The fact that bran is a very useful product has been known since time immemorial. Once upon a time they began to use them to normalize the digestive system. Nowadays, it is simply necessary to include them in your diet for every person, because in modern food there are very few coarse fibers and fiber. Bran is a peel of seeds, a grain germ. Our ancestors baked bread exclusively from wholemeal flour, and for the festive table there was white flour.
In bran, in addition to vitamins A, E and B, there are many micro and macro elements - these are copper, magnesium, potassium. They stimulate the work of metabolic processes in the body, and most importantly, consist entirely of dietary fiber. They themselves are practically not absorbed by the walls of the intestine, however, with a sufficient amount of fluid entering the body, they absorb it and swell, creating a soft volume. So they effectively clean the mucous membrane, working like a scrub. Cellulose contained in bran provides invaluable benefits in terms of reducing the amount of sugar and cholesterol in the blood.
Many people prefer to use bran for weight loss, because they have a low calorie content. Bran swells in the stomach, filling it, and therefore a person for a long time does not feel hunger. Thanks to bran, intestinal motility increases , and the absorption of nutrients in it is slower. People who often practice heavy physical activity to cope with hunger in the evenings, can eat two tablespoons of bran, washed down with kefir.
If you decide to use bran for weight loss, you still do not need to get too carried away with this. The fact is that their excessive use can cause intestinal dysfunction - bloating or flatulence. Eat a little bran - no more than two to three teaspoons a day. If you have diseases of the stomach or intestines, it is better to get a detailed consultation with a doctor before using bran.
However, the benefits of bran are not exaggerated at all. They are really needed to maintain a healthy lifestyle, to prevent a number of diseases, to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins.
Very effective oat bran for weight loss. Their value is that they help protect the body from cancer, normalize the intestines. Wheat bran is used along with sprouted wheat. Rye bran slimming is also good. Moreover, it is just a storehouse of fiber and coarse fibers. If you are not attracted to loose bran in its pure form, then you can eat bread with bran. Eating up to a hundred grams of bran bran bread a day will supply your body with enough fiber. Be sure that this is an inexpensive and effective way to get involved in a healthy diet.
The bulk of bran for weight loss is the peel of grains. Calories in such bran - the minimum amount. Medical research has shown that bran contains up to ninety percent of the components of whole grain that are biologically active. It turns out that, without eating foods from wholemeal flour, we constantly miss a lot of useful substances.
In bran contains up to fifteen percent of the protein, there are fatty acids. Bran for weight loss can be added to porridge, soup, minced meat, jelly. They are eaten by stirring with milk, yogurt or kefir. Widely used bran in baking. Of course, and separately they can be used. The recipe is simple. Just pour a little bran (one or two tablespoons) with boiling water, leave for a quarter of an hour. Then drain the water, and now the healthy and nutritious cereal is ready!
Thus, bran will remove heavy metals and radionuclides unnecessary to it from the body. With dysbiosis, bran is also widely used. Their usefulness is also invaluable in diseases of the colon. It turns out that bran alone is not digested, but it helps to fight many ailments.