Aqualix procedure: reviews, photos before and after injections

Some parts of the human body are difficult to correct. Even sports and diets may not bring results. Modern cosmetology offers the Aqualix drug, which allows the injection method to destroy the contents of fat cells. Developers attribute this tool to affordable, fast, safe and effective. Read more about the procedure in the article.


"Aqualix" allows you to make people slim, but if you want to lose a lot of kilograms, the method will not bring results. For global weight loss, it should not be used, for this there are other effective methods and diets. "Aqualix" allows you to get rid of body fat in a specific area. Moreover, it can be any place on the human body.

aqualix reviews before and after photos

The increase in the volume of various zones begins with the appearance of local fat deposits. Therefore, experts advise women not to miss the moments when it is possible to fix something. It is necessary to monitor changes in your figure. In case of any imperfections, you can take emergency measures. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out the procedure with Aqualix in a timely manner, in advanced situations it will not be effective.

Why is harmful exposure excluded?

Although Aqualix is ​​a synthetic product, it does not have a negative effect due to the following reasons:

  1. The tool works in a limited place.
  2. Due to the gel structure, the product does not enter the nearest tissues. The drug only affects fat.
  3. With minimal interaction with systems and tissues, the effect of the drug on the whole organism is excluded.
  4. The content of fat cells is naturally derived using lymph.
  5. Due to the insignificance of the doses, there is no load on the internal organs.

Therefore, the drug is safe. This is evidenced by the numerous reviews of women who used the tool for local weight loss. They share their impressions on the forums.

Correction zones

The drug removes excess fat wherever you want. But usually, specialists work with the following problem areas:

  • back and shoulders;
  • buttocks;
  • lower back;
  • stomach;
  • hips
  • double chin;
  • deposits on the chest in men.

aqualix reviews

It is important that the thickness of the fat layer is not less than 1.5 cm. The drug is used to remove wen, lipoma.

Operating principle

Aqualix is ​​a viscous, gel-like product. Its base is the sodium salt of deoxycholic acid. The drug is considered safe and hypoallergenic and has no toxic effects on the human body. Due to the dense structure, a point directed effect is provided on certain areas. According to reviews, Aqualix (before and after photos are shown in the article) is effective only if the procedure is not contraindicated, so it is important to consult a specialist.

The action of the drug is based on the destruction of the membrane of fat cells and their internal contents. These fatty substances exit the body through the lymph. Their number is small, so the liver and kidneys do not suffer from overload. According to reviews, Aqualix (photos before and after shows an excellent result) has already used a lot of people. The drug has become popular in Europe and Russia.

The gel has a European certificate of quality, which indicates the safety of the product. But it is important to consider that the composition is considered foreign, so the procedure, albeit slightly, but violates the integrity of the skin. In some cases, the procedure is contraindicated.


Intralipotherapy "Aqualix" is not always used. It is forbidden to perform when:

  • pregnancy
  • intolerance;
  • lactation;
  • diseases of the blood and circulatory system;
  • skin inflammations;
  • chronic ailments;
  • oncology;
  • the presence of infections;
  • high temperature.

aqualix intralipotherapy

Some contraindications are established individually. For example, an experienced specialist will not perform the procedure with a subcutaneous fat value of less than 15 mm. Otherwise, there is a risk of eliminating normal cells.

Side effects

Aqualix should not be used at the site of the great vessels (hands). Side effects include:

  • itching, burning;
  • edema;
  • hematomas during injections;
  • uneven skin contour.

Of the unpleasant moments, it is only possible to injure healthy tissues in violation of the injection technique. This can be avoided with the help of a gel consistency, which limits the systemic effect on the body.

What can be after the injection?

Aqualix injections are almost safe, but still they can cause side effects. If you read the reviews, you can meet a lot of negative feedback about the procedure. Many women are not satisfied with the procedure, because it:

  • leads to bruising and swelling;
  • becomes the cause of the formation of seals under the skin;
  • is a source of prolonged pain and itching;
  • negatively affects the condition of the skin - causes peeling, stretch marks;
  • helps to increase or decrease the sensitivity of the skin;
  • leads to the formation of adhesions;
  • affects the human hormonal system.

The Aqualix procedure can cause many problems. Some patients indicate a lack of result. But it should be borne in mind that the negative manifestation of the drug is associated with the individual qualities of a person, but not with other drugs.

Aqualix injections

Normally, edema and bruising occur during the procedure. Usually, symptoms without treatment disappear in 1 week. But there may be a lack of effect. This may be due to the introduction of the drug not into the fat layer, but into the surface of the dermis, which is incorrect and violates the technique of using the drug.

Is the procedure available?

According to reviews, Aqualix is ​​an affordable procedure for financial expenses. This is probably why the drug is common among women of different ages. For one procedure, 1 ml of the drug is required. In Moscow, its cost is about 5-6 thousand rubles.

The entire course, consisting of 4 procedures, will cost 20-25 thousand rubles. Sometimes injections are performed in small areas. At one time, no more than 24 ml of the drug is administered. The amount is set depending on the size of the problem area.

When is the improvement?

Aqualix is ​​a lipolytic that gives an almost instant result. But the full effect is noticeable after 2-3 weeks. Experts believe that it is necessary to complete the entire course, which includes 4 procedures. Between them there should be a break of 1 month. As a result, in almost 4-5 months there will be improvements in the figure, since it will turn out to simulate the problem area.

When is the product used?

According to reviews, Aqualix should be used after consulting a specialist, so as not to harm your health. The procedure is not performed to completely lose weight and eliminate cellulite. Injections are performed pointwise, with them a separate area of ​​the body is modeled. The procedure is performed on:

  • chin;
  • lower back;
  • mammary glands (in men);
  • hips (inside);
  • buttocks;
  • the stomach.

aqualix lipolytic

The decision to perform injections is made individually by the cosmetologist. Only a specialist can determine whether they are needed or can be dispensed with.

How is everything done?

Do not follow the Aqualix procedure at home. Before and after it, you need to be observed by a specialist. Injections are performed in medical clinics or beauty parlors. Only a trained professional can do this. Due to errors in the work, the result may not be visible, in addition, this can lead to health problems. Therefore, it is important to contact an experienced cosmetologist whose work has positive reviews.

To perform the injections, additional pain relief is not necessary; they are administered with mild discomfort that people tolerate. In one procedure, the drug is administered 1-4 times. Recovery after this is not required, a person can continue to lead a normal life immediately after the procedure.

What techniques are used?

The procedure for eliminating fat with the help of this procedure is approved by the domestic health care for use in Russia. Means have been established for its implementation. Aqualix is ​​considered an approved drug. It is introduced by a fan subdermal injection technique using needles. This technique differs in that the needle is inserted perpendicular to the skin in the middle of the fat layer, and then transferred to a position parallel to the skin. In this case, the muscles do not hurt. Due to this, the penetration of the gel into neighboring tissues is excluded.

aqualix reviews photo

The injection is carried out in a retrograde manner using a fan technique. Using each needle puncture, 0.5-0.3 ml of the drug is injected, 1 cm before the needle reaches the surface, the drug is stopped. The doctor carefully monitors this process, he directs the movement of the game in the area of ​​adipose tissue.

Achieving a Better Effect

To verify the effectiveness of the procedure, you should look at the photos before and after the Aqualix. Reviews in 2017 among people of different ages can be found different. It should be remembered that effectiveness is achieved through complex therapy and the implementation of precautions. With this procedure, you need to follow simple recommendations:

  • it is necessary to wear compression underwear;
  • a week after the injections should undergo a cosmetic ultrasound procedure;
  • cosmetics should not be applied to the treated area for 10-14 days;
  • reduce physical activity;
  • Do not visit the bathhouse, solarium, pool;
  • Do not perform an independent massage in the problematic part;
  • do not drink alcohol and adhere to measures in food;
  • drink daily from 2 liters of water.

Combination with procedures

For efficiency and quick results, it is recommended to combine the procedure with others. They are necessary to reduce body fat. The use of Aqualix must be combined with:

  • seaweed wrap;
  • lpg massage;
  • pressure therapy.

Together, the procedures provide excellent results. The figure is noticeably transformed, as its imperfect sections are corrected.

Compression underwear

Many doctors believe that you can not wear compression underwear, although with it you can strengthen the effect of the procedure, especially with micromassage and compression. Thanks to springy sprains and contractions during movements, linen accelerates lymph flow from the required area, and this reduces the load on the lymphatic system, and swelling passes quickly.

Also, linen has a gravitational effect on the skin, so it is better tightened. Such clothes should be worn for 1 week after the session. It is better to choose a set of laundry with a compression level of 12 mmHg. It is especially effective when performing a procedure in the neck or chin. Elastic bandage will prevent sagging and sagging skin.

The procedure should be carried out after consultation with a specialist. The patient should be provided with information about the intricacies of the session, the consequences. Everything can be done only with the permission of a person. The drug is administered in compliance with the rules of asepsis and antiseptics, injections are sterile. The doctor works with gloves.

aqualix before and after

For some time, a person needs to be seen by a doctor. If pain persists, this should be reported. To eliminate them, anesthetic sprays are used. After this, the injection site does not need special care. But you should still refrain from thermal procedures, including a hot bath. It is important to monitor your diet, count calories. It is necessary to play sports. The more active the classes, the faster the problem areas will be removed.

Advantages and disadvantages

According to reviews, Aqualix (photos before and after confirm the excellent results of the procedure) has the following advantages:

  • affordable cost;
  • safety, since the likelihood of allergies is excluded;
  • lack of many contraindications;
  • no rehabilitation required;
  • short duration of the procedure;
  • long-term preservation of the effect;
  • use of the drug without anesthesia and anesthesia.

If the specialist recommended correcting the figure, then Aqualix is ​​considered one of the ways. Photos, the reviews of which are mostly positive, show the difference before and after the procedure, the transformation of the human body is evident. The list of advantages is quite large, but some patients report disadvantages. The disadvantages of the procedure include:

  • elimination of fat cells for a short time;
  • if the procedure is violated, side effects are likely.

According to reviews, Aqualix (before and after photos allows you to determine the results) should be used only if there are problem areas. If you can correct the figure by other effective methods, it is better not to perform injections.

When should Aqualix be used? Photos before and after show that the procedure is effective for correcting various areas. Often it is performed to improve the condition of the buttocks, which with injections become updated. When else can Aqualix be used? Photos show that excellent results are observed when using means for the abdomen. Moreover, the procedures are performed by men and women.

What should be done after the procedure?

The duration of the procedure is 30 minutes. A person does not feel pain. Many doctors recommend this procedure as safe. It can be completed at any time, and then continue to do their own thing. After the procedure, for 2 weeks you need to follow simple rules:

  • you should not drink alcohol, go to saunas, baths;
  • do not eat fatty foods;
  • consume more water;
  • follow the doctor’s advice on physical activity.

If everything is done correctly, the result will be excellent. A person gets rid of body fat in problem areas. However, he does not feel any painful symptoms.

Thus, the Aqualix preparation can be effective if it is not used for weight loss, but for local correction of some parts of the body and face. The tool is injected into the fat layers, which allows you to achieve the desired result. It is advisable to use the drug comprehensively. As evidenced by the reviews of numerous women who have tried Aqualix, it works best in combination with professional massage and ultrasound.

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