best, can greatly dry them, so it is better not to use it.

effective hair masks
Anti-sectional hair masks help to make curls smooth, shiny and soft. For this purpose, burdock oil already noted above is excellent , as well as regular edible gelatin, the mask with which is called "home lamination". Gelatin has excellent bonding properties, you only need to know the subtleties and technology of its application. So: pour a tablespoon of gelatin with four tablespoons of boiled water, then leave to brew for 15 minutes; then melt in a water bath or in a microwave oven until liquid, then add a tablespoon of your favorite balm / serum / hair oil; apply the whole mass to PURE hair, wrap it in a plastic bag, wrap everything on top with a towel and heat it with a hairdryer for 15 minutes. If you do not complete the last paragraph, then the lamination effect will not work.

How to deal with slow hair growth? For this, a mustard hair mask is a great solution (positive reviews can be found on the Internet). Two tablespoons of mustard powder are diluted with water, then you can add a tablespoon of burdock oil, after which the pulp is rubbed into the roots, then warmed with an old hat.

hair masks against section
The first time it is advisable to go through at least half an hour, as it should burn strongly. A mustard hair mask (reviews confirm its effective effect) allows you to achieve excellent results if you use it at least twice a week.

Also excellent home remedies are honey and, oddly enough, mayonnaise. Such masks should be applied to clean hair and for a long period, preferably at night. Hair becomes soft and does not fluff.

A mustard hair mask, reviews of which speak for themselves, a mask of burdock oil, honey, mayonnaise, egg yolk - all these are wonderful home remedies with which you can not only restore hair, but also grow it quickly.

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